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博碩士論文 etd-0511108-195144 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0511108-195144
Automated Identification and Analysis of Stationary Targets on Seafloor with Sidescan Sonar Imagery
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bayesian classification, cluster analysis, gray level co-occurrence matrix, side scan sonar
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水下靜態目標物的搜尋方式,以應用側掃聲納系統(side-scan sonar)進行海床掃描作業為主;聲納影像中目標物的辨識工作,則以人為檢視的方式進行。由於側掃聲納影像的辨識工作需投入大量的人力、物力、時間與訓練,因此以以數值分析的方式取代傳統之辨識方法是一個極受重視的領域。本研究以台灣西南海域所收集之側掃聲納影像為基準,以框型水泥質人工魚礁(尺度為2m×2m×2m)為辨識標的物,建置完整之影像辨識系統,以達到海床目標物自動化辨識之目的。

(1)側掃聲納影像收集(image acquisition);500kHz,斜距75m。
(2)影像特徵函數擷取(feature extraction);灰度共現矩陣法。
(4)影像類型判定;集群分析法(cluster analysis)。



The normal procedure for the detection of underwater stationary targets is mainly by the application of side-scan sonar. In addition, the identification of targets within the side-scan sonar imagery is primarily based on the visual observation of the operator. Due to its complexity and poor effectiveness, the visual observation procedure was gradually been substituted by numerical analysis procedures and programs. The purpose of the current investigation was dedicated to the development of an automatic image analysis program for the detection and identification of cubic concrete artificial reefs (2 m x 2 m x 2m) in the south-western coastal area off Taiwan.

The major components and methodologies of the program include:
(1)Image acquisition; side-scan sonar at 500 kHz and slant range at 75 m.
(2)Feature extraction; grey level co-occurrence matrix.
(3)Feature Classification; unsupervised Bayesian classifier.
(4)Target identification; cluster analysis.
(5)Target properties analysis, includes circumference, area, central coordinates and quantity of the targets.

Program verification and optimal parameters determination were conducted with a sonograph (650 × 650 pixels) acquired at the Chey-Ding artificial reef site off Kaohsiung County. Feature functions employed in this program include entropy, homogeneity, and mean value. The identification accuracy can reach 93% at the most. In addition, the number of artificial reefs estimated by the program was within 9 to 20, while the actual number is 15.

A realistic evaluation of this program was conducted with a sonograph (2048 × 6050 pixels) acquired at Fang-Liau artificial reef site off Pyngdong County. In addition to the cubic reefs, the targets at this site include cross-shaped artificial reefs with dimensions less than the cubic reefs. The sonograph was divided into smaller blocks with dimensions of 2048 x 550 pixels during evaluation. The results showed that each block can be evaluated based on the value of the seed point obtained by cluster analysis. The seed point which fells between 20.6 and 24.4 indicates that there are cubic reefs existed. Between 15.3 and 17.4 indicates that there are targets with smaller dimensions (i.e., crossed reefs) existed which can not be identified properly. Between 10.1 and 10.9, there is no target existed on the seafloor. The results indicated that the number of targets identified is between 122 and 240.

