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博碩士論文 etd-0202110-161205 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0202110-161205
Study on individual lifestyle and occupational choice -examples of coffee shops and pubs
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value, Lifestyle, preference, occupational choice
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Lifestyle, the external demonstration of personal values and preferences, has great influences on individual behavior. In terms of occupational choice, individuals would choose jobs that best fit with their lifestyles according to the values and preferences. The consistency of individual lifestyle and work-style created from the work environments will affect their job satisfaction and willingness to remain in the organizations.

This study explores lifestyles of four coffee shop workers and three pub workers, and the results show that those two types of jobs create distinctive lifestyles, which would be caused by the personal characteristics and the different working hours. Based on the results, lifestyles could be used as the indicator of recruitment for employers of coffee shops and pubs, and criteria of occupational choice for individuals who are interested in working in coffee shops or pubs.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Acknowledgement A
論文摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Contents i
List of Tables iii
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1. Research background 1
1.2. Research objectives 4
1.3. Research questions 5
Chapter Two Literature Review 6
2.1. Background research of coffee shops and pubs 6
2.1.1. Coffee shop background research 6
2.1.2. Pub background research 10
2.1.3. Section summary 11
2.2. Prior Research on Lifestyle 12
2.2.1. Prior Research on values 17
2.2.2. Preference 22
2.3. Lifestyle and working environment 24
Chapter Three Methodology 25
3.1. Research method 25
3.2. Data collection 26
3.3. Informants 26
3.4. Case profile 30
Chapter Four Data Analysis 36
4.1. Comparison of the informants 36
4.2. Workplace atmosphere 37
4.3. Dimensions of lifestyle in eating, clothing, residence, transportation, and recreation 38
4.4. Interaction 46
4.5. Work and non-work time arrangement 47
4.6. Chapter summary 47
Chapter Five Conclusions and Recommendations 49
5.1. Conclusions 49
5.2. Managerial implications 51
5.3. Limitations 52
5.4. Future directions 52
References 53

List of Tables
Table 1. Coffee shop history in Taiwan 7
Table 2. Informant’s background information 28
Table 3. Data collection 29
Table 4. Comparison of informants 36
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