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博碩士論文 etd-0207110-001108 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0207110-001108
Application of multivariate statistical method to characterize the groundwater quality of a contaminated site
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Factor analysis, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, chlorinated organic compound, groundwater quality
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多變量統計分析方法可有效且簡潔明確的來說明原始資料龐大複雜的現況,將其簡化成具代表性的少數因子,或依資料間的相似性予以分群並鑑定分群成效。本研究以一受含氯有機物污染場址為研究對象,藉由套裝統計軟體SPSS 12.0進行多變量統計方法中之因子分析(factor analysis)、集群分析(cluster analysis)及區別分析(discriminant analysis)探討場址之地下水水質特性。
In this study, a chlorinated-solvent contaminated groundwater site was used as the study site. Multivariate statistical analysis explains the huge and complicated current situation of the original data efficiently, concisely, and explicitly; it simplifies the original data into representative factors, or bases on the similarity between data to cluster and identify clustering outcome. The statistical software SPSS 12.0 was used to perform the multivariate statistical analysis to evaluate groundwater quality characteristics of this site.
Results show that 20 analytical items of groundwater quality of the study site are simplified into seven major representative factors through factor analysis, including “background”, “salt residual”, “hardness”, “ethylene chloride”, “alkalinity”, “organic pollutant”, and “chloroform”. The factor score diagram was drawn according to the score of monitoring well on each factor and 89.6% of the variance could be obtained. This study used cluster analysis to cluster in two phrases, the groundwater quality monitoring wells were classified into seven clusters according to the similarity of monitored data nature and the differences between clusters. The groundwater quality characteristics and pollutant distributions of each cluster out this site were evaluated. The clustering result indicates that for the sixth cluster (where monitoring well SW-6 was the representative well), the average concentrations of chlorides such as 1,1-dichloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethane, and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene were the highest among the clusters, indicating those the groundwater of nearby area might be polluted by chlorinated organic compounds. In addition, to evaluate whether the clustering of cluster analysis were appropriate or not, discriminant analysis is used to evaluate clustering accuracy, in which seven Fisher discriminant coefficient formulas that were exclusively suitable for this location were established. Then, the observed values were substituted to Fisher discriminant coefficient formula. Result shows that the monitoring well’s clusters obtained from discriminant analysis were totally identical with the result of actual cluster analysis; the accuracy were 100%. After performing cross-validation analysis, the result shows that the accuracy were 80%, indicating the use of discriminant analysis (with forecasting function) to verify the clustering result of the cluster analysis was highly accurate.
After analyzing the pollution condition of this site using time trend and space distribution, it were determined to conclude that trichloroethylene and 1,1-dichloroethylene were the major concerning pollutants; the pollutants appeared to be spreading on a large scale, so it was difficult to use the existing data to evaluate the pollution source. After assessing environmental medium characteristics and pollutant distribution of the site, this study suggests that the use of insitu bioremediation, which is cost-effective, can be applied as a remedial mothod.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章文獻回顧 5
2.1 地下水概論 5
2.2 地下水污染 9
2.2.1 地下水污染問題 9
2.2.2 地下水污染物來源 12
2.2.3 地下水污染物種類 14
2.3 含氯有機溶劑概述 17
2.3.1 含氯有機溶劑特性及應用 17
2.3.2 含氯有機溶劑之危害 18
2.3.3 三氯乙烯之降解 20
2.4 多變量統計分析 22
2.4.1 應用於環境科學各領域之研究回顧 23
2.4.2 應用於地下水水質領域之研究回顧 26
第三章研究方法 29
3.1 研究場址背景概述 29
3.1.1 地形與地質特徵 29
3.1.2 鄰近之河川水 32
3.1.3 土地利用 34
3.1.4 氣候 36
3.2 自然環境背景概述 37
3.2.1 水文地質 37
3.2.2 地下水水位及流向 40
3.2.3 地下水質 43
3.3 因子分析法 46
3.3.1 因子分析法概述 46
3.3.2 因子分析法原理 47
3.4 集群分析法 52
3.4.1 集群分析法概述 52
3.4.2 集群分析法原理 56
3.5 區別分析法 58
3.5.1 區別分析法概述 58
3.5.2 區別分析法原理 58
第四章結果與討論 63
4.1 場址地下水水質現況說明 63
4.2 相關性分析 67
4.3 因子分析之結果 68
4.3.1 決定主因子數 68
4.3.2 各主因子特性說明 73
4.4 群集分析之結果 83
4.4.1 階層分群結果說明 83
4.4.2 K 均值分群結果說明 86
4.4.3 各集群特性分析 90
4.5 集群分析後區別分析之結果 97
4.5.1 Fisher's 區別函數建立與驗證 98
4.6 場址內含氯有機物污染變化分析 103
4.6.1 時間趨勢變化分析 103
4.6.2 空間散佈變化分析 109
4.7 研究場址管理策略之研擬 112
4.7.1 應用多變量統計分析於本場址之管理價值 112
4.7.2 污染整治區域評估 114
4.7.3 研究場址整治方法之建議 115
第五章結論與建議 119
5.1 結論 119
5.2 建議 121
參考文獻 123
附錄 A 131
附錄 B 136
附錄 C 146
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