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Title page for etd-0210103-162411
The influence of technology infusion in service encounter—Taking web-based instruction for example
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service encounter, technology infusion, web-based instruction
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(一) 學習者對於整體教學服務接觸的滿意或不滿意的因素可以分為「學習環境」、「教學系統」、「教學者」、「同儕關係」、「課程」、「互動」、「整體表現」等七大類。
(二) 在科技介入前,「教學者」是影響教學服務接觸的滿意與否的最主要因素。教學者本身的教學態度、教學表現、專業能力與表達能力、以及適時的特殊服務,將影響學習者滿意。
(三) 在科技介入後,「教學系統」是影響教學服務接觸的滿意與否的最主要因素。教學系統系統的功能設計、穩定性、介面使用容易性資料、傳輸速度,以及教學系統所帶來的彈性等,將影響學習者滿意。
(四) 比較科技介入前後可以發現,「互動」的重要性並未隨之下降。
(五) 不論在科技介入前後,「同儕關係」皆是學習者感到滿意的重要來源之一。

Service encounter is the core of many service industries. Most researches on service encounter pay attentions to the interpersonal interaction in the past. But in recent years, because of the fast development of technology, especially on the use of information technology, it brings the new turning point in enterprises, and it changes the original interpersonal interaction.
College education is a kind of high interpersonal interaction service industry. In recent years, web-based instruction became a trend in college education. Therefore, this study attempt to know the change of learning satisfaction after the technology infusion in service encounters from the student’s point of view. Aimed at the student of traditional and web-based instruction respectively and used critical incidence technique (CIT) to collect and analyze the data, we found the satisfaction/ dissatisfaction sources and compared the difference between technology infusion or not. There were five findings in this study.
1. The satisfaction/dissatisfaction factors were categorized to seven sources. They were “learning environment”, “web-based instruction system”, “instructor”, “ peer relationship”, “course”, “interaction”, “entire performance”.
2. Before the technology infusion, “instructor” is the critical factor to influence satisfaction with service encounter. The teaching attitude, teaching performance, profession and expression ability of instructors will influence learning satisfaction.
3. After the technology infusion, “web-based instruction system” is the critical factor to influence satisfaction with service encounter. The design, stability, ease of use, speed of data transmission, flexibility of the web-based instruction system will influence learning satisfaction.
4. Whether the technology infusion or not, we found that the importance of “interaction” did not decrease.
5. Whether the technology infusion or not, “peer relationship” is the important source of learning satisfaction.

目次 Table of Contents


第三章研究方法.................................................... 35

第四章研究結果.................................................... 49

第五章研究發現與結果.............................................. 75
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