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Title page for etd-0210111-102122
外籍勞工人力資源管理措施對外勞工作績效之影響 -外籍勞工準備度之中介效果與仲介公司參與之調節效果
The Impact of Foreign Worker Human Resource Management Practices on Job Performance: The Mediating Effect of Foreign Worker Readiness and the Moderating Effect of Agent Involvement
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HRM practice, Foreign labor, foreign labor readiness, agent involvement, foreign labor job performance
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Foreign labors are important to Taiwan’s manufacturing industries as most of them are taking 3D (Dirty, Dangerous, and Difficult) jobs or night shifts. Previous researches have put attention on the influences of human resource management (HRM) practices on foreign labors’ adaptability or job performance. There is comparatively lesser researches focus on the mediating and moderating variables between foreigner labors’ HRM practices and their performance. Based on the framework of hierarchical HRM, this study aims to explore the mediating effect of foreign worker readiness and the moderating effect of agent involvement on the relationship between foreign labor HRM practices and their job performance. Due to lack of empirical researches related to agent’s involvement, hence this study first applied to qualitative research method to explore the construct and create the measurement and then used quantitative research method to examine the hypotheses. According to the data from Kaohsiung city manufacturing enterprises (total 50 sets of samples; including 50 HR heads and 373 foreign workers), the results revealed that:
1. The relationship between HRM practices and foreign labors’ job performance.
(1) Training & education practices are positively related to foreign labors’ job performance.
(2) Incentive practices are positively related to foreign labors’ job performance.
(3) Accommodation management practices are positively related to foreign labors’ job performance.
2. The relationship among HRM practices, foreign labor’s readiness and job performance.
(1) Recruitment and selection management practices are positively related to foreign labors’ job readiness.
(2) Foreign labors’ job readiness is positively related to their job readiness.
(3) Recruitment and selection management practices are positively related to foreign labors’ job performance through their job readiness.
3. The relationship among agent involvement, foreign labor’s HRM practices, foreign labor’s readiness and job performance.
(1) Agent involvement positively moderates the relationships between training & education management practices and foreign labors’ job performance.
(2) Agent involvement positively moderates the relationships between incentive practices and foreign labors’ job performance
Base on these findings, we suggests that practitioners should improve the oversea recruitment and selection practices for promoting foreign labors’ readiness and ensuring their job performance. Practitioners can also strengthen the magnitude of education & training, incentives and accommodation management to promote foreign labors’ performance. For enhancing the management effectiveness, practitioners should work closely with the agent in education & training and incentive practices. For the future researches, we suggest that longitudinal research design could further inspect the causal-effect relationship between HRM practices and performance. Furthermore, researches can also expand the sources of data to enhance the generalizability of the results.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄 頁次
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 人力資源管理措施與員工績效之關係 9
第二節 外勞人力資源管理措施之考量因素與對工作績效之影響 15
第三節 外勞人力資源管理措施對外勞準備度之影響 18
第四節 外勞準備度對外勞工作績效之影響 25
第五節 外勞人力資源管理措施、外勞準備度與外勞工作績效間之關係 26
第六節 仲介參與在人力資源管理措施與準備度與工作績效間之調節效果…27
第三章 質性研究-個案訪談 33
第一節 研究設計 33
第二節 個案訪談整理分析與量表編製 36
第四章 實證調查研究 50
第一節 研究設計 50
第二節 樣本與資料蒐集 53
第三節 測量工具 63
第五章 研究結果 66
第一節 人力資源管理與外勞工作績效 66
第二節 外勞準備度與外勞準備度 69
第三節 外勞準備度與外勞工作績效 71
第四節 外勞人力資源管理措施、外勞準備度與外勞工作績效 71
第五節 外勞人力資源管理措施、仲介參與與外勞準備度 73
第六節 外勞人力資源管理措施、仲介參與與外勞工作績效 74
第六章 結論與建議 79
第一節 結 論 79
第二節 管理意涵 82
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 83

參考文獻 84
附件一 對雇用外勞公司人事主管訪談問項大綱 93
附件二 對仲介公司高階主管訪談問項大綱 95
附件三 量化問卷調查-人事主管/外勞直接主管 96
附件四 量化問卷-外籍勞工 101
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