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博碩士論文 etd-0419118-191048 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0419118-191048
Study on Taiwanese Knowledge and Attitude of Shark Fin Consumption in Tainan and Kaohsiung
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
shark conservation, knowledge, shark, shark fin consumption, attitude and action
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5632 times, has been downloaded 34 times.
本研究有以下結果及建議: (1)民眾對國際鯊魚保育事務的瞭解大於國內鯊魚保育事務,故本研究建議台灣專責漁業資源利用與管理之政府機構-漁業署,以及專責海洋保育之政府機構-海洋保育署,皆應透過網路、電視及新聞媒體等不同管道,加強民眾對國內海洋保育事務的瞭解; (2)男性在鯊魚保育知識上優於女性,針對此現象,本研究建議水族館及環境保護團體策劃以鯊魚為主題之展覽及活動時,能融入女性喜愛的元素,吸引女性參觀者,以增強其在鯊魚保育議題上之知識; (3)教育程度對知識、態度、行動則皆無影響,此結果顯示台灣學校沒有落實海洋教育,建議各學校能確實將鯊魚保育等海洋教育議題融入課程當中。
Sharks are the top predator in marine ecosystem and marine food chain. The number of shark species and quantity affect the health of entire marine ecosystem. Shark fins, which not only representing traditional Chinese dietary culture but also the treasures on Chinese dining tables since ancient times. In recent years, shark catches have continued to rise due to the continuous advancement of pelagic fishing technology, which causing huge crisis on shark ecology. If we can promote not only full utilization of shark carcasses but also avoid eating endangered shark species. We can have perfect balance between preserve traditional Chinese dietary culture and shark conservation. In order to promote the ideas above, we need to understand people’s knowledge, attitude and action of shark conservation. And then make the promotion of shark conservation by strengthening the lack of parts.
In this study, questionnaires were distributed to two different groups (general public and people with seafood shopping needs) at four locations (railway station and Hypermarket) in Tainan and Kaohsiung. The questionnaires aim to understand not only people's knowledge, attitude, action of shark conservation but also the effect of background variables (gender, age, education level, place of distribution) and the correlation between three aspects of the study (knowledge, attitude, action). At the end of the study, proposed suggestions for improving knowledge, attitude, and action of people’s shark conservation will be given according to the results of the study.
This study has following results and recommendations: (1) The public’s understanding of international shark conservation affairs is higher than domestic. Therefore, this study recommends that not only the government agency responsible for the utilization and management of fishery resources (Fisheries Agency) but also the government agency responsible for marine conservation (Conservation Administration) should cooperate to enhance people’s understanding of domestic marine conservation affairs through Internet, television, and news media; (2) In knowledge aspect, male earns higher points than female. According to this phenomenon, the study suggested that aquariums and environmental groups can integrate the elements which favored by female into the exhibitions and events of shark theme. It will helpful for attracting female to join the exhibitions and events. Through the exhibitions and events of shark theme, their knowledge of shark conservation will increase; (3) Educational background has no effect on knowledge, attitudes and action of shark conservation, which shows that schools in Taiwan have not implemented marine education. It is suggested that schools can incorporate shark conservation and marine education topics into the curriculum.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
目次 v
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究問題 4
1.4 研究方法 4
1.5 論文架構 5
1.6 研究限制 6
第二章、文獻回顧 9
2.1 鯊魚漁業資源利用 9
2.2 鯊魚生態保育 13
2.3 環境保育公眾意識 21
第三章、研究方法 25
3.1 問卷設計與架構 25
3.2 問卷調查流程 27
3.3 問卷發放對象、時間及地點 29
3.4問卷前測 30
3.5 正式問卷 34
第四章、研究結果 36
4.1 基本資料 36
4.2 整體解析 37
4.3 逐題解析 38
4.4鯊魚保育知識、態度、行動三構面間之關聯 42
4.5 不同背景變項對鯊魚保育知識、態度、行動造成之影響 44
第五章、討論與建議 47
5.1鯊魚保育知識、態度、行動、三構面間之關聯及背景變項影響探討 47
5.2 提升鯊魚保育知識、態度、行動之途徑建議 54
5.2.1提升鯊魚保育知識之途徑建議 54
5.2.2提升鯊魚保育態度之途徑建議 64
5.2.3提升鯊魚保育行動之途徑建議 74
第六章、結論 78
6.1鯊魚保育意識問卷調查結果 78
6.2 提升鯊魚保育知識、態度、行動之途徑建議 80
參考文獻 82
附錄1 鯊魚保育意識研究問卷 92
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