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博碩士論文 etd-0212115-105737 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0212115-105737
The mechanism of semilunar swarming rhythm in Perinereis aibuhitensis (Polychaeta)
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circasemilunar rhythm, Polychaeta, Perinereis aibuhitensis, endogenous, biological rhythm, spawning rhythm, Annelid
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Lunar/semilunar rhythms of reproductive activities are common in shallow seas. In a few species, the rhythms are endogenous, i.e., controlled by a clock-like mechanism of the organisms. In other species, the environmental factors alone cue the cyclic behavior. In this study, we focus on two questions of the swarming phenomenon in a polychaeta worm, Perinereis aibuhitensis.

The first is whether an endogenous circa(semi)lunar clock is involved. The alternative hypothesis is that the worms are simply responding directly to the external environmental factors that has lunar/semilunar cycles. According to the three characters of circadian rhythms (entrainment, free-running and temperature compensation), we designed three experiments to investigate the property of the semilunar rhythm. The results showed the swarming rhythm of Perinereis aibuhitensis was endogenous and with about 15-day period. It’s a circasemilunar rhythm.

The second question is how the period of this endogenous rhythm is determined. We raised a total of three hypotheses, i.e., “Counting endogenous circadian cycle”, “Sequence of stages” and “Self-sustaining oscillator”. We designed 5 treatments “constant dark”, “constant light”, “22.4h L/D period”, “24h L/D period” and “25.6h L/D period” five different light-dark cycles to test the hypotheses. The result showed that the period of five groups were all about 15 days, and the phases of swarming peaks won’t be affected by environmental light-dark cycle, so the hypothesis of a self-sustaining oscillator independent of light/dark condition is supported.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書.................................................................................................... i
謝辭............................................................................................................. ii
問題一、雙齒圍沙蠶是否具有內生性近半月的生物時鐘? ...............................6
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