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Title page for etd-0520110-133921
Total and organic mercury concentration in the muscle of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
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long-line fisheries, geographic difference, food safety, Organic mercury, Total mercury
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本研究分析大西洋及印度洋大目鮪尾柄肌肉各121尾及110尾,合計231尾樣品,全部樣品的肌肉總汞及有機汞濃度為0.786± 0.386(0.217- 0.386)及0.595± 0.238(0.143- 2.222)mg/kg 濕重。這些測值與過去文獻的測值雷同。
本研究中有1.7%的大西洋大目鮪超過台灣衛生署規定之甲基汞濃度限值(2 mg/kg 濕重),有13%的大西洋大目鮪以及2.7%的印度洋大目鮪超過WHO及FDA的甲基汞限值(1 mg/kg 濕重)。以平均有機汞濃度估算,國人男性(65公斤體重)及女性(55公斤體重)每周分別攝食170及145克以下的大目鮪肌肉不會有甲基汞攝入過量的健康風險。
White muscle samples of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, collected in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean were analyzed for total (THg) and organic mercury (OHg) concentrations.
A total of 231 white muscle samples showed that THg and OHg concentrations ranged from 0.217 to 0.386 (0.786 ± 0.386) and 0.143 to 2.222 (0.595 ± 0.238) mg/kg wet weight, which did not differ with other previous studies. THg and OHg were linearly correlated with fork length (cm) and body weight (kg).
The THg and OHg concentrations of 121 bigeye tuna samples collected in the Atlantic Ocean were linearly correlated with fork length, body weight and age. The OHg of 110 bigeye tuna in the Indian Ocean were linearly correlated with fork length, body weight and age, but only the the THg concentrations were linearly correlated with fork length.
The average THg and OHg concentrations of bigeye tuna from the Atlantic Ocean showed significantly higher value than those from the Indian Ocean (p< 0.05). Furthermore, the slope of the regression lines between mercury concentrations (THg and OHg) and fork length in the bigeye tuna from the Atlantic Ocean was significantly higher than those from the Indian Ocean (p< 0.05). It’s suggested that different Hg accumulation patterns exist in the two oceans.
In the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, 1.7% and 0% of the bigeye tuna, respectively, had OHg concentrations of the muscles above the authorized limit (< 2 mg/kg wet weight) set by the Department of Health, Taiwan, and 13% and 2.7%, respectively, of the levels exceeded the safety food standard (< 1 mg/kg wet weight) set by WHO and FDA. Accordingly, for adult men and women with 65 kg and 55 kg of body weight, the maximum allowable weekly intake of bigeye tuna are suggested to be 170 and 145 g, respectively.
目次 Table of Contents

1.1 汞的來源與分布.....................................................1
1.3 大目鮪汞蓄積之研究回顧....................................3
1.4 實驗目的................................................................4

2.2 實驗用品之清潔..................................................5
2.3.1 事前工作..........................................................6
2.3.3 標準溶液之配製..............................................8
2.4 汞元素分析.........................................................9
2.5 實驗分析之品保和品管.....................................9
2.6 年齡資料............................................................10
2.7 數據處理............................................................10

3.1 大目鮪基本生物學資料.....................................12
3.3 大目鮪之總汞及有機汞濃度...............................12
3.4 性別差異對大目鮪肌肉汞蓄積之影響..............14
3.4.1 大西洋...............................................................15汞濃度與尾叉長之關係.................................16汞濃度與體重之關係.....................................17 汞濃度與年齡之關係...................................18
3.4.2 印度洋..............................................................20 汞濃度與尾叉長之關係..............................20 汞濃度與體重之關係..................................21 汞濃度與年齡之關係....................................23
3.6 汞濃度在地點間的差異......................................25

4.6 與其他大西洋及印度洋高階消費者汞濃度之比較....34
4.7 食用安全性.........................................................36

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