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博碩士論文 etd-0212103-103305 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0212103-103305
The Study of business-founding of SOHO group-based on the IT industry
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SOHO, small office/home office
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隨著經濟環境持續的不景氣、企業委外的比例増加、失業率的居高不下、網際網路的快速發展和通訊等新興事業的出現,使得SOHO族(Small Office, Home Office) 這種 「以家為店,天天營業」 , 彈性的工作方式正在世界各地風起雲湧。SOHO族以專案為主,以強化自己的專業技能以及核心能耐,富創意、冒險、自律性高、獨立性強、自我挑戰及愛好自由等特質。在新經濟的社會型態中,SOHO族藉由承接專案工作創造出生存空間及價值。

本研究選定二個SOHO創業的個案為對象,分別為泓阜資訊股份有限公司與微真科技股份有限公司,「泓阜資訊」從事SOHO已有十幾年的經驗,「微真科技」真正投入SOHO族的只有一,二年的經驗,這二個個案都是屬於資訊SOHO族,前者以研發為主從事專案的開發,以發展中、大型資訊公司為目的,後者以銷售為主、研發為輔,以過「非凡的自由」為其人生終極目標。在公司發展過程卻是「如人飲水冷暖自知」,在本研究中以他們個人的背景 、創業的動機、創業的過程以及創業的心得感想來瞭解資訊SOHO族的生態。


According the economical depression, the ratio of outsourcing increasing, the rate of unemployment sustain in the high level, rapid development of internet and communication innovation, the SOHO group (Small Office Home office) working style is get more popular. SOHO group has the following characteristics: creative, willing to take risk, self control, independent, self-challenge and searching for freedom. In the new economic ages, SOHO group will create their position and value via project.
This paper chooses two cases of SOHO group as the studying sample, one is Hungfu Information and another is the MicroTrue Technology Corp. The first company has ten years experience, and the second has 2 years experience in SOHO group. Both of them are the SOHO group in the IT industry. The first company is a project-based company, and wants to be a middle range or large scale IT Company. The second company is sales oriented and with a little R&D activities, self-control freedom is his objective. We will get some information of SOHO group in IT fields via their personal background, motivation of creative enterprise, the process of start an enterprise and thoughts of start an enterprise.
In the case study, we can understand that the major driven force SOHO group start an enterprise is the balance between family, money, time and work. SOHO group must have the characteristics of willing to change, searching customer by themselves, maintain existing customer, facing problems and solving them and combined with their professional ability to find their own creative fields.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章緒論 ........................................ 5
第一節研究背景與動機............................... 5
第二節研究目的 .................................... 8
第三節研究流程 .................................... 8
第二章文獻探討 ....................................10
第一節創業精神與創業家 .............................10

第三章研究方法 ....................................44
第二節研究設計 .....................................45
第四章個案分析 ...................................48
第五章綜合分析與結論 ...............................71
參考文獻 ..........................................79
中文部份 ..........................................79
英文部份 ..........................................82
參考文獻 References
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