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博碩士論文 etd-0207107-175357 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0207107-175357
從收藏藝術品的活動探討企業收藏及贊助之相關議題── 以奇美博物館為例
The Disclosure of Corporate Sponsorship and Arts Collection── Tracing the Example of Chi-Me Museum
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Corporate Sponsorship, Arts Collections, Chi-Mei Museum
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Among advanced countries, such as in the US, West Europe, and Japan, attending artistic activities have long been the daily life of ordinary people. It is also prevalent of businesses in these countries to sponsor artistic activities or art institutes, through which businesses can feed back society and enhance their company images.
In Taiwan, it has been a history for decades of enterprises sponsoring artistic activities and collecting arts. The traditional sponsorship of art originated from the friendships between business owners and artists or business owners’ collection of artistic works.
The corporate sponsorship of art in Taiwan can date back to Japanese Occupation (A.D. 1895~1945). In Japanese colonial days, Tai-chung entrepreneur, Zao-Jia Yang, was a renowned art supporter to island-wide artistic activities. During Yang’s younger days, possessed with strong Taiwanese Awareness and literary penchant, he co-funded, with Pei-huo Tsai, the construction of Tai-Yang Fine Art Association. This famous fine art association had encouraged well-known painters of older generation like Shih-Chiao Lee、Mei-shu Lee、Cheng-Po Chen、Chi-Chun Liao、San-Lang Yang、Shui-Long Yen to fully develop their talents, and pioneered the modern arts in Taiwan at then.
Mr. Zao-Jia Yang could be deemed as the guardian god of early Taiwanese artists. Yang’s followers like Mr. Pao-Thou Lin, former Chairman of Taiwan Cement Corporation、Mr. Chen-fu Koo, former Chairman of Straits Exchange Foundation and Mr. Wen-Lung Hsu, the founder of Chi-Mei Corporation, and etc., have all contributed greatly to local artistic activity fund raising and arts collection in the past decades.
To gain a better understanding on various types and paradigms of corporate sponsorship of artistic activities and arts collection, this study focus on the study of Chi-Mei Corporation, in hope that we could advocate the interaction between arts and businesses through deep interview and comprehensive analysis on the creation of Chi-Mei Museum.
Through analysis,it is obvious that:
Arts are no more the privilege or captive of the rich, enterprises through the operation of their funds or museums can assist academics, artists, and more ordinary people exposure to arts, thereby expanding art population as well as fulfilling the social obligation and citizenship of enterprises. Meanwhile, the resulting ideal economic environment will benefit enterprises themselves. Enterprises should treat arts investment in the same way with regular profitable business operations. The invisible arts value will have economic benefits from all sides.
Aside from acknowledging that enterprises are an efficient private factor to promote government policy, government should recognize the essence of nation competitiveness—the substance of its people including culture development as well as academic credential and economic strength. The present pan-politics environment is against culture development. Government should expedite of legislation of Museum Law and related stipulations improvement to help private museum operation.
If art collections are concealed from the public as treasures, the collections are preserved for its own value. The construction of private museum is necessary. It can play complementary role to public museum. According to David Throsby, art collector can be traced by their aesthetic value, spiritual value, social value, historical value, real value, i.e., a series of cultural characteristics, to study the arts collection behavior. Through the beauty, harmony, race uniqueness of artistic works, it helps human understanding of social substance, identity. It also helps reflect the status quo of a society. Artistic works convey meaning of itself and the culture valuation and symbolism of arts collectors. From the above perspectives, the author thinks that arts collection is an extreme passion for human spirit and culture. The difficulties of running private museum should not prevent us from encouraging its setup.
According to Bruno S. Frey, investments on arts are tax avoidance in many countries. Although it is a truth known to the public, the tax incurred from owning art works is seldom treated in related study. It is impossible to neglect tax when calculating the profits. In different countries and time, taxation is various. Perfect arts collection, in author’s opinion, aside from fond of arts, and need intellectual tactics more of financial strengths, market information, knowledge, aesthetic taste, and ideal seeking. Therefore, arts investment and its taxation leave ample room for successor to study further.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題及範圍 3
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 典藏及企業贊助藝文活動觀點的文獻 7
第二節 從非營利組織角度探討基金會的文獻 10
第三節 從美術館或博物館收藏層面探討的相關文獻 10
第四節 奇美企業、基金會與博物館 11
第五節 名詞釋義 15
第三章 研究方法步驟、架構與對象 26
第一節 研究方法與步驟 26
第二節 研究架構 28
第三節 研究對象 30
第四節 研究的限制 31
第四章 企業、基金會與博物館之互動關係 33
第一節 企業與基金會博物館的關係 33
第二節 民間博物館與法令 36
第三節 奇美博物館典藏現況 42
第四節 國際文化交流借展與文化推廣 45
第五章 結果分析 50
第一節 企業與基金會相輔相成 50
第二節 企業贊助公益活動是交換理論 53
第三節 贊助、典藏是投資策略 54
第四節 贊助、典藏是理念行銷 55
第五節 企業收藏藝術品與贊助藝文活動可以提升形象 55
第六章 結論與建議 58
參考書目 60
附錄一、文化藝術獎助條例 64
附錄二、行政院文化建設委員會獎勵出資獎助文化藝術事業者辦法 70
附錄三、教育文化公益慈善機關或團體免納所得稅適用標準 72
附錄四、美國前25大基金會排行榜 74
附錄五、訪談紀錄 75


表 二-1 典藏及企業贊助藝文活動觀點的文獻 8
表 二-2 企業贊助藝文活動觀點所撰寫的論文 8
表 二-3 非營利事業角度撰寫的相關書籍、論文 10
表 二-4 從文化藝術或博物館收藏層面探討的相關文獻一覽表 11
圖 二-5 奇美文化基金會組織圖 15
表 二-6 非營利組織的定義 18
表 二-7 歷屆文馨獎贊助類別統計表 25
圖 三-1 研究架構圖 29
表 三-2 訪談人員一覽 31
表 四-1 奇美企業與基金會博物館的關係 33
表 四-2 奇美文化基金會人員配置表 35
表 四-3 博物館的組織 37
表 四-4 奇美收藏之名琴一覽表 45
表 四-5 歷年活動一覽 47
表 四-6 近年演出場次一覽 49
圖 五-1 資本家提升知名度過程圖 51
圖 五-2 奇美文化基金會年度藝文活動規劃圖 52
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The Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. (BCA).
The Foundation Center.
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