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Title page for etd-0416114-140819
一張貼圖勝過千言萬語?初探即時通訊應用程式 LINE 之貼圖的親密效果
Is a Sticker Worth a Thousand Words? The Intimacy Effect of Stickers in Mobile Messaging Application LINE
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mobile instant messaging applications, nonverbal cues, situation valence, message types, intimacy experience, sticker
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5879 times, has been downloaded 442 times.
行動世代來臨,手機與網路的結合,前所未有地打破時空疆界,也轉變人與人連結的方式。手機即時通訊應用程式成為時下熱門的溝通管道,其中,LINE 挾著可愛的貼圖(Sticker)席捲亞洲,以個人電話簿為中心的強連結社群成形,也使文字為基礎的中介溝通在親密關係溝通中扮演越來越重要的角色。儘管過去研究已證實電腦中介傳播可以達成與面對面同等的親密,然而,尚未有研究檢驗文字與非語言線索(貼圖)之間的關係與親密效果。因此,本研究旨在檢驗在 LINE 溝通管道中,貼圖是否適用在他人揭露正面或負面事件時展現支持(親密表達),而使用三種不同訊息型式──文字、貼圖、文字與貼圖表達親密──各自激發親密經驗為何,是否有助於增進雙方關係的滿意。本研究採取 2(情境:正面 vs. 負面)x 3(親密表達訊息形式:純文字+貼圖 vs. 純文字 vs. 貼圖) 受測者組間組內混合設計(mixed factorial design)共 6 個實驗組別,在 BBS、Facebook 招募具有 LINE 使用經驗的樣本共 300 人。本研究發現,使用 LINE 進行溝通時,負面情境所激發的親密經驗高於正面情境。在訊息形式的主效果方面,無論正面或負面情境,各訊息型式所激發的親密經驗排序皆為:「文字+貼圖」大於「貼圖」大於「文字」。本研究延伸超人際理論以及過去 CMC 非語言替代物的研究,研究結果支持在 CMC 的脈絡中,使用圖形溝通較單純文字溝通更可促進親密經驗。
With the coming of Mobile Generation, mobile instant messaging applications have turned into popular communicative channel nowadays. One of these applications, LINE, has played a more and more significant role in the maintenance of close relationships by its text-based communication with cute “stickers.” However, there has been no study to investigate the impacts of text and the nonverbal cues, stickers, on intimacy effects. Therefore, the study aims to examine whether stickers can be used to express intimacy while others disclosing positive and negative events, and what is the intensity of intimacy experiences that distinct message types, namely, text, stickers, and text plus stickers stimulate and whether it would further increase close relationship satisfaction. The study adopts mixed factorial design composed of two valence situations (positive and negative) and three message types of intimate expression (text, sticker, and text plus sticker) and further categorized into six experimental groups in total. Participants who have LINE using experience(N=300)was collected through Facebook and PTT (BBS in Taiwan). The result demonstrates that negative-valence situation surpass positive ones in generating intimacy experiences. In the aspect of the main effects of message types, whatever the situation valence are positive or negative, the intimacy effects that message types raise are in the same order: “text plus sticker” messages have the highest intimacy effect, following with “sticker only” messages and “text only” messages in turn. This study extends Hyperpersonal Theory and CMC research regarding the nonverbal surrogates, supporting that employing stickers can promote more intimacy experiences than text only in the context of CMC.
目次 Table of Contents
[三、CMC 的非語言線索:表情符號、貼圖+6]
[第二節、親密與親密模型(Intimacy and Intimate Model)+15]
[一、親密互動(Intimate Interaction)+18]
[二、親密關係(intimate relationship)+24]
[第三節、親密與情緒(Intimacy and Emotions)+26]
[一、情緒溝通(Emotional Communication)+27]
[二、社交情緒(The Social Emotions)+28]
[二、 CMC 同樣可達成親密+43]
[第六節、線索的再引進: CMC 的非語言線索+45]
[第四節 量表信度與效度+72]
[第五節 假說確證+75]
[伍、結論與討論 +80]
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