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博碩士論文 etd-0218105-165003 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0218105-165003
Lajos Bardos' Female Secular Choral Works
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women's chorus, secular, Lajos Bardos
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Hungary has a splendid achievement in the choral development in the 20th century. Because the deep influence of Nationalism and the rising of musicology, the elements of folk music are widely used in the choral compositions. Lajos Bárdos followed the concept of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, using local folk songs as the fundamental material to compose music which can be sung and taught for school and community choirs. Bárdos was one of the choral musicians who had significant positions in the early 20th century in Hungary. He wrote 34 a cappella choral pieces, as well as one accompanied female secular choral work. These pieces are in simple musical form, modal, clearly rhythmic, and displays enriching harmonic color and penetrating style of music. They are appropriate choices for modern choral educators to use.
This thesis contains five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter focuses on the background of Hungary: Part One is the brief introduction of the national conditions of Hungary; Part Two is a chronicle of the Hungarian music development, from the very beginning to the 20th century; Part Three briefly discusses composers who made great contribution to choral development and their important compositions. Chapter Three consists of two parts. Part one is a biographic sketch of Bárdos’ life. Part Two introduces the musical characteristic and style of Bárdos’ choral works. Chapter Four analyzes five pieces for women’s chorus-- “High is the Rue Tree” (Magos a rutafa), “Peak in the Plain” (Bérc a rónán), “Blow the Pipe” (Fújd a sípot!), “Sing!” (Cantemus!), and “the Bride” (Menyecske). Rehearsal techniques and teaching suggestions are also included in this chapter. Chapter Five draws conclusions from the study. Three appendix are included in this thesis. Appendix A is the phonetic alphabets and phonics rules of Hungarian. Appendix B contains the translation and Hungarian pronunciation of the lyrics of the five analyzed pieces. Different versions of scores, phonographic recordings, and lyrics of Bárdos’ female secular choral works are included in Appendix C.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要………………………………………………………………………………. i

第一章 序論…………………………………...……………………………….1
第二章 匈牙利背景探討………………………………………….……...…7
第一節 匈牙利國情簡介……………………………………………….…7
第二節 匈牙利的音樂文化……………………………………………...11
第三節 匈牙利二十世紀初的合唱發展………………………………..18
第三章 巴爾多許女聲世俗合唱作品初探…………………......……..24
第一節 巴爾多許生平…………………………………………………...24
第二節 巴爾多許女聲世俗合唱作品…………………………………..27
第四章 五首女聲合唱選曲分析及教學建議…………………..…….51
第一節 《高高的芸香樹》……………………………………………..55
第二節 《曠野上的高山》……………………………………………..75
第三節 《吹笛!》……………………………………………….……..91
第四節 《歌唱吧!》…………………………………………….……..103
第五節 《新娘》………………………………………………….……..113
第五章 結論…………………………………..………………………….....130
附錄一 匈牙利語音標及發音規則…………………………………………137
附錄二 五首選曲歌詞翻譯及匈牙利語發音……………………………...140
附錄三 巴爾多許女聲世俗合唱曲樂譜出版、有聲資料及歌詞內容………………………………………….…...…………………….156
參考文獻 References
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