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博碩士論文 etd-0125115-011350 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0125115-011350
Living Together in Difference: An Ethics and Politics of Derrida's Deconstruction
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
deconstruction, hospitality, transaction, cosmopolitanism, democracy-to-come, difference, sharing-out
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5809 times, has been downloaded 3023 times.
Western political theories and sociological theories has a main stream which believes in the possibility of community and the possibility the of social order. While assuming the possibility of social order, the imagination was mostly order under an either thick or thin consensus of justice, which meant identity and common rules. While dealing with justice, liberalism, relativism, multiculturalism, pluralism etc. … all deal with differences and try to find a balance between differences and identifying juridical rules. How can we think of a community with paying respect to limitless difference? Would society become chaotic and anomic?
This thesis tries to cope with justice in communities with differences. Trying to decipher Derrida’s deconstruction philosophy, I tried to draw the outline of how and why differences in community could communicate and share the world justly. A society based on difference needs a radicalizing sharing-out spirit, which should be based on a worldview of différance and deconstructive ethics (eg.: infinite responsibility, welcoming-other-hospitality, transactive friendships and justice). While keeping our differences, if we can sensible share out these differences, then a difference-sharing com-munity can be on the road (to-come). Practicing this can also be a realizing of Derrida’s mondialisation, New International and “deomcracy-to-come”.
A totally common-sharing community can never be achieved, but it can be pursued toward. If we keep the track of deconstruction, we are on the road of letting it “to-come”.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝辭 iii
中文摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 vii
第一章 差異共在是否可能 1
第一節 問題意識 1
第二節 研究方法及架構 10
第二章 解構世界觀 13
第一節 延異的文本觀與元書寫 13
第二節 魂有學 22
第三節 解構是什麼? 29
小結 36
第三章 解構的倫理 38
第一節 「不-可能性」與無限的責任 39
第二節 好客的倫理 44
第三節 友愛與政治 52
小結 64
第四章 趨向差異共在的政治倫理 65
第一節 世界主義與解構的正義 65
第二節 新國際與世界主義 72
第三節 「將臨的民主」 77
小結 83
第五章 追求一個差異共存的世界:問題與展望 84
參考文獻外文書目表縮寫 (德希達相關) 90
參考文獻 92
參考文獻 References
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