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博碩士論文 etd-0124103-140423 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0124103-140423
The Study of Economic Development before and after Taiwan Restoration From the perspectives of New Institutional Economics
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Date of Exam
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executive function, economic development, formal institution, New Institutional Economics, informal institution
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This study is intended to analyze Taiwan economic development from the perspectives of the New Institutional Economics, to introduce institution and institutional transfer into the historical analysis of Taiwan economic development, and to obtain the empirical significance of institution on economic development. Due to the Japanese colonized policy in Taiwan, and the economic theory of principle for the people by Dr. Sun, Yet-Sen after Taiwan Restoration, the analysis of this study in Taiwan economic development will be conducted before and after Taiwan Restoration. This study will focus on the history of economic development before and after Restoration, and the institutional establishment and its change, and will collect relevant data to analyze and evaluate the interrelation between economic development and institution, and comment the effect of institution and its performance. The findings of this study are: 1、the national theoretical analysis of The New Institutionalism: Before Restoration, the political aspect of institution was more violent than contractual; rather, after restoration, the political and economic aspects of institution has been transferred from violent to contractual . 2、the theoretical analysis of Property Rights of The New Institutionalism: Before Restoration, the main purpose of defining property rights was to predate land; after Restoration, the main purpose of establishing property rights system was to assure the security of private property rights to facilitate the development of productive activity. 3、the theoretical analysis of transactional costs of New Instutionalism: Before Restoration, the establishment of modernized institution was aimed at reducing the transactional costs of investing in the colony by Japanese capitalists, and predating more economic achievement from the colony. After Restoration, the establishment of economic institution was aimed at reducing the transactional costs generated by both transactional factors and human factors, and stabilizing the economic development. 4、the analysis from the perspective of practical aspects of New Institutionalism: Before Restoration a variety of political measures bas been done to assist Japanese capitalists; after Restoration, the endeavor of sustaining the neutrality of agents and promoting effectiveness of enforcement produced the cooperative behavior, subject to contract. 5、the theoretical analysis of institutional transfer: Before Restoration, the economic institutional change was imposed, while after Restoration it is also imposed initially, but lately 30 years, inductive.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………1
第二節 研究範圍、方法及限制……………………………………2
第三節 本文架構……………………………………………………5
第二章 相關文獻回顧…………………………………………………..6
第一節 經濟發展的意義…………………………………………….6
第二節 經濟發展的相關理論……………………………………….8
第三節 結論………………………………………………………...25
第三章 新制度經濟學…………………………………………………28
第一節 制度的定義及分類……………………………………….28
第二節 制度的起源………………………………………………..31
第三節 制度的功能………………………………………………..39
第四節 制度的構成………………………………………………..44
第五節 新制度經濟學為建立經濟學新典範的基礎……………..53
第四章 台灣光復前的經濟……………………………………………56
第一節 日本佔據台灣實施殖民地經濟政策…………………...…56
第二節 日據時期台灣經濟演變的歷程…………………………...63
第三節 日據時期經濟概況………………………………………...69
第四節 日據時期經濟制度剖析……………………………………92
第五章 光復後的台灣經濟成長………………………………………101
第一節 光復後台灣經濟成長之回顧……………………………..102
第二節 光復後台灣經濟成長策略………………………………...112
第三節 光復後台灣經濟制度剖析……………………………….148
第六章 結論及建議…………………………………………………..159
第一節 結論……………….………………………………………159
第二節 研究建議………….………………………………………160

圖1-1 研究程序………………………………………………………….4
圖5-1 1980年代中期經濟結構調整政策…………………………….147

表4-1 台灣於日據後期各種產業之產值變動及結構……………..….69
表4-2 台灣於日據時期常列為十位之農產物及其變動……………...71
表4-3 台灣於日據後期之各種工業產值佔總產值比率變動…...80
表5-1 主要經濟指標(按當年價格計算)………………………..103
表5-2 國內民間消費與出口……………………………………..111
表5-3 日據時代與光復後重要農工產品產量比較表…………117
表5-4 公共投資與經費成長…………………………………….146
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