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Title page for etd-0516107-122623
The structure and variation of benthic communities in coral reefs of southern Taiwan
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coral reef, benthic community, biodiversity, southern Taiwan
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本論文於2003至2005年利用固定橫截線方塊取樣法,研究台灣南部珊瑚礁四個不同地點,水深5至10公尺的底棲群聚。結果共紀錄硬珊瑚45屬154種,軟珊瑚10屬45種,佔已知珊瑚種類的67%。底棲生物與硬珊瑚生長形的數量在三年間皆穩定,但在地點間的生物數量與群聚結構皆有顯著差異;香蕉灣與雷打石的總珊瑚平均覆蓋率最高,分別為56.88%與65.69%,且香蕉灣以硬珊瑚為優勢(65.43%),雷打石則以軟珊瑚為優勢(39 %);萬里桐與龍坑的總珊瑚與底棲性藻類覆蓋率相似。在硬珊瑚生長形方面,團塊與表覆形硬珊瑚在三個地點為優勢,可能與受風浪影響較大有關,在香蕉灣則與葉片形硬珊瑚數量相近,而受風浪影響最大的龍坑的空基質最高(21.39%)。葉片形硬珊瑚在較受保護的香蕉灣數量豐富且形成優勢種,其中癭葉表孔珊瑚(Montipora aequituberculata)的覆蓋率為20.59%,佔硬珊瑚的31.46%;但葉片形硬珊瑚可能易受颱風影響而造成數量劇烈變動。雷打石的珊瑚物種多樣性最高,可能與此地區硬珊瑚與軟珊瑚並存,並且沒有優勢種有關。此外,與過去研究結果資料相比,珊瑚覆蓋率呈現穩定或增加趨勢,可能與以團塊形和表覆形硬珊瑚為主的群聚特性有關。
Benthic community structure was studied by sample quadrates on transects at depths of 5 to 10 m in four sites, including Wanlitong, Leidashih, Siangjiao Bay, and Longkun, in coral reefs of southern Taiwan from 2003 to 2005. Totally 154 species in 45 genera of hard coral and 45 species in 10 genera of soft coral, representing 67% of known coral species were recorded. Covers of benthic organisms and hard coral growth forms were similar among years, but were significantly different among sites. Mean cover of all corals was high in Siangjiao Bay (56.88%) and Leidashih (65.69%), but hard coral (65.43%) was dominanted in Siangjiao Bay while soft coral (39.00%) was dominanted in Leidashih. Mean cover of all coral and benthic algae was similar in Wanlitong and Longkun. For hard coral growth forms, massive and encrusting corals were dominanted in three of four sites. This may be resulted from the strong wave. Cover of bare substrate was high (21.39%) in Longkun which was the most exposed to wind and wave stress. Foliaceous coral was abundant with the dominated species, Montipora aequituberculata (20.59%) in Siangjiao Bay which was a more protected site. However, foliaceous coral was more susceptibe to typhoon. Coral diversity was higher in Leidashih. This was related to both hard and soft corals were common and no dominant species. Comparing to previous studies, the long term change of coral abundance shows stable and/or increasing trends. It may be related to the dominance of massive and encrusting coral communities in southern Taiwan.
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參考文獻 References
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