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博碩士論文 etd-0318110-033432 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0318110-033432
A Model for Social Presence in an Online Classroom
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learner interaction, social cognitive theory, online classroom, social presence, online learning
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Internet enables construction of flexible online learning environments without time and distance barriers. However, learners typically experience isolation and alienation in online learning environments. These negative experiences can be reduced by enhancing perceived social presence of learners. With the development of learning technologies, learners can communicate asynchronously and synchronously with other participants. If social cues could be delivered adequately in online classrooms, it may become a real possibility for learners to experience the benefits that are typically only available in the social environment of a traditional classroom. However, the perceived social presence among learners is not the same for everyone. In order to better facilitate the social presence in an online classroom, this study attempted to build a model for measuring social presence and its relationships with other factors in online learning based on the social cognitive theory.
An instrument with sufficient reliability and validity was developed to measure these factors. A formal study was carried out with a paper-based questionnaire for those learners who had previous learning experiences in online learning. A total of 535 valid samples were collected and analyzed from three schools in Taiwan. The method of structural equation modeling was applied to examine the proposed model and test the hypotheses. The results of measurement model testing show that five second-order constructs, user interface, mediated communication, social presence, interaction performance, and learning performance, can be synthesized from eleven first-order constructs. The results of structural model testing show that user interface and mediated communication have significant influences on social presence. User interface also has positive impact on mediated communication. Moreover, this study provided evidence that social presence has significant effects on interaction performance, and then interaction performance has significant effects on learning performance. Finally, the implications of research findings were discussed for further research directions and practical applications.
目次 Table of Contents
論文提要 ii
謝誌 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
Contents vii
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 4
1.3 Overview of this Study 5
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background 7
2.1 Social Cognitive Theory 7
2.2 Social Presence 10
2.3 Online Learning Environments 12
2.4 Learner Interaction 15
Chapter 3 Research Methods 19
3.1 Research Framework and Construct Definitions 19
3.2 Research Hypotheses 26
3.3 Participants 30
3.4 Data Analysis Methods 30
3.5 Instrument 31
Chapter 4 Results 42
4.1 Sample Profile 42
4.2 Measurement Model 44
4.3 Structural Model Analysis 62
Chapter 5 Discussion 67
5.1 Implications for Academic Research 67
5.2 Implications for Instructional Practices 69
Chapter 6 Conclusion 75
6.1 Findings 75
6.2 Contributions 77
6.3 Limitations 78
6.4 Future Research 79
References 81
Appendix I: Questionnaire of English Version 92
Appendix II: Questionnaire of Chinese Version 97
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