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博碩士論文 etd-0513116-115112 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0513116-115112
以五氯酚及戴奧辛誘導 Pseudomonas mendocina NSYSU 降解戴奧辛相關基因之表現
Using PCP and dioxin to induce dioxin-degrading genes expression in Pseudomonas mendocina NSYSU
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五氯酚、P. mendocina NSYSU、戴奧辛、降解基因、qPCR
pentachlorophenol, P. mendocina NSYSU, dioxin, qPCR, degrading genes
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5676 times, has been downloaded 616 times.
本實驗室先前自戴奧辛污染土壤中,篩選純化得到一株現地原生菌種,門多薩假單胞菌Pseudomonas mendocina NSYSU,在好氧與厭氧環境下均具有降解戴奧辛之能力。研究發現本菌株經五氯酚誘導後,可提升菌種分解戴奧辛之效率,並初判此菌株可能存在9個與脫氯、破環的相關基因。本研究利用即時定量聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction) 來偵測在受到五氯酚 (PCP) 與兩種戴奧辛 (OCDD、OCDF) 分別誘導下其各段基因之表現量的變化。研究結果證實此菌具有2個破環基因 (Pmen_0474、Pmen_2526) 及5個脫氯基因 (Pmen_0392、Pmen_1621、Pmen_3718、Pmen_4219、Pmen_4457)。在經濃度40ppm的PCP誘導後,整體戴奧辛降解破環基因及降解脫氯基因的基因表現量皆大幅增加,約為5.58倍,主要增幅時間點為誘導後的0.5~5.5hr左右。經濃度0.1ppm OCDD戴奧辛誘導後,整體戴奧辛降解破環基因及降解脫氯基因的基因表現量也皆有明顯增加,約為3.69倍,其主要增幅時間點為誘導後的10~14.5hr左右。經濃度0.1ppm OCDF戴奧辛誘導後,整體戴奧辛降解破環基因及降解脫氯基因的基因表現量則有些微增加,約為1.79倍,其主要增幅時間點為誘導後的11~15hr左右。綜合上述結果可得知 P. mendocina NSYSU在好氧環境下經由誘導物加以誘導馴化後,其7個戴奧辛相關之基因表現量都會增加,說明了此菌株經誘導馴化後能夠增加其降解戴奧辛之效率。其中又以濃度40ppm之五氯酚為最適誘導物。
Pseudomonas mendocina strain NSYSU was isolated from a dioxin-contaminated soil in 2002. Previous studies showed that this strain could degrade various dioxins under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. We also found the efficiency of dioxin-degrading could be enhanced after pentachlorophenol (PCP) inducing. Preliminary studies showed that P. mendocina NSYSU might contain nine dioxin-degrading genes including dechlorination and ring-cleavage genes. Therefore in this study, we used real-time PCR to detect the expression of these dioxin-degrading genes after inducing by PCP, OCDD, and OCDF. The results showed P. mendocina NSYSU contains two ring-cleavage genes (Pmen_0474, Pmen_2526) and five dechlorination genes (Pmen_0392, Pmen_1621, Pmen_3718, Pmen_4219, Pmen_4457). The PCP induction study revealed that the expression of these 7 dioxin-degrading genes boosted 5.58 folds at 0.5~5.5 hours after inducing by 40 ppm PCP. The OCDD induction study showed that the expression of these 7 dioxin-degrading genes increased 3.69 folds at 10~14.5 hours after inducing by 0.1 ppm OCDD. For the OCDF induction study, the results showed that the expression of these 7 dioxin-degrading genes slightly increased 1.79 folds at 11~15 hours after inducing by 0.1 ppm OCDF. In summary, the expression of all these 7 dioxin-degrading genes was successfully induced by PCP, OCDD and OCDF under aerobic conditions, in which PCP performed the best induction effect.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstact iv
圖次 vii
表次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 五氯酚概述 2
1.3 戴奧辛概述 6
1.4戴奧辛之汙染土壤常見整治方式 11
1.5降解戴奧辛之相關微生物與其降解反應機制 14
1.6 本論文研究菌種Pseudomonas mendocina strain NSYSU簡介 20
1.7基因表現之誘導物 25
1.8分子生物學相關之生物技術 26
1.9 研究目的 30
第二章 材料與方法 32
2.1 實驗材料與儀器設備 32
2.2 P. mendocina NSYSU的活化與繼代 35
2.3 P. mendocina NSYSU之戴奧辛降解基因的尋找與夾取 36
2.4 即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應 (real-time PCR, qPCR) 40
2.5以五氯酚 (PCP) 誘導後的戴奧辛降解基因之表現量偵測 42
2.6以戴奧辛(OCDD、OCDF)誘導後的戴奧辛降解基因之表現量偵測 45
第三章 結果與討論 48
3.1 P. mendocina NSYSU裡的戴奧辛降解基因 48
3.2以五氯酚 (PCP) 誘導後的戴奧辛降解基因之表現量變化 52
3.3以戴奧辛 (OCDD) 誘導後的戴奧辛降解基因之表現量變化 60
3.4以戴奧辛 (OCDF) 誘導後的戴奧辛降解基因之表現量變化 68
3.5三種不同誘導物 (PCP、OCDD、OCDF) 分別誘導後P. mendocina NSYSU的戴奧辛降解基因之表現量綜合比較 77
第四章 結論與建議 87
4.1 結論 87
4.2 建議 89
參考文獻 91
圖次 109
表次 167
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