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Title page for etd-0206109-162233
Relationship between employer image and organizational attractiveness as an employer: the moderating effects of the similarity between job seekers’ and organizations’ personality and others’ opinion.
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employer image, symbolic meaning, instrumental attributes, p-o fit, organizational attractiveness as an employer
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Most of previous works focused on the relationship between organizational attractiveness as an employer and instrumental attributes of employer image. Potential job seekers were viewed as rational and alone decision makers. However, in addition to objective facts, potential job seekers consider other facts when they make a job decision such as emotional facts and perceived harmony with organization. Furthermore, potential job seekers hold a vague impression on a potential employer. Others’ opinions of potential employers must be their crucial information sources and they may change decision because of others’ opinion.

The study add symbolic meaning construct to employer image and research the relationship between it and organizational attractiveness as an employer and found it is significant related to organizational attractiveness as an employer. The mediated effect of the similarity between potential job seekers’ personality and organizations’ personality and others’ opinions are considered here. Both of them don’t significant mediated the relationship between employer image and organizational attractiveness as an employer.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論.............................................. 1
第一節 研究背景...................................................1
第二節 研究目的...................................................2
第二章 文獻探討.......................................... 3
第一節 雇主形象...................................................3
第二節 雇主形象與雇主吸引力.......................................9
第三節 人與組織之配適度與雇主吸引力..............................11
第四節 社會影響力與雇主吸引力....................................12
第三章 研究方法......................................... 15
第一節 研究對象..................................................15
第二節 研究工具..................................................19
第三節 統計方法..................................................25
第四章 結果分析......................................... 27
第一節 各公司間雇主形象之差異分析................................27
第二節 個人背景、公司背景、雇主形象與雇主吸引力之關係...........30
第三節 雇主形象對雇主吸引力之影響分析............................32
第四節 功能性特徵與象徵性意義對於雇主吸引力影響比較..............34
第五節 干擾變數對雇主形象和雇主吸引力之影響分析..................35
第五章 討論與建議....................................... 38
第一節 研究結果..................................................38
第二節 雇主形象對雇主吸引力之影響...............................38
第三節 潛在求職者性格對象徵性意義與雇主吸引力之影響..............40
第四節 周遭人評價對功能性特徵與雇主吸引力之影響.................41
第五節 管理實務建議..............................................41
第六節 研究限制..................................................42
第七節 後續研究建議..............................................42
參考文獻................................................ 44
附錄一.................................................. 47
附錄二.................................................. 48
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