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博碩士論文 etd-0326116-023837 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0326116-023837
Luxury Represents My Heart! The Influence of Men’s Mate Guarding Motive on Purchasing Luxury Goods
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single vs. joint products, image schemas, purchase intention, luxury goods, mate guarding motive, visual cues in advertising
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  本研究透過不同方式來激發男性的「伴侶守衛」動機,共進行了三個實驗。實驗一使用長篇文章情境誘發方式,發現激發男性伴侶守衛動機(vs. 未激發)確實會提高其對奢侈品的購買意願,並且購買送禮的意願又大於購買自用,另外品牌態度具有重要干擾;實驗二則加入「產品數量類型」,發現當伴侶守衛動機被激發後,不管單數或成對產品組合,購買送禮仍然會大於購買自用,尤其成對產品的呈現方式更會加大購買送禮與購買自用之間的差距;實驗三則是使用不同的方式來激發男性伴侶守衛動機,以直接在廣告圖片中加入短文標語方式,也測試「廣告視覺背景」的干擾作用,分析結果確定短文也能有效激發伴侶守衛動機,並且當廣告背景為垂直呈現時,會提高產品的知覺奢侈感,進而增加購買意願,另外也會強化伴侶守衛動機的作用。
Besides purchasing luxury goods for themselves, it is also common that men purchase luxury goods as gifts for their mates in Taiwan society. This research proposes that a possible reason of this behavior is mate guarding motive. In other words, once men’s mate guarding motive is triggered, it would increase their willingness to purchase luxury goods.
  Three experiments were conducted in this research. The first experiment activated men’s mate guarding motive by reading a contextualized article and demonstrated the positive effects of men’s mate guarding motive on purchase intention of luxury goods. Additionally, men were more willingness to buy luxury goods as a gift to their mates rather than for themselves. The second experiment further investigated the interaction effects between product types (single vs. joint) and men’s mate guarding motive, which was activated by reading the same contextualized article. The results also showed that no matter there was a single product or were joint products in luxury goods advertising, men were also more willingness to buy luxury goods as a gift to their mates. However, joint products increased the difference between two kinds of purchase intention (other-gift/ self-gift). Third experiment examined the interaction effects between advertising visual background and mate guarding motive. The last experiment used a different way to trigger men’s mate guarding motive by watching a print advertisement with a short slogan. The results revealed that the advertised products would be perceived more luxury in a vertical (vs. a horizontal) advertising background. Moreover, there was a significant interaction effect between advertising visual background and men’s mate guarding motive. A vertical advertising background would strengthen the positive effects from activating men’s mate guarding motive on their purchase intention of luxury goods.
  In sum, this research demonstrates that men’s mate guarding motive plays an important role in purchasing luxury goods. As for other contributions, on one side, this research complements the theories in single vs. joint product and in image schemas; on the other side, this research balances the gender difference in responding mate guarding motive. According to the experimental results, this research also provides some design strategies in advertising for luxury brands as the practical recommendations.
目次 Table of Contents
 第一節 研究背景………………………………………………………………...…1
 第二節 研究動機………………………………………………………………......2
 第三節 研究問題………………………………………………………………......4
 第四節 研究目的……………………………………………………………..…....4
 第五節 研究範圍…………………………………………………………..……....5
 第一節 奢侈品「自用」在兩性關係中的使用動機…………………………......6
  1.1 自我呈現 (self-expression)…………………………………………......…7
  1.2 伴侶搜尋 (mate-searching)…………………………………………......…9
  1.3 伴侶守衛 (mate-guarding)……………………………………………......12
  1.4 小結……………………………………………………………………........14
 第二節 送禮與兩性關係……………………………………………………........16
  2.1 送禮的相關研究………………………………………………………........16
  2.2 給自己的禮物 (self-gift)……………………………………………...........17
  2.3 贈送給他人 (other-gift)………………………………………….....……....19
  2.4 成對禮物 (joint-gift) ………………………………………………............19
  2.5 小結……………………………………………………………….....……...20
 第三節 廣告視覺影響……………………………………………………....…….21
  3.1 圖像基模 (image schemas)………………………………………....…....22
  3.2 相機角度:仰角vs.俯角……………………………………….....…….....25
  3.3 垂直視覺vs. 水平視覺……………………………………………............26
  3.4 小結………………………………………………………………........…...28
 第四節 文獻回顧總結………………………………………………………...….29
 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………………….....…31
 第二節 研究假說………………………………………………………….....……31
 第一節 研究方法……………………………………………………………....…37
 第二節 分析方法……………………………………………………………....…45
 第三節 分析結果………………………………………………………………....45
 第四節 討論…………………………………………………………………....…54
 第一節 研究方法……………………………………………………………....…57
 第二節 分析方法………………………………………………………………....61
 第三節 分析結果……………………………………………………………....…61
 第四節 討論……………………………………………………………………....74
 第一節 研究方法…………………………………………………………….......77
 第二節 分析方法………………………………………………………………...83
 第三節 分析結果………………………………………………………………...84
 第四節 討論……………………………………………………………………...99
 第一節 研究發現與討論……………………………………………………….103
 第二節 研究意涵……………………………………………………………….107
 第三節 研究限制與未來方向…………………….……………………...…....117
附錄一 前測一問卷…………………….…………………………………...……133
附錄二 實驗一問卷…………………….……………………...…………………145
附錄三 實驗二問卷…………………….……………………...…………………155
附錄四 前測二問卷…………………….……………………...…………………165
附錄五 實驗三問卷…………………….……………………...…………………175
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