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Size distribution of sinking particles in different marine environments
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particulate organic carbon flux, upwelling region, Northwest Pacific, sediment trap, size distribution, 234Th, Northern South China Sea
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釷-234/鈾-238不平衡法(水體估算釷-234通量乘以下沈顆粒之有機碳(POC)與釷-234(POC/234Th)比值)是估算顆粒性有機碳通量的方法之一,但近年研究發現選擇大顆粒的POC/234Th比值對碳通量估算有很大的變動,另外也有學者直接利用上層海域懸浮顆粒的粒徑分佈來估算碳通量。這些方法皆須了解下沉顆粒的粒徑分佈,雖然Hung and Gong (2010)與Hung et al. (2012)已研究下沉顆粒的粒徑分佈,但得到之樣品數量只限於少數區域,因此目前下沉顆粒的粒徑分佈尚未有完整的研究。本研究於2011-2012在矽藻為主要浮游植物的北南海、台灣東北湧升區和超微浮游植物為主的西北太平洋海域,利用三種不同儀器(現場雷射粒徑分析儀、直立式與旋轉式沉積物收集器)採集的沉降顆粒,測量不同粒徑(1-50μm、50-330 μm 與>330 μm,本文定義<50 μm 為小顆粒)之POC flux 與釷-234 活度。實驗結果發現不論是現場雷射粒徑分析儀或沉積物收集器(直立式與旋轉式)的POC flux 在三種不同海洋環境下皆以小顆粒居多,直立式與旋轉試測得之小顆粒POC 分別佔46~66 %與37~75 %,而掃描式電顯圖片也證實了小顆粒的存在。除此之外,以模式計算的小顆粒POC flux 和沉積物收集器實測值相當接近,然而兩者估算之大顆粒POC flux 卻有明顯的差距,原因尚待探討。本研究結果顯示,過去研究認為大顆粒為主要下沈顆粒之觀念,可能完全忽略小顆粒的貢獻,因此建議使用234Th/238U 不平衡時應該選用沈降顆粒進行POC flux 之估算。
234Th/238U has been used to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) export fluxes, based on the POC/234Th ratio of sinking particles and the 234Th flux, in the ocean. However, the 234Th-derived POC flux may be significantly biased due to the variation of use POC/234Th ratios from large particles (>50μm). More recently, some studies use particle size distributions in the upper ocean to calculate POC flux. Although Hung and Gong (2010) and Hung et al. (2012) have measured the size distributions in sinking particle, but their experiments were limited in some regions. Therefore, the size distributions in sinking particle are not clearly. In this study, we collected sinking particles with three different instruments (Laser in-situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST-100X), cylindrical and conical sediment traps) from the northern South China Sea, the upwelling region off the northeast Taiwan (where diatoms are the most dominant group) and the Northwestern Pacific (where picoplanktondominated), measured POC and 234Th data for various particle size classes (1-50 μm, 50-330 μm and >330 μm, (herein we defined that < 50μm is the “ small particle”). The results show the small particles, investigated by-cylindrical and conical traps, contained the largest proportion of POC (46~66%, by cylindrical traps) and (37~75%, by conical traps) and the distribution of particle size measured by LISST-100X howed small particles had the elevated shares of total particle volume. SEM images of bulk (without sequential filtration) sinking particles also evidence that sinking particles contained many small particles. Besides, the model-derived POC flux in small particles using particle size distribution is quite comparable with the measured POC flux by sediment trap, while the POC fluxes measured by both methods show pronounced difference suggesting that it is worthy for studying in the future. Overall, our results suggest that the contribution of particles smaller than 50 μm to the sinking POC flux can be a major fraction of the total sinking flux, and thus, particles smaller than 50 μm cannot be ignored when using Th-234/U-238 disequilibrium to estimate POC flux in the water column.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 前言 1
1.1 海洋碳循環的機制及重要性 1
1.2 沉積物收集器 2
1.3 釷-234:顆粒性有機碳示蹤劑 4
1.4 顆粒粒徑分佈 6
1.5 研究現況 6
1.6 研究動機與目的 9
第二章 材料與方法
2.1 研究區域 13
2.2 採樣項目與採集方式 13
2.2.1 採水 13
2.2.2沉積物收集器 15
2.2.3現場雷射粒徑分析儀(LISST-100X) 15
2.3樣品處理與分析樣 16
2.3.1 採水瓶之水樣 16
2.3.2沉降顆粒樣品16整管水樣、採後過濾法及自然分樣法 19顆粒計數器(Beckman-Coulter Multisizer III) 19
第三章 結果與討論
3.1三個不同海洋環境水文特徵 26
3.1.1不同海洋環境之水文、營養鹽、葉綠素及顆粒性有機碳結果 26
3.1.2穿透率(TM) 27
3.2 連續過濾(SS)與自然分樣法(NS)之結果 28
3.3 收集時間對沉降顆粒大小分佈及碳通量結果 30
3.4 沉降顆粒(bulk)之顆粒性有機碳通量與釷-234通量之變化 32
3.4.1 北南海海域 33
3.4.2台灣東北湧升區與西北太平洋 34
3.5不同海域沉降顆粒之顆粒大小分佈 35
3.5.1 現場雷射粒徑分析儀(LISST-100X)結果 35
3.5.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)結果 36
3.5.3 沉積物收集器(直立式與旋轉式)有機碳與釷-234通量 37
3.6 顆粒分佈對顆粒性有機碳輸出的重要性 40
3.6.1釷-234:顆粒性有機碳示蹤劑 40
3.6.2估算顆粒性有機碳通量-顆粒分佈 42
第四章 結論 58
參考文獻 60
附錄 75
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