According to the results of this investigation, the automatic image analysis program can improve the detection and identification of stationary targets within side-scan sonar imagery.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………….………....….…….1
1-1 前言……………………………………………………………….…………………….1
1-2 研究動機與目的………………………………………………….…………………….1
2-2-1 研究動機.…………...................………………………….……........................1
2-2-2 研究目的………………………...………………………..…............................2
1-3 文獻回顧與研究啟發………………………………………………….……………….3
1-4 研究流程…………………………………………………………….………………….5
1-5 研究成果…………………………………………………………….………………….5
1-6 章節概要說明……………………………………………………….………………….6
第二章 側掃聲納系統………………………………………………….….……………………….7
2-1 側掃聲納系統組成元件……………..………..……………….……….………….…...7
2-2 側掃聲納系統概述………….………….……………………….………………….......7
2-2-1 側掃聲納系統原理.…………...…………………….....………........................8
2-2-2 聲納影像成像原理……………...…………………………............................10
2-2-3 聲納影像的解析度…………..…….………………………............................10
2-3 側掃聲納影像資料處理…………….………….………………...………….…….….12
2-3-1 側掃聲納影像資料儲存與輸出.…………………………………..................12
2-3-2 側掃聲納影像資料拼圖與定位………………...…………............................12
2-4 全球衛星定位系統………………………………..………………………….……….13
2-5 魚礁區聲納影像…………………………………..………………………….……….13
第三章 影像自動化辨識系統………………………………….…....…………….……….……..23
3-1 側掃聲納影像收集…………………………………..………………………………..23
3-2 影像切割………………………………………………..………………......................24
3-2-1 非滑動視窗…………………………………...................................................24
3-2-2 滑動視窗...……………………………..………………..................................24
3-2-2 視窗類型選取...………………………..………………..................................24
3-3 影像分析………………………………...……………………………………….……25
3-3-1 影像像元………………....…………………...……………………….……...25
3-3-2 影像紋理..……………...………………..…………………………….……...26
3-3-3 紋理分析..……………...………………..…………………………….……...26
3-3-4 灰度共現矩陣..……….………………..…………………………..….……...26
3-4 影像特徵函數擷取………………………………………....………………….....…...28
3-4-1 一階統計量..……………...……………..…………………………….……...28
3-4-2 二階統計量..……….………………..…………………………..…….……...28
3-4-3 特徵函數選取..…………...……………..…………………………….……...28
3-4-4 特徵函數性質.…….………………..…………………………..….….……...28
3-5 影像特徵函數分類…………………………………………...……………….………30
3-5-1 貝氏分類法..…………...………………..………………………….………...31
3-5-2 貝氏分類器.…….…………………..…………………………..…..………...31
3-6 集群分析……………………………………………………...…………….…………31
3-6-1 集群分析的方法..…………...…………..……………………….…………...32
3-6-2 階層式集群分析.…….……………..…………………………...….………...32
第四章 系統驗證與結果………………...………………………………….……….………........39
4-1 最佳視窗選取………………..………………………………………….……….........39
4-2 特徵函數設定………………………………………………………….………...........40
4-3 貝氏分類器設定………………………........................................................................40
4-4 貝氏分類器分類結果…………………........................................................................40
4-5 集群分析結果………………………............................................................................40
4-6 目標物影像分析……………………............................................................................43
4-6-1 目標物區塊…….…….……...…………..…………………………….……...43
4-6-2 邊界描繪.…………….……………..…………………………..….….……...43
4-6-1 目標物量化..………………...…………..…………………………….……...44
4-6-2 目標物定位.…….…………………..…………………………..….….……...45
第五章 系統應用範例……………….…………………………………...……….……................56
5-1 研究區域概況…………………………………………..…………………..…………56
5-2 影像分割………………….………………………………………...…………………57
5-3 子影像類型………………….………….……………………………………..………57
5-4 自動化辨識系統結果………………….…………………………...…………………57
5-4-1 子影像編號#4…….…….….…………..…………………..………….……...57
5-4-2 子影像編號#5.……….……………..…………………………..….….……...58
5-4-3 子影像編號#6.…….………...…………..…………………………….……...58
5-4-4 子影像編號#7.….…………………..…………………………..….….……...58
5-4-5 子影像編號#8.….…………………..…………………………..….….……...59
5-4-6 子影像編號#9.….…………………..…………………………..….….……...59
5-5 聲納影像修正…………………………..……………….………….…………………59
5-6 修正影像之辨識結果………………………………….………….………..…………60
5-6-1 框型人工魚礁.….…………………..…………………………..….….……...60
5-6-2 十字型保護礁.….…………………..…………………………..….….……...61
5-6-3 砂泥值海床….….…………………..…………………………..….….……...62
5-6-4 子影像類型判定與驗證….….……………………………..…..….….……...63
5-7 目標物影像分析……………………………………….………….………..…………64
5-8 影像動畫應用………………………………………….………….………..…………65
第六章 結論與未來研究方向………………….………………………………..…..…….….......99
6-1 結論…………………..……………………………………………..……………........99
6-2 未來研究方向………………..………………………………..……...…....……..….100
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