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Title page for etd-0213107-112349
Investigation of Microbiota in the Lao-Nong River and Natzuhsien River Basins
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Lao-Nong River, Nantzuhsien River, microbial diversity
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微生物多樣性 (microbial diversity) 研究是針對高屏溪流域支流-海拔分別為100~2204m的荖濃溪流域八個樣區及100~654m的楠梓仙溪流域八個樣區進行微生物相變化之探討。結合了微生物、化學及分子生物技術共同來探討兩條流域之微生物多樣性,並且提供高屏溪整體環境生態一個參考,作為環境保育實際落實前的基礎。結果發現:荖濃溪氣候溫度除天池較低外(16.3℃),其餘樣區土溫介於22~28℃之間,而楠梓仙溪氣候溫度除民生較低外(21.5℃),其餘樣區氣候溫度介於24~33℃之間;其他如pH值、總有機碳以及總有機氮方面,各樣區隨地點之不同各有差異。在微生物組成含量方面,所有的微生物當中以細菌含量最高,荖濃溪每克土壤約含有細菌106~109CFU;楠梓仙溪每克土壤約含有細菌105~109CFU,其他如放線菌、真菌則含量較低。以變性梯度凝膠電泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)分析兩條流域的土壤細菌16s rDNA群落組成發現,楠梓仙溪流域的微生物群落組成較豐富,而荖濃溪之菌相群落則較單純。在季節性變化方面,以分子生物學技術探討微生物群落組成,發現和傳統分析相符合,亦即在溫暖季節時,微生物的含量較高且群落組成亦較豐富。在短時間的氣象變化,如豪雨及氣溫,會嚴重影響細菌數量;而大雨連續沖刷時,亦會造成菌相若干程度的改變;但大雨停止後,微生物菌數與群落組成會逐漸恢復為原狀。
The microbial diversity of branches of Kaoping River at Lao-Nong Basin with altitudes from 100-2204m and Nantzuhien Basin with altitudes from 100-654m were studied. We used combining methods of bacterial, chemical and biotechnological to explore microbial diversity at the two basins to provide a reference for the environmental ecology of Kapoing River. It is the foundation for practicable environmental care. The results show the following: (1) The temperature in Tianchin at Lao-Nong Basin was lower(16.3℃) than the rest of sampling sites(22-28℃). (2) The temperature in Minsheng at Nantzuhsien Basin is lower(21.5℃)than the of sampling sites(24-33℃); other factors such as pH value, total organic carbon, and total organic nitrogen, varied according to different locations. In the microbacterial composition quantitatively, among all microorganisms, the bacteria content was the highest. Each gram of soil contain about 106~109 CFU at Lao-Nong Basin and 105~109 CFU at Nantzuhsien Basin, where as others such as the contents of actinomycetes and fungi were lower. Using 16s rDNA DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)analysis, the soil bacterial community composition at the two basin districts had discoverd that the microbial diversites at Nantzuhsine Basin were more abundant than those at Lao-Nong Basin. In regard to seasonal changes, our data agreed with traditional data. In the warm season, the microbial content is higher, and the community composition is also more abundant. The weather change in a short time period, such as a rainstorm and a quick shift of temperature seriously affected the number of bacteria. When the rain pours steadily down, it caused some degree of drop in bacteria number. However, when the rain stop, the microbacterial content and community composition gradually retured to original forms.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 …………………………………………………Ⅱ
目錄 ………………………………………………………Ⅳ
表目錄 ……………………………………………………Ⅵ
圖目錄 ……………………………………………………Ⅶ
一、緒論 …………………………………………………1
1.1 微生物多樣性研究之背景介紹及重要性……………1
1.1.1 土壤生物多樣性概述………………………………1
1.1.2 不同土壤微生物族群的功能………………………6
1.1.3 土壤微生物多樣性研究的重要性…………………9
1.1.4 影響土壤微生物多樣性的因素……………………12
1.1.5 目前土壤微生物多樣性的研究……………………12
1.1.6 土壤微生物多樣性的未來展望……………………14
1.2 土壤微生物多樣性研究上的困難與限制……………15
1.2.1 採樣的依據………………………………………15
1.2.2 傳統分離培養技術的瓶頸………………………16
1.3 16S rDNA在微生物鑑定、分類與多樣性研究上的應用…17
1.4 變性梯度電泳膠 (DGGE) 的應用……………………17
1.5 本論文研究目的 ……………………………………18
二、材料與方法 …………………………………………20
2.1 研究策略流程圖……………………………………20
2.2 研究樣區概述 ……………………………………21
2.2.1 高屏溪流域概述………………………………21
2.2.2 荖濃溪流域概述………………………………22
2.2.3 楠梓仙溪流域概述……………………………22
2.2.4 樣區採樣………………………………………23
2.3 土壤環境因子檢測…………………………………24
2.3.1 土壤溫度的測定方法…………………………24
2.3.2 土壤pH值的測定方法 ………………………24
2.3.3 土壤含水量的測定方法 ……………………24
2.3.4 土壤總有機碳的測定方法……………………24
2.3.5 土壤總有機氮的測定方法……………………25
2.4 菌種培養...…………………………………………26
2.4.1 細菌菌數測定…………………………………26
2.4.2 放線菌菌數測定………………………………27
2.4.3 真菌菌數測定…………………………………27
2.4.4 固氮微生物菌數測定…………………………27
2.4.5 溶磷微生物菌數測定…………………………27
2.4.6 纖維分解微生物菌數測定……………………28
2.5 資料分析……………………………………………28
2.6 以分生技術分析細菌相……………………………28
2.6.1 微生物群落之去氧核糖核酸萃取方法………28
2.6.2 以PCR方法放大16S rDNA…………………29
2.6.3 清洗PCR產物 ………………………………31
2.6.4 瓊脂膠體電泳… ……………………………31
2.6.5 以DGGE電泳分離PCR產物………………31
3.1 樣區環境條件與土壤特性.………………………34
3.2 各樣區土壤微生物組成…………………………46
3.2.1 細菌含量……………………………………46
3.2.2 放線菌含量……………………………………48
3.2.3 真菌含量………………………………………50
3.2.4 固氮菌含量……………………………………51
3.2.5 溶磷菌含量……………………………………55
3.2.6 纖維分解菌含量………………………………57
3.2.7 樣區微生物組成及環境因子之綜合討論……58
3.3.1 以單一流域在單一季節的比較………………62
3.3.2 不同樣區之不同季節比較……………………63
3.3.3 同一流域不同季節之比較……………………64
3.3.4 未來展望………………………………………64
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