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Title page for etd-0429118-135347
Singer-songwriter Is Better? Research on the Positioning Strategy of Mandopop Singers
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idolization, curiosity, Mandopop, singer-songwriter, imitation strategy, gender stereotypes, identity
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Pop music traverses different cultures and languages, reflecting contemporary life and values. It is an important medium and available to everyone nowadays. Taiwanese pop music industry began to internationalize in the 1990s, the industrial structure changed drastically and led to a change in the marketing strategy of the record companies. In addition, the value of Taiwanese popular music market has been decreasing year by year, record companies must operate singer carefully. There are many top singers exist in the market, the introduction of new singers is also very difficult. How to find the right market position for singers and bring the greatest economic benefits are record companies must face squarely.
In this study, two 2×2 quantitative experiments were carried out using the quantitative research of laboratory experiment as the main method, and supplemented by the secondary data analysis method. The new singer's orientation was explored to analyze how the singer-songwriter and non-songwriter affect the consumer's curiosity, identity and further idolization. In addition, in the impression management, whether the execution of the imitation strategy will make consumers have different influence on the singer's curiosity and identity, and whether the singer's gender and its positioning method are compatible is the focus of this study.
The study found that whether singers positioned as songwriter or non-songwriter, do not have difference in curiosity and identity with consumers, and that they will not have further idolization. Imitation strategies are no longer what pop music singers should take. The impression management must highlight the singer's personal characteristics to enhance consumers' curiosity, identity and idolization; male singers must have songwriting ability to have a higher chance of getting consumers' curiosity and identity. Gender stereotypes exist in pop music market, but this phenomenon does not further affect the consumption behavior of idolization.
目次 Table of Contents
壹、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 研究目的 5
貳、文獻探討 6
第一節 流行音樂產業 6
一、台灣流行音樂產業概況 6
二、流行音樂產製研究 7
第二節 流行音樂歌手定位類型 12
一、定位的定義 12
二、流行音樂歌手的定位 12
第三節 流行音樂歌手的形象包裝 14
一、形象的定義 14
二、形象管理 14
三、流行音樂歌手的形象管理 15
四、形象管理的模仿策略 15
第四節 同化—對比理論 17
第五節 性別 19
一、性別與性別差異 19
二、性別角色 19
三、性別刻板印象 20
第六節 好奇心 21
第七節 認同 23
第八節 偶像崇拜 24
一、偶像崇拜的定義 24
二、偶像崇拜的消費者行為 24
參、研究架構與假說 25
第一節、研究架構 25
第二節、研究假說 26
一、歌手定位類型與好奇心的關係 26
二、歌手定位類型與認同的關係 26
三、形象包裝對定位類型與好奇心、認同的調節效果 27
四、性別對定位類型與好奇心、認同的調節效果 29
五、好奇心在歌手定位類型與形象包裝、性別對偶像崇拜的中介調節效果 30
六、認同在歌手定位類型與形象包裝、性別對偶像崇拜的中介調節效果 31
肆、研究方法 32
第一節 實驗一 32
第二節 次級資料分析 37
第三節 實驗二 37
伍、研究結果 42
第一節 實驗一 42
第二節 次級資料分析 51
第三節 實驗二 53
陸、結論與建議 61
第一節 研究發現 61
第二節 理論意涵 64
第三節 實務建議 66
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 68
參考文獻 70
中文部分 70
英文部分 74
附錄 84
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