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Title page for etd-0124106-104241
The Determinants of Firm-specific Knowledge Learning: The Effects of Psychological Contract and HRM Practices
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self-efficacy, psychological contract, job availability in free labor market, commitment-oriented human resource management, knowledge learning aspiration
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本研究以社會認知生涯理論為基礎,從個人與環境兩方面來探討生涯相關的知識學習。其中個人層面的因素包含三種類型的心理契約與自我效能;個人認知的外在就業市場的工作機會與組織的人力資源管理活動為環境因素。 經由來自990位員工的資料分析發現:(一)關係型與平衡型的心理契約與組織特定知識技能學習志向有顯著的正向關係,然而,交易型的心理契約則與其則有顯著地負向關係。外部勞動市場的工作機會和提升自我附加加值的學習志向有顯著的正向關係。自我效能則與兩種學習志向都有顯著正相關。來自心理契約、外部勞動市場工作機會,以及自我效能的三項交互作用對提升自我附加價值的知識學習志向有顯著的正向關係存在。承諾導向人力資源管理活動則未如預期地對知識技能學習志向有顯著的影響,然而,具有調節關係型與平衡型心理契約與組織特定知識技能學習志向的坐擁。本研究對於心理契約與社會認知生涯理論的研究有相當貢獻,研究發現增進了對員工進行知識學習決策之決定因子的認識,有助於組織思考其施行的知識管理策略與相關活動。
This study employed components drawn from Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), the person agency and environment, to investigate the determinants of career-relevant knowledge/skills learning. Three types of psychological contract (PC) and self-efficacy (SE) were represented the person agency, and the job availability in free labor market (FLM) and commitment-oriented human resource management (HRM) were represented environment components. Based on the data from 990 employees from 62 firms analyzing, the findings revealed that relational and balanced PCs are positively related to firm-specific knowledge learning aspiration (KLA), whereas transactional one has negative relation with firm-specific KLA. FLM is positively correlated with self value-added KLA. SE is positively related to both KLAs. The three way interaction of relational and balanced PC, FLM, and SE has significant impacts on self value-added KLA. HRM has no direct impact on KLAs , but moderates the relationship between relational/balanced PC and firm-specific KLA. This study contributes to the psychological contract and SCCT researches, and the findings enhance the understanding of employees’ concerns about their learning decisions which assist employer to consider their knowledge management strategy and practices.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Purpose and Questions 3
2.1 Person-Environment-Behavior 4
2.1.1 Social-Cognitive Theory 5
2.1.2 Social Cognitive Career Theory 7
2.2 Behavior: Knowledge Learning Aspiration 9
2.3 Person Agency: Psychological Contracts and Self-Efficacy 12
2.3.1 The Concept of Psychological Contract 12
2.3.2 Types of Psychological Contract 13
2.3.3 Self-Efficacy 18
2.4 Environment: Job Availability in Free Labor Market and Commitment -Oriented Human Resource Management 19
2.4.1 Job Availability in Free Labor Market 19
2.5 Commitment-Oriented HRM Practices 20
2.6 The Interaction Relationship: Psychological Contracts and Commitment-Oriented HRM Practices 21
2.7 Initial In-depth Interview 25
2.8 Control Variables 26
3.1 Research Framework 27
3.2 Participants and Procedures 27
3.3 Measures 31
3.3.1 Human Resource Management Practices 31
3.3.2 Psychological Contracts 34
3.3.3 Self-Efficacy 36
3.3.4 Job Availability in Free Labor Market 37
3.3.5 Knowledge Learning Aspiration 38
4.1 Descriptive statistics 40
4.2 Hierarchical Regression Analysis 42
4.3 Testing the relationship between PC and KLA 42
4.4 Testing the direct effect of SE 44
4.5 Testing the direct and moderating effect of FLM 45
4.6 Testing the three-way interaction effect of PC, SE, and FLM on KLA 49
4.7 Testing the direct and moderating effect of HRM practices on KLA 50
5.1 Conclusion 54
5.2 Managerial Implications 57
5.3 Theory Implications and Limitations 58
5.4 Future Research 60
References 61
Appendix 72

Table 1. Linking HR Practices and Contracts (Rousseau 1995, p.184-186) 24
Table 2. Employees Characteristics 30
Table 3. Organizations Characteristics 31
Table 4. Confirmatory Factor Analysis for HRM 33
Table 5. Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Psychological Contract 35
Table 6. Factor Analysis for Self-Efficacy 36
Table 7. Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Job Availability in Free Labor Market 37
Table 8. Factor Analysis for Knowledge Learning Aspiration 39
Table 9. Means, standard deviations and correlations of study variables h 41
Table 10. The Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis for Relational PC, Job Availability in Free Labor Market, and Self-Efficacy in KLAsa 46
Table 11. The Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis for Transactional PC, Job Availability in Free Labor Market, and Self-Efficacy in KLAsa 47
Table 12. The Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis for Balanced PC, Job Availability in Free Labor Market, and Self-Efficacy in KLAsa 48
Table 13. The Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis for PCs and HRM in KLAsa 53
Table 14. Summary of Hypothesis Test 56

Figure 1. Schematization of the relations among behavior (B), cognitive and other personal factors (P), and the external environment (E). 6
Figure 2. Simplified model of person, contextual, and experiental factors affecting career-related choice behavior. 9
Figure 3. Types of Psychological Contracts 14
Figure 4. Research Framework and Hypotheses 27
Figure 5. The presumably three-way interaction effect on self value-added KLA. 50
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