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Title page for etd-0129105-161358
Analysis of the Implication of E-Commerce Innovation on E-Business’s Dynamic Capabilities
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E-business, Innovation, E-commerce, Dynamic capabilities
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資訊通信與網路科技的進步,驅動了電子商務的創新應用與發展,也為當前企業帶來了組織變革的挑戰。企業如何有效管理電子商務創新所帶來的變革性影響,並從中識別出市場機會與組織能力障礙,藉以發展適當的轉型能力以因應變革,已經成為當前電子化企業經營之重要課題。本研究目的主要在藉由電子商務創新模式之建構,瞭解目前電子商務創新的演進過程與變革現象,該模式將以電子商務創新對相關參與者之既有核心技術與經營模式等二項知識或能力的影響,作為判斷電子商務創新變革程度的重要構面。此外,本研究將應用該模式來分析當前從網際網路商務(Internet-enabled commerce)、行動商務(mobile commerce)至普及商務(ubiquitous commerce)一系列的電子商務創新對既有電子化企業與參與者所產生衝擊與影響。進而以動態能力觀點,分析電子化企業在因應上述電子商務變革時,可能遭遇的能力障礙及其所需的動態能力。最終,本研究將對電子商務創新的採用與未來研究方向提出許多建議。
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) innovations: Internet-enabled commerce (I-commerce), mobile commerce (M-commerce) and ubiquitous commerce (U-commerce) have posed technological and organizational changes. This study develops an E-commerce innovation hypercube model to investigate these innovations and the impact of the innovations on the E-commerce stakeholders- E-businesses, providers, customers, and complementors. The results indicate that the innovation from I-commerce to M-commerce is architectural for customers and E-businesses, incremental for providers, but disruptive for complementors. The innovation from M-commerce to U-commerce is modular to customers, architectural to complementors, and disruptive to E-businesses and providers. Thereafter, several core dynamic capabilities that necessary for E-business transformation from I-commerce to M-commerce and from M-commerce to U-commerce and the practical indicators in developing these dynamic capabilities are suggested, respectively.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝詞 iii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation and Objectives 3
1.3 Research Methodology 5
1.4 Organization of the Dissertation 7
2. Literature Review 8
2.1 Electronic Commerce 8
2.1.1 Definition and Structure 8
2.1.2 The Evolution of E-Commerce 12
2.2 Innovation 19
2.2.1 Definition of Innovation 19
2.2.2 Industrial Innovation Models 20 Incremental and Radical Innovation 21 Abernathy and Clark (1985) Model 22 Architectural Innovation Model 23 Innovation Value-Added Chain Model 24 Disruptive Innovation Model 25
2.2.3 Information Systems Innovation Models 27 Zmud (1982) Model 28 Swanson (1994) IS Innovation Model 28 Disruptive IS Innovation Model 31
2.2.4 Summary 32
2.3 Dynamic Capabilities Perspective 38
2.3.1 Business Research 38
2.3.2 E-business Research 39
3. E-Commerce Innovation Hypercube Model 43
3.1 E-Commerce Innovation 43
3.1.1 Technological Components 44
3.1.2 Business Model 45
3.1.3 E-Commerce Stakeholders 47
3.2 Typology of E-Commerce Innovation 49
4. Analysis of E-Commerce Innovation and Impact 58
4.1 Changes in Technological Components 58
4.1.1 IT-Infrastructure 58
4.1.2 Content 62
4.1.3 Service 64
4.2 Changes in Business Model 68
4.3 The Hypercube of E-Commerce Innovation 75
4.3.1 Innovation from I-Commerce to M-Commerce 75
4.3.2 Innovation from M-Commerce to U-Commerce 78
4.4 Impact of E-Commerce Innovation on E-Commerce Stakeholders 81
4.4.1 The Impact on Co-Opetitors 82 Providers 82 Customers 83 Complementors 84
4.4.2 Impact on E-Businesses 85
5. Identification of E-Business’s Dynamic Capabilities 89
5.1 Critical Dynamic Capabilities for M-Commerce 90
5.2 Core Dynamic Capabilities for U-Commerce 92
6. Illustrative Example: NTT DoCoMo’s i-mode 96
6.1 Technological Components of i-mode 97
6.2 Business Model of i-mode 98
6.2.1 Service Portfolio 99
6.2.2 Marketing Strategy 100
6.2.3 Profit Sources 100
6.2.4 Value Network 101
6.3 Analysis of the Impact of i-mode 102
6.4 DoCoMo’s Critical Dynamic Capabilities 107
7. Discussion and Conclusion 110
7.1 Discussion 110
7.2 Conclusion 113
References 117
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