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Title page for etd-0213107-155607
Study of Breeding Biology and Habitat Use of Black-naped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
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breeding success, breeding biology, habitat preference, Black-naped Oriole
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黑枕黃鸝Oriolus chinensis是黃鸝科(Oriolidae)鳥種,分布於亞洲東部、南部與東南亞各國,因遷移性或留棲性、繁殖地、外型特徵與鳴聲差異分為20多個亞種,台灣的黑枕黃鸝目前被歸屬於Oriolus chinensis diffusus亞種(以下簡稱黃鸝)。主要棲息於疏林地帶,以植物果實、昆蟲為主食,多於樹林上層活動,築巢於樹梢末端。為了解其繁殖生態與棲地需求,建立本種在台灣的基礎生態學資料,在2004到2006年的繁殖季與2004和2005的非繁殖季,在屏東穎達生態休閒農場與花蓮新光兆豐休閒農場進行定點行為觀察。這三年間共錄製到黃鸝的三種鳴聲類型共22種音節,兩研究地點間有明顯的方言差異。黃鸝繁殖季節在3~7月,以4到6月為高峰,一對黃鸝一年通常生2窩蛋,雌鳥獨立負責築巢與孵卵,而雄鳥負責警戒,幼鳥孵化後則由雙親共同餵食。三年間在穎達共發現43個巢,而觀察到成功離巢之幼鳥10隻,繁殖成功率為23.3%,在兆豐共發現22巢,成功離巢之幼鳥4隻,繁殖成功率為18.2%。巢材均使用附近的草莖、樹皮、葉片及少許人工材料。屏東穎達的築巢樹種以麻六甲合歡(Albizia falcate)為主(81.4%),花蓮鳳林以黑板樹(Pachira macrocarpa, 63.7%)為主。屏東穎達的繁殖失敗原因包括天敵掠食及氣候造成的損害,花蓮鳳林則以遊客干擾及獵捕為主要威脅。亞成鳥在非繁殖期可能與雌鳥一起活動,繁殖期可能參與繁殖。黃鸝喜好在同一棵樹的不同枝條同一方位築巢。黃鸝的巢附近常有大卷尾(Dicrurus macrocercus)的巢,兩者有共同防禦的行為。
Black-naped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis), Oriolidae, Passeriformes, is a member of old world songbirds. It has a wide distribution all over the eastern Asia, and is divided into 18 to 20 subspecies by differences in breeding sites, residents or migrants, morphological characters and songs. The populations breeding in Taiwan are classified as subspecies Oriolus chinensis diffusus. Black-naped Orioles inhabit in wooded habitats with a preference for tall secondary forests and disturbed wooded habitats and the staple foods of Black-naped Orioles are fruits, larvae, pupae and imagines of insects. This study was intented to understand the habitat preference and to explore the fundamental ecological data of Black-naped Oriole in Taiwan. Breeding seasons of Black-naped Oriole started from March and ended in July, and reached its peak from April to June. Most of the birds had two broods each year. Females built nests and incubated for 17-21 days alone, and males shared feeding and protecting juveniles after hatching. The birds of Pingtung population often built their nests on tall Albizia falcate and those of Fenglin population on Pachira macrocarpa. The breeding success was 23.3% in Pingtung and 18.2% in Fenglin. The breeding failure were due to human disturbance, climate, and poaching. The materials used for nest were bark, grass, leaves, and some artificial materials. Black-naped Orioles prefer to build nests at the same tree but on different branches. The nests were often closed to nests of Dicrurus macrocercus. Cooperative defenses between these two birds were observed.
目次 Table of Contents
Table index…………………………………………………….V
Figure index…………………………………………………...VI
Appendix index……………………………………………VIII
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