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博碩士論文 etd-0416118-140531 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0416118-140531
Content Analysis of the Core Concepts of Global Competence in Junior High School English Textbooks in Taiwan-Taking PISA 2018 Global Competence Assessment as a Frame of Reference
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PISA2018, English textbooks, textbook analysis, global competence
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本研究以 PISA2018全球素養評量架構(OECD, 2016)為主要參照對象,發展「全球素養內涵類目表」,一共建構兩項主類目,九項次類目與十九項細目內涵,並透過內容分析法分析我國國中佳音翰林、康軒、南一版英語教科書,共18冊,297篇的對話與閱讀,以了解涵蓋全球素養內涵的情形。
Taking PISA 2018 global competence assessment (OECD, 2016) as a frame of reference, this study develops the framework for the concepts of global competence. There are two main categories, nine subcategories, nineteen indicators in total. Using the content analysis method, the analysis items are used to examine the concepts of global competence in the Han-lin, Kang-xuan, and Nan-yi editions of junior high English textbooks. There are eighteen volumes and two hundred ninety-seven dialogues and readings in total.
The findings are as follows: junior high English textbooks show a lack of texts related to “knowledge and understanding of global issues”. Only the issues of environmental pollution prevention and technological change in the world receive much attention. The issues such as global poverty, climate change and global warming, population migration, energy use and its influence on global change are only sporadically found in the English textbooks.
The issues of "intercultural knowledge and understanding" account for 20-30% of the junior high English textbooks. In the section on indigenous culture, most of the topics focus on sight seeing, food, festivals, but pay less attention to the description of the culture of local ethnic groups. In the foreign culture section, the texts focus on the description of European and American culture with particular emphasis on the culture of western movies. In the section of culture comparison, the texts only display the content side by side without further comparison and integration. As for the section on culture exchange, all editions show a lack of attention to this topic.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ....................................................................................................................... i
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ iii
圖次 ................................................................................................................................. vi
表次 ................................................................................................................................ vii
第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 .................................................................................. 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 .................................................................................. 4
第三節 名詞釋義 ...................................................................................................... 4
第四節 研究範圍 ...................................................................................................... 6
第二章 文獻探討 .......................................................................................................... 7
第一節 全球素養之內涵 .......................................................................................... 7
第二節 我國英語文學習領域課程綱要包含全球素養之現況 ............................ 15
第三節 我國英語文學習領域教科書包含全球素養之現況 ................................ 18
第四節 國內外全球素養取向的英語文教材和教學活動設計 ............................ 22
第三章 研究設計與實施 ............................................................................................ 24
第一節 研究方法 .................................................................................................... 24
第二節 研究流程與資料分析 ................................................................................ 32
第四章 研究結果與綜合討論 .................................................................................... 33
第一節 定量分析 .................................................................................................... 33
第二節 定質分析 .................................................................................................... 55
第三節 綜合討論 .................................................................................................... 90
第五章 研究結論與建議 .......................................................................................... 107
第一節 研究結論 .................................................................................................. 107
第二節 建議 .......................................................................................................... 111
參考文獻 ...................................................................................................................... 114
附錄一 PISA2018學生問卷題組 .............................................................................. 119
附錄二 PISA2018學生問卷題組 .............................................................................. 120
附錄三 專家意見請託函 ............................................................................................ 121
附錄四 專家意見調查問卷及審查意見彙整 ............................................................ 125
附錄五 佳音翰林版全球素養內涵分析結果 ............................................................ 136
附錄六 康軒版全球素養內涵分析結果 .................................................................... 146
附錄七 南一版全球素養內涵分析結果 .................................................................... 160
圖 2-1-1全球素養面向間的動 態互全球素養面向間的動 態互................................ ......................... 10
圖 2-1-2 全球素養面向及其內涵 全球素養面向及其內涵 ................................ ................................ .13
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