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博碩士論文 etd-0216112-164826 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0216112-164826
The Study of Ned Rorem’s Vocal Chamber Music Ariel
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Phyllis Curtin, Vocal Chamber Music, Ariel, Silvia Plath, Ned Rorem
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本研究主要針對美國二十世紀作曲家奈德.羅倫(Ned Rorem, 1923-)的聲樂室內樂作品《愛麗兒》(Ariel)進行樂曲分析與詮釋探討。這部作品是一九七一年羅倫接受美國知名女高音好友菲莉絲.柯亭(Phyllis Curtin, 1921-)的委託,寫給女高音、豎笛、與鋼琴組合的聲樂室內樂。他擷取二十世紀美國女詩人希爾維亞.普拉絲(Sylvia Plath, 1932-1963)的《愛麗兒》(Ariel)同名詩集中其中的五首詩作來譜寫。配合詩詞與詩人的人生經歷,羅倫以多樣的寫作手法,深刻呈現出詩人面對丈夫外遇的無奈心境與詩中的死亡意涵。
This study focuses on analyzing and discussing the interpretation of the vocal chamber music Ariel by the 20th century American composer Ned Rorem. (1923-)
In 1971, Rorem was commissioned to compose a vocal chamber music for soprano, clarinet and piano by one of his good friend, an American well-known soprano, Phyllis Curtin(1921) . He picked up five pieces of works from the anthology, Ariel, of Sylvia Plath(1932-1963), the American female poet, for this composition. With a tie-in of Plath’s poems and the poetry’s life experience, Rorem used various musical language to reveal the sorrow and frustration in the mind of a woman whose husband has affair, and also the ideology of death in these poems .
This essay consists of five parts: 1. Composer Ned Rorem’s life, 2. Rorem and his art songs, 3. Poet Sylvia Plath's life, 4. The composed background of the vocal chamber music, Ariel, 5. Analysis and interpretations of the five lyrics and songs of Ariel. Through my study of Ned Rorem’s Ariel, I hope to assist the readers having a better understanding to this work, as well as providing useful ideas for the interpreta-tion.
目次 Table of Contents
目 次

論文審定書 ⅰ
中文摘要 ⅱ
英文摘要 ⅲ
目次 ⅳ
前言 1
一、作曲家奈德.羅倫的生平 4
二、奈德.羅倫與其藝術歌曲 10
三、詩人希爾維亞.普拉絲的生平 15
四、《愛麗兒》聲樂室內樂作品的創作背景 19
1.〈言詞〉 (Words) 21
2.〈七月的罌粟花〉 (Poppies in July) 29
3.〈倒吊人〉(The Hanging Man) 34
4.〈十月的罌粟花〉(Poppies in October) 41
5.〈拉撒路女士〉(Lady Lazarus) 47
結語 59

參考文獻 62
附錄一:《愛麗兒》聲樂室內樂作品歌詞中英對照 70
附錄二:周姵吟碩士學位畢業音樂會節目單 77
附錄三:周姵吟碩士學位解說音樂會節目單 79
參考文獻 References
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