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博碩士論文 etd-0212103-235138 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0212103-235138
Classification Analysis Techniques for Skewed Class
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Data Mining, Classification Analysis, Skewed Class Distribution Problem, Clustering-based Multi-classifier Class-combiner, Decision Tree Induction, Multi-classifier Class-combiner Approach
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雖然資料探勘中之分類分析技術針對類別分佈對稱的資料集合可以建構出具有良好分類效能的分類預測模式,然而在實務的運用上(如流失客戶預測與信用卡詐欺偵測),資料集合卻常有類別資料分佈極不平均的「非對稱性分配」(Skewed Distribution)問題,使得分類預測模式無法針對量少的目標資料進行正確類別預測。多專家分類器、減少多數法及增加少數法是目前文獻中用以解決資料集合的非對稱性分配問題的三種主要的方法。本研究將利用資料分群法改良文獻中的多專家分類器而提出分群式多專家分類器的建構法,並嘗試利用最近距離法、最遠距離法、最近平均距離法及最遠平均距離法改善文獻中減少多數法對「非對稱性分配」問題的處理效能。


Existing classification analysis techniques (e.g., decision tree induction, backpropagation neural network, k-nearest neighbor classification, etc.) generally exhibit satisfactory classification effectiveness when dealing with data with non-skewed class distribution. However, real-world applications (e.g., churn prediction and fraud detection) often involve highly skewed data in decision outcomes (e.g., 2% churners and 98% non-churners). Such a highly skewed class distribution problem, if not properly addressed, would imperil the resulting learning effectiveness and might result in a “null” prediction system that simply predicts all instances as having the majority decision class as the training instances (e.g., predicting all customers as non-churners). In this study, we extended the multi-classifier class-combiner approach and proposed a clustering-based multi-classifier class-combiner technique to address the highly skewed class distribution problem in classification analysis. In addition, we proposed four distance-based methods for selecting a subset of instances having the majority decision class for lowering the degree of skewness in a data set. Using two real-world datasets (including mortality prediction for burn patients and customer loyalty prediction), empirical results suggested that the proposed clustering-based multi-classifier class-combiner technique generally outperformed the traditional multi-classifier class-combiner approach and the four distance-based methods.

Keywords: Data Mining, Classification Analysis, Skewed Class Distribution Problem, Decision Tree Induction, Multi-classifier Class-combiner Approach, Clustering-based Multi-classifier Class-combiner Approach

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論 7
第一節 研究背景 7
第二節 研究動機與目的 10
第三節 論文結構 11
第二章 文獻探討 12
第一節 分類分析技術探討 12
第二節 解決非對稱資料分類預測的相關方法 17
第三章 非對稱資料分類預測方法之改良 20
第一節 分群式多專家分類器 20
第二節 距離式減少多數資料挑選法 21
第四章 實證評估 24
第一節 資料搜集 24
第二節 評估準則與程序 28
第三節 實證結果分析─燒燙傷醫療資料 31
一、多專家模式之分類器的最佳對稱比例選擇 31
二、距離式減少多數法之最佳對稱比例選擇 33
三、分類器的效能比較分析 35
第四節 實證結果分析─量販精品資料 36
一、多專家模式之分類器的最佳對稱比例選擇 36
二、距離式減少多數法之最佳對稱比例選擇 38
三、分類器的效能比較分析 40
第五章 結論 42
第一節 綜合結論與貢獻 42
第二節 研究限制 43
第三節 未來研究方向 43

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