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博碩士論文 etd-0210114-154337 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0210114-154337
The Impact of Inter-industrial Association on Family Business Successors- A Social Capital Perspective
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Social network, Social capital, Family business, Succession plan, Inter-industrial
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Succession plan is a tough challenge in family businesses, including the family businesses in Asia. The successful succession and inheritance of SMEs will be related closely with the industrial development in a society, for example, in the case of Taiwan. Although the family founder will pay lot of attention on training the successors; however, all these efforts cannot guarantee the succession plan is successful. Lots of researches utilize the case method to examine the successor’s capabilities in addressing succession plan issues. The typical case studies leave a research gap on whether the successor’s personal network will exert impact on the successor’s capabilities and even the successful succession plan.
This research will employ the social capital viewpoint to examine the impact of the participation in inter-industrial association on family business successor’s capabilities in Taiwan.
Utilizing the deeply interview and the questionnaire method, the results indicate that, 1. the more interaction between the family business successor’s and the core members in the inter-industrial association, the higher level of the successor’s managerial knowledge; 2. the more interaction between the family business successor’s and the cadres in the inter-industrial association, the higher level of the successor’s communication skill in the family business, no matter the interaction is focus on the managerial issues or even the inter-personal issues.
The results highlight the
importance of participation in the inter-industrial association on the successor’s tacit knowledge in family businesses. This research provides referable values on the understanding of the relationships between the successor’s personal network and the successor capabilities in family businesses. Moreover, it also provides a start-point in addressing succession issues in family businesses in Asia.
目次 Table of Contents
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