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Title page for etd-0221105-113632
The Effect of the Development of Innovative Science Teaching Material on Instruction in Elementary Schools
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creativity, problem solving, creative material development
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科技創新是促進人類文明的原動力,而創新科技人才的培育成為知識經濟時代的重要教育指標。本研究之目的旨在結合台灣長期指導學生參加科展競賽績優之教師開發國小自然科創意教材,並實施教學實驗以考驗新教材創意教學對國小學生創造力、問題解決能力及學科成就之影響。研究工具包括吳靜吉等人(1998)編製之創造思考測驗(語文-竹筷子,圖形-人)、問題解決測驗以及自然科學業成就測驗三份量表。研究分三階段,首先,由七位平均教學年資20年的國小自然科教師,其中有五位教師曾榮獲五次以上之高雄市國中小科展第一名,組成「創意教材開發團隊」,透過十七週每週一次定期的小組討論與專業分享,建構適用於國小自然科的創意思考教學模式(Creative Thinking Instruction Model, CTIM),再依據所建構之創意思考教學模式開發教材;其次,進行開發教材之教學效果實驗,實驗組三位教師先接受「創意教材開發團隊」教師為期三天工作坊的教學分享,對照組三位教師則無,隨後以不等組前後測之準實驗設計方式,選取高雄市三所學校206位國小五年級學生為教學對象,進行為期10週的創意教學實驗;第三,進行實驗後6個月的教學效果追踪。測驗結果以單因子多變量共變數分析與獨立樣本t考驗,檢驗新教材的創新教學對國小學生之學習效益。
1.「創意教材開發團隊」經過十七次討論與建立共識,依據創造性問題解決模式(Creative Problem Solving Model),結合探究式(Inquiry)教學以及STS(Science/Technology/Society)教學的精神,將創意思考教學模式劃分為「教師的創意」與「學生的創意」兩大部分,包括設計情境、發現問題、提出假設、設計驗證、解釋結果及推廣應用等六個歷程的教學循環圈。
Innovation of science and technology is the impetus for the promotion of human civilization, and the fostering of innovators of science and technology has become an important educational goal in the era of knowledge economy. The purpose of the present study is to mobile the teachers, who have long supervised students in science exhibition competition, to develop innovative science teaching material, and to conduct an instruction experiment to examine the effect of such a material on elementary pupils’ creativity, problem solving, and science subject performance.
The instruments of the present study include 1) Creativity Test (Verbal-bamboo chopsticks, figure-人) developed by Wu, et al. (1998), 2 )Creative Problem Solving Test, and Subject Knowledge and Concept Test developed by researchers (2002).
The study consists of three stages. Firstly, a team of “Innovative Science Teaching Material” is organized by 7 elementary school science teachers with average 20 years of working experience, five of which have been awarded as the first rank more than five times in science exhibition competitions held for elementary schools in Kaohsiung. An appropriate Creative Thinking Instruction Model (CTIM) is constructed through panel discussion and shared teaching expertise on weekly basis in a 17-week period, and teaching material is developed on the basis of the constructed CTIM.
Secondly, an experiment is conducted to test the effect of the developed teaching material. The three teachers in the treatment group will receive a 3-day instruction demonstration and reflection from the workshop by the team of “Innovative Science Teaching Material,” while the three teachers in the contrasted group do not. Then, a total of 206 fifth grade pupils in three Kaoshiung elementary schools are selected, on a quasi-experiment design, with pre-, and post tests on unequal number subjects, for the treatment group in a 10-week-session innovative instruction . Third, a follow up test is done 6 months after the experiment. The data are analyzed through One-Way MANCOVA to test the effect of the innovative science teaching material on pupils’ learning.
The results indicate that:1) a general consensus is reached by the team of “Innovative Science Teaching Material,” through 17 panel discussions, and the essentials of Inquiry approach and STS(Science/Technology/Society) approach are combined on the basis of CTIM, which then be classified into “Creativity of teachers,” and “Creativity of the pupils, ” which were further differentiated into six steps: setting design, problem finding, hypothesis formation, testing design, results interpretation, and application promotion, which form an instruction loop; 2) On instruction effect, students in the experimental group perform better on verbal creativity, figure creativity, problem solving competence, and global science subject knowledge than those in the contrasted group; 3) On the follow up test (6 months after the experiment), students in the experimental group perform better on verbal fluency and verbal originality creativity than those in the contrasted group, which indicates a lasting effect of the instruction, but there is no significant difference between subjects.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 …………………………………1
第二節 研究問題 …………………………………………6
第三節 研究限制 …………………………………………7
第四節 名詞釋義 …………………………………………8

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 創造思考教學………………………………………11
第二節 創造性問題解決教學模式的內涵…………………26
第三節 創造性問題解決教學的相關研究…………………40
第四節 專家教師的知識分享與轉移………………………49
第五節 研究假設 …………………………………………59

第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 …………………………………………61
第二節 研究對象 …………………………………………64
第三節 研究工具 …………………………………………66
第四節 研究程序 …………………………………………68
第五節 資料處理 …………………………………………70

第四章 研究結果
第一節 創意教材開發與種子教師培訓 …………………73
第二節 兩組學生創造力之差異比較………………………83
第三節 兩組學生問題解決能力之差異比較………………92
第四節 兩組學生自然科學業成就之差異比較……………96
第五節 教師實務教學行為之分析…………………………98

第五章 討論、結論與建議
第一節 討論…………………………………………………103
第二節 結論…………………………………………………108
第三節 建議…………………………………………………111

參考書目 ………………………………………………………113
附錄1 「太陽的運行」教案……………………………………125
附錄2 「追星一族」教案………………………………………135
附錄3 「植物的繁殖」教案……………………………………143
附錄4 「太陽的運行」試題……………………………………149
附錄5 「植物的繁殖」試題……………………………………151
附錄6 教師創意思考教學檢核表………………………………154
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