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博碩士論文 etd-0201110-175949 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0201110-175949
AODV-Based Backup Routing Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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ad hoc, routing protocol, backup paths
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在隨意式無線網路中,具有良好效率的路由協定一直是重要的研究議題。Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV)路由協定近年來已經被廣泛的研究,由於AODV 是單一路徑的路由協定,當路徑上有連結斷裂時就必須要重新建立新的傳輸路徑,而頻繁的重新建立路徑將會增加網路負載與傳遞時間的延遲。在本文中,我們針對AODV 路由協定加以修改,使其具有備用路徑路由機制,藉由建立在2-hop 鄰近資訊的備用路徑,不需經過重新建立路徑的步驟,便可以修復被損壞的路徑,這些備用路徑因為鄰近主要路徑可以提供有效率的路徑恢復機制並維護適當的路徑長度。模擬分析的結果顯示,修改後的AODV 比起Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector(AOMDV)以及原始的AODV有更低的average end-to-end delay 以及較少的網路負載。
As effective routing is critical in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), the Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) has been extensively studied in recent years. AODV is a single path routing protocol that requires a new route discovery procedure whenever a link breaks, such frequent route discoveries incur a high routing overhead and increase end-to-end delay. Therefore, by modifying the AODV protocol, this work presents a novel backup routing scheme capable of repairing disrupted links locally without activating a route re-discovery procedure. Additionally, backup paths are established based on 2-hop neighbor knowledge. These backup paths are geographically close to the primary path in order to provide efficient recovery from route failure and maintain an adequate routing length. Simulation results indicate that the proposed backup routing scheme obtains a lower average end-to-end delay and less routing overhead than those of the Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) and the conventional AODV.
目次 Table of Contents
英文摘要................................................................................. II
目錄........................................................................................ III
第一章 導論 ........................................................................... 01
1.1 簡介 ..................................................................................01
1.1.1 無線網路的兩種通訊模式............................................. 03
1.1.2 EEE802.11 定義的兩種無線網路架構..........................06
1.2 研究方向的相關背景....................................................... 08
1.2.1 隨意式無線網路中的三種路由協定機制...................... 10
1.2.2 AODV 的路由特........................................................... 13
1.3 研究動機.......................................................................... 14
1.4 論文架構......................................................................... 14
第二章 背景與相關研究......................................................... 15
2.1 AODV 簡介..................................................................... 15
2.2.1 Route Request 程序.................................................... 15
2.2.2 Route Reply 程序........................................................ 18
2.2.3 Route Maintenance 程序............................................. 19
2.2 備用路徑的相關研究....................................................... 21
第三章 系統之架構與運作.................................................... 23
3.1 設計方向.......................................................................... 23
3.2 功能及名詞釋義............................................................... 23
3.3 備用路徑機制................................................................... 25
3.3.1 鄰居節點的管理............................................................ 25
3.3.2 備用路徑的建置............................................................ 26
3.3.3 路徑維護....................................................................... 32
3.3.4 備用路徑機制的舉例.................................................... 34
第四章 模擬結果與討論........................................................ 38
4.1 模擬環境假設.................................................................. 38
4.2 模擬環境參數設定.......................................................... 39
4.3 模擬工具介紹................................................................. 40
4.4 模擬結果分析與討論...................................................... 43
第五章 結論 ......................................................................... 49
參考文獻............................................................................... 50
參考文獻 References
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