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博碩士論文 etd-0222110-162238 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0222110-162238
The Crisis of Modernity and Overcoming Alienation: A Narrative of Alasdair MacIntyre's Thinking in Context
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virtue ethics, rationality, tradition, Marxism, Aristotle
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Alasdair MacIntyre is one of the key philosophers in contemporary revival of virtue ethics, and often labeled as a representative of communitarianism in liberal-communitarian debate. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a narrative of the development of MacIntyre's philosophy, from his early Marxist thought to the later virtue ethics, and to examine the continuities and discrepancies between different stages of his philosophy. This thesis argues that the central theme of MacIntyre's philosophy is a diagnosis of the crisis of modernity and the ways through which we can overcome the predicament of alienation. In other words, MacIntyre's critique of capitalism and liberalist individualism shows the sophistication of his political
thought and therefore cannot simply be described as "communitarian."
To demonstrate MacIntyre's analysis of the crisis of modernity, this thesis focuses on four sets of binary concepts that constitute the foundations of his critiques, that is, "is-ought", "theory-practice", "individualism-holism", and "philosophy-history". The key to his theory of overcoming alienation, in this interpretation, is to understand the dialectic relations within each set of binary concepts respectively. This thesis illustrates how young MacIntyre tried to combine Marxism and Christian theology to answer these problematics, as well as how the later MacIntyre turned to Aristotle and Aquinas for theoretical inspirations. Aside from re-articulating the role of virtues in ethics, other MacIntyre's important theoretical innovations include transcending modern instrumental rationality by elevating the significance of teleological rationality and reconstructing the dynamic
relations between rationality and traditions.
目次 Table of Contents
目 次
第一章 導論 1
第二章 青年麥金泰爾
第一節 馬克思主義:基督教的詮釋 11
第二節 新左派的糾葛 20
第三節 從黑格爾到馬克思:自由與理性 23
第四節 尋求實踐的道德基礎 28
第三章 追尋德行
第一節 道德概念的歷史社會脈絡 36
第二節 啟蒙方案的失敗與現代性情境 45
第三節 實踐體、德行與傳統 52
第四章 理性與傳統
第一節 正義與實踐理性 65
第二節 理性構成的傳統與傳統構成的理性 74
結論 80
參考文獻 83
參考文獻 References
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