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Title page for etd-0204102-150928
The Comparison of Authoritarian Corporatism in Taiwan and Indonesia
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exclusionary corporatism., inclusionary corporatism, preemptive corporatism, corporatism, society corporatism, authoritarian corporatism, state corporatism
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統合主義是一個多面向意義的概念(a plural-dimensional co-ncept),本研究以西方學者Wiarda所下的定義為本,視統合主義為:「一種社會和政治的組織體系(a system of social and political organization)。在這體系中,一些主要的社會團體和利益(勞工、企業、農民、軍方、族群、氏族或恩侍團體、宗教組織)全都統合到政府的體系中,經常是以一種壟斷的基礎,且基於國家的指導、定向、保護和控制,而達到協調性的國家發展」。本論文基於資料的收集比對,認為台灣與印尼在威權體制時期皆出現學者Schmitter所指稱的「國家統合主義」型態,亦即國家內的利益團體組織通常不健全,國家機關為了預防可能出現利益團體間的衝突(尤其是勞資團體),統合架構常常是國家機關自上而下地,以強制的方式將社會團體組成壟斷性的層峰組織,而納入正式的公共體制之內。另一學者Stepan則再將國家統合主義區分為「包容性」及「排斥性」統合主義,本論文即在「排斥性統合主義」這樣的理論基礎上,選擇二地工會組織系統的成立與實際運作狀況為研究對象,進行台灣與印尼威權統合主義的比較研究。

The study compares the use of authoritarian corporatism in Taiwan and Indonesia. The comparison is made for the purpose of obtaining a more balanced relation between the state and the society in these two countries.
The adopted definitions of corporatism in the study are by Wiarda and Stepan. Wiarda defined corporatism as a system of social and political organization in which the major social and interest groups are all integrated into the government system. The integration is on a monopoly base so that the state can reach a balanced development by means of directions, protections, and control over these groups. Stepan divided corporatism into two kinds: exclusionary and inclusionary corporatism. Specifically, the study adopts the theory of exclusionary and focuses the comparison on the establishment and operation of trade union system.
The research results of the study are as follows. First, both in Taiwan and Indonesia, the use of authoritarian corporatism has social and political backgrounds. The social background refers to the prevailing traditional values of Confucialism in Taiwan and Pancasila Industrial Relation in Indonesia. Both values systems place a premium on a harmonious and cooperative interaction between the employers and the labors. Therefore, the idea is denied that labors have the right to fight for their own benefits against the employers.
Second, both Taiwan and Indonesia governments choose authoritarian corporatism as the tool to control the society. The choice is made not out of the need to moderate benefits of various social classes or to cope with economic crisis. Instead, it is for setting up functional, not competitive social organization systems. These organizations are the paths connecting different interest groups. At the same time, some organizations which are not favored by the state are kept from being formed. The participation in politics is limited to a certain scale. Such measure is considered preventive authoritarian corporatism. The application of the authoritarian corporatism makes the trade union systems both in Taiwan and Indonesia become the marginal parts of the political framework. It’s hard then to have the labors own more rights. So the corporarism is also exclusionary authoritarian corporatism. The labor organization is naturally an expansion of the political control of the state over the labors.
Third, it is found that under the framework of authoritarian corporatism, the operation of labor organizations varies according to the changing goals of state’s development. However, there is a difference in the manner and extent of Taiwan’s control over the operation from that of the Indonesia government. Taiwan government controls the operation in an active manner while the Indonesia government controls the operation in a passive manner.
Fourth, at the end of authoritarian politics in Taiwan and in Indonesia, the demands for changes are appearing in both countries. It’s inferred that there may appear inclusionary corporatism which will lead to a more balanced relation among the labors, the employers and the states both in Taiwan and Indonesia.

目次 Table of Contents

第一章、緒論 9
第一節 問題的提出 9
第二節 文獻探討 15
第三節 分析架構與章節安排 20
第二章、相關理論 22
第一節 國家、社會、團體理論 23
第二節 統合主義與威權統合主義 32
第三節 威權統合主義與恩侍主義 32
第三章、台灣與印尼威權統合制度的建立 46
第一節 排斥性威權統合工會形成之歷史結構條件 46
第二節 統合架構形成之歷史文化基礎與國家意識形態的作用 84
第三節 台灣與印尼之比較 92
第四章、台灣與印尼威權制度之基本架構 97
第一節 排斥性威權統合工會之組織特性 97
第二節 排斥性威權統合主義之支配機制 115
第三節 台灣與印尼之比較 126
第五章、台灣與印尼威權統合制度發展之歷程與限制 131
第一節 排斥性威權統合工會之發展歷程 131
第二節 排斥性威權統合工會發展之結構性限制 166
第三節 台灣與印尼之比較 181
第六章、結論 187
第一節 研究發現 187
第二節 台灣與印尼威權統合制度之前景 194
第三節 研究限制與未來觀察方向 202

參考書目 203

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