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博碩士論文 etd-0203105-120632 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0203105-120632
Research on Searching and Positioning of Buried Underwater Pipelines
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Date of Exam
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sub-bottom profiler, outflow pipe, side-scan sonar
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In recent years, ocean has become a place to dispose of industrial and civil waste waters. Hence, there are more and more projects to establish offshore outflow pipes. These underwater pipes should be kept monitored in order to maintain their functions specifically. The purpose of this research was to explore the two outflow pipes in Kaohsiung offshore area, i.e., Chung-chou outflow pipe and Tso-ying outflow pipe, by using an integrated surveying system which includes a side-scan sonar and a sub-bottom profiler. The ultimate objective was to investigate the feasibility of this system in searching and positioning of buried underwater pipelines.

Based on this investigation, the offshore section of Chung-chou outflow pipe is about 2.8km in length and extends offshore to the direction of 38o from the west to the south. The water depth at the end of this pipe is about 21m. Among the 2.24km section initiated at the offshore end of the pipe, the buried depths are between 2.2m and 3.2m. There are two disposed gravel zones around the offshore end of the pipe. The first zone is about 130m in length and 10m wide. The second zone is 220m in length and 20m wide. Moreover, based on the side scan sonar images, there are 71 protective concrete blocks located around Chung-chou outflow pipe. The offshore section of Tsao-ying outflow pipe is about 4.76 km in length and extends to the direction of 20o from the west to the south. The water depth at the end of this pipe is about 17m. Among the 3.7km section initiated at the offshore end of the pipe, the buried depths are about 1.0 to 2.5m. A disposed gravel zone with dimensions of 330m in length and 10m wide is located at the end of this pipe. In addition, there are 43 protective blocks located around this outflow pipe.

This investigation, incorporated the results conducted on the other three underwater outflow pipes(i.e., Chishui creek outflow pipe, Chinese Petroleum Corporation underwater petroleum pipe off Kaohsiung Harbor and Liuchiuyu water transport pipe), concluded that as far as the buried underwater pipes that are thicker than 1m in diameter are concerned, the integrated system of side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiler provides an useful and trustful tool to get the locations and the buried depth of outflow pipes, as well as the distribution of the protective concrete blocks around these pipes. As to the pipes that are less than 20cm in diameter, the pipes can’t be detected by this equipment. For the pipes that are between 20cm and 1m in diameter, due to limited information collected up to this moment, extensive investigation need to be conducted until a clear understanding can be deduced.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅷ
圖目錄 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究背景與動機………………………………………………………..1
1-2 研究目的………………………………………………………………. 1
1-3 前人研究與文獻回顧…………………………………………………..2
1-4 本研究組織說明………………………………………………………. 5
第二章 儀器設備與研究方法
2-1 現場資料收集………………………………………………………....10
2-1-1 側掃聲納系統……….……………………………….………...10
2-1-2 地層剖面儀.……………………...………………....………….13
2-1-3 衛星定位系統……….………………………………………….15
2-1-4 水深量測系統…….………………….…………………………15
2-2 研究室的資料分析處理..…...…………………………………...........16
2-2-1 側掃聲納影像資料儲存與輸出…………………………….…..16
2-2-2 側掃聲納影像資料拼圖與定位……………………….…….….16
2-2-3 地層剖面儀影像資料儲存與處理…………………….…….….17
第三章 水下目標物之搜尋與辨識技術
3-1 前言…….…………...………………………………………………....23
3-2 地層剖面儀探測原理………………………………...........………….23
3-3 地層剖面儀成像原理…………………………………………....…....24
3-3-1 地層剖面儀成像類型與影像辨識特徵……………………….. 24
3-3-2 地層剖面儀成像圖形的檢驗………………...………...............27
3-3-3 地層剖面儀成像原理結論………………......………................28
第四章 水下目標物之定位與定位誤差
4-1 水下目標物之定位…………….…...……………………………........47
4-2 水下目標物之定位誤差…………….…...………………………........52
4-2-1 研究船絕對位置之誤差…...……………………………….......52
4-2-2 拖魚與研究船相對位置之偏移…………………………….......53
4-2-3 目標物與拖魚間相對位置之誤差……….……....………….......54
4-2-4 聲納影像處理之誤差…………..……….………………..….....55
4-3 定位誤差之綜合說明...........................................................................55
第五章 水下沉埋管線之標定
5-1 前言…….……………………………………………………………..59
5-2 中洲放流管的標定...............................................................................59
5-2-1 管線位置標定…………………………………………………59
5-2-2 管線拋石帶標定…………………………………………........60
5-3 左營放流管的標定...............................................................................60
5-3-1 管線位置標定…………………………………………………60
5-3-2 管線拋石帶標定…………………………………………........61
第六章 水下沉埋管線週遭海床混凝土塊之標定
6-1 前言…….…………………………………………………………......84
6-2 標定方法………………………………………………………….......84
6-3 中洲放流管四周海域之混凝土塊.......................................................84
6-4 左營放流管四周海域之混凝土塊.......................................................86
6-5 混凝土塊標定誤差討論…………..………………………………….87
第七章 水下沉埋管線的實例現況監測
7-1 前言…….…………………………………………………………....113
7-2 高雄市中洲放流管探測結果……………………………………….113
7-3 高雄市左營放流管探測結果……………………………………….114
7-4 高雄港外海中油海底管線探測結果……………………………….114
7-5 台南縣急水溪放流管探測結果…………………………………….116
7-6 屏東縣琉球嶼輸水管探測結果………………….…………………117
第八章 討論、結論與建議
8-1 討論……………………………………..............................................142
8-1-1 海況對地層剖面儀成像上的影響……………………………142
8-1-2 海底管線的辨識…………………………………………......142
8-1-3 水下沉埋管線可探測深度與管徑關係……….………………142
8-1-4 管線探測資料在工程上的應用…………………………........143
8-2 結論……………………………………..............................................143
8-2-1 管線監測成果………………………………………..………143
8-2-2 海底管線的探測方法………………………………...…........144
8-3 建議……………………………………..............................................145
8-3-1 聲學影像部分…………………………………..……………145
8-3-2 定位精度的增進方面…………………………..….……........145
附錄(一)Klein 532S-101地層剖面儀Matlab公式…………………………….151
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