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博碩士論文 etd-0514113-224411 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0514113-224411
社群廣告對廣告效果、消費者購買意願與態度之影響 —以7-ELEVEN Facebook粉絲專頁為例
The Influence of Social Network Advertisement on Advertising Effect, Purchase Intention and Attitude of Consumer : A Case Study of 7-ELEVEN Facebook Fan Page
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Purchas Intention and Attitude, Facebook Fan Page, Advertising Effect, Social Network Advertisement, Social Media Marketing
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5823 times, has been downloaded 7717 times.
本研究目的為:1、探討消費者加入7-ELEVEN Facebook 粉絲專頁的動機。2、了解消費者對於社群廣告的看法。3、分析社群廣告對於廣告效果、購買意願與態度的關聯性。4、研究7-ELEVEN運用社群廣告對廣告效果、購買意願與態度之間的影響。5、探究人口統計變項、Facebook與粉絲專頁使用型態對於廣告效果、購買意願與態度之間的干擾效果。
The development of social media has transformed online world from one-way entrance platform in the past into a two-way and interactive dynamic mode. The instant messaging, a new bridge for information sharing between enterprises and consumers, attracts a large number of consumers and allows enterprises to perform social media marketing. Through the platform, the enterprise delivers advertising messages to consumers effectively so as to attain the advertising effects. This study intends to discover whether the advertising messages of 7-ELEVEN on the Facebook fan pages can attain advertising effect by increasing consumer awareness and preference and subsequently, the purchase intention and attitude in turn.
The purposes of this study are: 1. To investigate the motivation of consumers to join the 7-ELEVEN Facebook fan page. 2. To understand consumers’ perception of social network advertisement. 3. To analyze the interrelationships among social network advertisement, advertising effect, purchase intention and attitude. 4. To study the impact of advertising effect, purchase intention and attitude by using social network advertisement of 7-ELEVEN. 5. To discuss the interaction of demographic variables and Facebook and fan page use pattern with advertising effect, purchase intention and attitude.
This study categorizes the real social network advertisements that appear in 7-ELEVEN fan page into three types, which are product advertisement, promotion advertisement and store image advertisement. Specially, the study also selects one piece of advertisement that has the most “like” from each type, collects opinions of respondents by using online questionnaires. The conclusions of this study include: 1. The motivation of consumers to join 7-ELEVEN is to acquire information about product and promotion. 2. The advertising effect on social network of consumers. advertisement is almost positive, yet the effect differs on purchase intention and attitude. 3. In social network advertisements, advertising effect, purchase intention and attitude are related. 4. Social network advertisement has some significant effect on advertising effect, purchase intention and attitude. 5. On the impact of advertising effect on purchase intention and attitude, demographic variables has no moderating effect, but the Facebook and fan page use pattern has some significant moderating effect.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4 研究範圍 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 社群、社群行銷策略與社群廣告 4
2.2 消費者加入Facebook粉絲專頁的動機與對社群廣告之看法 19
2.3 廣告效果 22
2.4 購買意願與態度 25
2.5 社群廣告、廣告效果、購買意願與態度之關聯性 26
2.6 文獻小結與評述 30
第三章 研究方法 32
3.1 研究架構 32
3.2 各變數觀念性定義與操作型衡量 35
3.3 實證計畫 41
3.4 資料分析方法 48
第四章 產業分析與個案公司描述 50
4.1 台灣連鎖便利商店產業現況與未來趨勢 50
4.2 7-ELEVEN統一超商公司描述 54
第五章 資料分析與結果 62
5.1 樣本資料與Facebook使用型態分析 62
5.2 信度與效度分析 73
5.3 探討消費者加入7-ELEVEN粉絲專頁的動機分析 80
5.4 社群廣告影響之檢定 83
5.5 社群廣告、廣告效果以及購買意願與態度關係之相關性與迴歸分析 86
5.6 人口統計變項的干擾效果 93
5.7 Facebook與粉絲專頁使用型態的干擾效果 100
5.8 分析結果小結 116
第六章 結論 118
6.1 研究結論 118
6.2 研究貢獻 123
6.3 管理意涵 124
6.4 研究限制 125
6.5 未來研究建議 126
參考文獻 127
附錄 研究問卷 134
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