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博碩士論文 etd-0515113-143743 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0515113-143743
非終端消費品製造商的社群經營策略對於粉絲專頁偏好與廣告溝通效果的影響-Intel Taiwan臉書粉絲專頁為例
The Effect of B2B Social Media Management Strategy on Advertising & Communicating Effect and Fan Page Preference– A Case Study Of Intel Taiwan Fan Page
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
brands, Facebook, advertising effectiveness, fan page, Intel
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5758 times, has been downloaded 491 times.
Intel 近年來以非終端消費品製造商的身分,致力於臉書的經營,對於非終端消費品製造商而言,非終端消費品的製造商的臉書內容該如何經營、投入臉書的經營是否有所成效成為企業關心的議題之一。藉由本研究將瞭解「台灣Intel在臉書粉絲專頁的廣告經營策略及績效」、「台灣Intel 在臉書粉絲專頁的廣告經營策略對粉絲專頁偏好的影響」以及「探討企業積極提升臉書使用者對於粉絲專頁的偏好,能否提升使用者對所屬品牌的品牌偏好、知曉、購買意願,以及產生正確的品牌聯想」。
本研究針對台灣地區18 歲至34 歲並瞭解Intel Taiwan 粉絲專頁近3 個月訊息動態臉書使用者以結構性網路問卷進行訪問,並回收有效樣本共297 份。

由本研究結果顯示臉書使用者並不會因為臉書粉絲專頁的內容發布型態產生對品牌 粉絲專頁產生偏好、互動性的顯著影響,雖然如此,本研究亦發現不同動機的使用者對於廣告與溝通的訊息型態有不同程度的偏好。本研究證實非終端消費品製造商透過臉書做為廣告與溝通的媒體能夠藉由使用者對於粉絲專頁的偏好提升品牌的知曉度、偏好,更能增加潛在粉絲的購買意願,唯在品牌聯想部分,非終端消費品製造商仍需更加努力。台灣Intel 在目前臉書粉絲專頁的廣告經營策略及績效結果顯示,無論是現有或者潛在粉絲,「贈獎活動」、「科技動態與新品發表」及「活動公告」皆被視為重要的項目,故應重視上述項目之維持與經營。
Intel, a non-consumer goods manufacturer, actually operates facebook and work hard to communicate with the general consumers recently. As a non-consumer goods manufacturer, what kinds of messages should be released in fan page, and how to maintain the fan page are important issues. The purposes of this study include "Exam the management strategy of Intel Taiwan facebook fan page and the performance of Intel Taiwan facebook fan page ", "Understand how does the management strategy of Intel Taiwan facebook fan page influence facebook users’preferences to the facebook fan page "and "Learn about the facebook advertising effectiveness of brand preferences, brand awareness, brand association and consumer purchase intention. "This research investigates facebook users who is in 18-34 age and understands Intel Taiwan fan page the near 3 months posts. In addition, the study conducted the survey by internet questionnaire and acquired 297 valid samples.

The main results of the research are as follows:
1. The types and the content of messages do not affect facebook users’ preference to fan page. But fan page users of different motivations have different degrees of preferences to specific types and the content of messages.
2. The advertising and communicating messages can raise the brand awareness, have positive impacts on brand preference, and increase the potential fans’ purchase intention. But users’ brand association between brand and product is weak.
3. “Give-away”, ”new product and technology”, and “activity announcements” are top three important messages in Intel Taiwan fan page , Intel should pay attention to the maintenance and management of the project.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 ········································································ 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ························································ 1
第二節 研究目的 ·································································· 3
第二章 文獻探討 ·································································· 4
第一節 廣告策略 ···································································5
第二節 社群媒體-臉書的廣告經營策略 ···································· 6
第三節 臉書粉絲專頁偏好 ······················································7
第四節 臉書的廣告溝通效果 ·················································· 9
第五節 臉書專頁的績效衡量 ·················································· 12
第六節 文獻小結與評述 ·························································13
第三章 研究設計與方法 ························································ 15
第一節 研究假說與架構 ························································ 15
第二節 問卷設計與變數衡量 ·················································· 21
第三節 受訪對象與抽樣方法 ·················································· 27
第四章 個案公司介紹 ···························································· 28
第一節Intel公司簡介 ······························································28
第二節 社群媒體與臉書介紹 ·················································· 30
第三節 Intel在臉書的經營 ·······················································35
第五章 研究分析 ···································································38
第一節 信度與效度 ································································38
第二節 有效樣本特徵 ·····························································40
第三節 Intel Taiwan現有粉絲使用行為 ·····································43
第四節 粉絲專頁內容與粉絲專頁偏好 ······································46
第五節 粉絲專頁偏好對於廣告效果的影響 ·······························53
第六節 臉書粉絲專頁廣告與溝通效果對購買意願之影響 ··········· 59
第七節 粉絲專頁內容型態因動機對粉絲專頁偏好影響 ·············· 60
第八節 研究分析小結 ···························································· 64
第六章 結論與建議 ······························································· 68
第一節 研究結論 ·································································· 68
第二節 研究貢獻 ···································································70
第三節 管理意涵 ·············································· ····················71
第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ··········································· 72
參考文獻 ············································································· 73
附錄 ··················································································· 78
問卷一 現有專頁粉絲 ····························································78
問卷二 潛在專頁粉絲 ··························································· 81
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