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Effects of various soybean products and mineral levels on the growth of juvenile cobia Racycentron canadum
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protein, mineral, nutrition, cobia, fish meal, soybean meal
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本研究探討不同大豆產品及礦物質添加量對海鱺幼魚成長的影響,研究分為二實驗,實驗一探討不同大豆產品對海鱺幼魚成長的影響,實驗二探討飼料部分魚粉以去脂豆粉及發酵豆粉部分取代時,礦物質添加量對海鱺成長及鋅磷蓄積的影響。在實驗一中,選取初重為58±1克的海鱺,試驗飼料以去脂豆粉、去脂發酵豆粉、去抗營養因子豆粉或大豆蛋白部分取代基礎飼料中的魚粉,取代比率為魚粉蛋白的20%和40%,除全魚粉基礎飼料外,共有八種試驗飼料。八週之飼育結果顯示豆粉取代量為40%時,去抗營養因子豆粉組比全魚粉組成長、蛋白質利用率、淨蛋白質利用率顯著低下,而飼料轉換率有顯著高。其他豆粉取代魚粉量達40%時並不會顯著影響成長、蛋白質利用率、淨蛋白質利用率、飼料轉換率。而全部組在表面乾物質消化率、蛋白質消化率、脂質消化率,皆未呈顯著差異。在實驗二中,初重為72.34±2.17克的海鱺,實驗飼料共分為二類八種,第一類飼料有六種,為2(取代量)×3(礦物質添加量) 複因子設計,豆粉取代魚粉比率分別為40%和50%,而礦物質添加量分別為一般添加量的0.5倍、1倍、2倍;第二類實驗飼料有二種,以發酵豆粉部分取代魚粉,取代比率為50%,而礦物質添加量分別為一般添加量的0.5倍及1倍。飼育實驗結果顯示各處理組之成長、飼料轉換率、淨蛋白質利用率最好的為40%去脂豆粉1倍礦物質添加組。去脂豆粉比發酵豆粉均有好的成長促進效果,特別是礦物質添加量不是兩倍時。兩種發酵豆粉處理間並無顯著差異,飼料轉換率、淨蛋白質利用率與成長結果皆有相似的趨勢。在蛋白質利用率方面,僅有全部發酵豆粉有顯著差外,其餘皆和40%去脂豆粉1倍礦物質添加組無顯著不同。在魚體、脊椎骨鋅方面,發酵豆粉組含量高於去脂豆粉組,其中魚體呈顯著差異;而在去脂豆粉組中,40%豆粉取代量比50%豆粉取代量有較高的現象。在魚體磷方面,相同礦物質添加量下,發酵豆粉組皆比去脂豆粉組有較高的含量。脊椎骨之磷及灰份,全部組皆無顯著差異。當豆粉取代魚粉比率提高量到40%,去脂發酵豆粉及去脂豆粉有較好的成長促進及肥滿度效果。豆粉經發酵可以有效地提高微量元素如鋅的利用。而飼料含添加2倍礦物質似乎得到負面效果,添加0.5倍礦物質與1倍添加量反而有類似的成長效果,顯示基礎飼料添加原來使用量的半倍礦物質就可以補足豆粉中植酸與金屬離子鍵結的不足。這些結果可以作為往後作礦物質添加量或添加植酸酶在飼料中提高礦物質利用率時的最佳飼料配方。
Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of partially substituting fishmeal with 4 soybean products and mineral supplemental levels in diet of juvenile cobia Racycentron canadum. Experiment Ⅰstudied the effects of partially substituting fishmeal with 4 soybean products in diet of juvenile cobia. Experiment Ⅱ investigated the effects of mineral supplement levels in the growth and body retention of zinc and phosphorus when high percentage of fishmeal in the diet was replaced by hexaned-extracted soybean meal or fermented soybean meal. In Experiment Ⅰ, cobia juveniles with an initial weight of 58±1 g were fed eight experimental diets and a fish meal-based basal diet. The experimental diets were of a 2 (Soybean replacement level: 20 and 40 % of fishmeal protein) × 4 (soybean products) experimental design. The 4 soybean products evaluated were solvent-extracted soybean meal (SES), defatted fermented soybean meal (DFS), soybean meal reduced antinutritional factor (ROS) and soy protein concentrate (SPC). The results of the 8-week feeding trail showed that the growth, FCR, PER and NPU of the fish fed with the 40% ROS diet were significantly worse than these of the other groups. Apparent digestibility (%) of dry matter (ADMD), protein (APD) and lipid (ALD) of all diets were not significantly different. In experiment Ⅱ, eight experiment diets were tested. The first group was a 2×3 factorial design, in which SES replacement levels were 40 and 50%, and mineral supplemental levels were 0.5×, 1× and 2× of the regular supplemental level. The second group tested 50% replacement by FS and mineral supplemental level of 0.5× and 1× the regular supplemental level. The results of the 8-week feeding trail using the juvenile cobia with an initial weight of 72.3±0.52 g showed that growth of the fish fed with fermented soybean (FS) diets was significantly inferior to that fed with SES diets at 50% replacement level, especially mineral supplemental levels were 1x or less. The fish fed 2 FS diets were not significantly different on feed conversion ratio, net protein utilization and growth. Protein efficiency ratio of the fish fed with the FS diets was only significantly inferior to that fed 40% 1× SES diet. Body and vertebrate zinc concentrations of the cobia that fed FS diets were higher than the SES diet groups. Moreover, the fish fed with SES diets at 40% replacement level were higher than that fed at 50% replacement level. At a same mineral supplemental level, phosphorus concentrations in body of the fish fed with FS diets were higher than that fed SES diet. Phosphorus and ash concentrations in vertebrate of the fish fed with all diets were not significantly different. When replacement level was increased from 20 to 40%, the fish that fed with the SES and DFS diets had better growth and condition factor . Fermentation of soybean increased availability of trace minerals such as zinc. Addition of mineral supplemental 2x levels in diet of juvenile cobia apparent to have negative growth effects. Moreover, 0.5x and 1x levels have the same growth promoting effect. The results suggest that reduction from the regular mineral mixture up to 50 % still support the mineral requirements of the cobia.
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參考文獻 References
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