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博碩士論文 etd-0520117-151507 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0520117-151507
Study of Interactive Management of DUI in Kaohsiung City
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Public Value, Nominal Group Technique(NGT), Interaction Management(IM), Public Affairs Management, Governance of Drunk Driving
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交通安全是城市治理的重點工作之一,而酒後駕車造成社會成本甚鉅,常成為社會矚目議題。酒駕行為除與個人社經背景有關,亦涉經濟、社會、管理、政策層面。而現今社會多元發展,個體意識抬頭,處理複雜的公共議題除應跨界合作,亦須考量多方當事人認知及角色分析。本研究嘗試以公共事務管理參考架構(Public Affairs Management, PAM)為基礎,經由運用互動管理(Interactive Management, IM)方法來解析個體認知、人際共識、群體現象。透過IM的民主程序能充分尊重當事人,且有效凝聚共識,各方實力展現做出群體決策、形塑出共識是經由多回合衝突,所找到新的平衡點。本研究的互動管理方法,邀集13位高雄地區與『酒駕防制及治理預應』議題相關之多方當事人,進行多回合的互動。期使產生具體有效可行策略,以提供高雄市有關當局參考和需加強改進之處,並可作為未來酒駕治理及預應的參考方向。
原始結構增強圖結果顯示, 提高罰則及標籤化管理對執法有增強作用。與會代表對於最後產出之結構圖都感到滿意,並認為互動管理方法比起一般性會議或公聽會更能有效將注意力集中在問題本身。另從V-C-S「策略三角」亦可就結構增強圖為驗証,透過提高罰則及標籤化管理等法規、政策支持(S支持),可提高警察執法能力(C能力),對社會期待防治酒駕有正面效果(V價值)。
Transport safety is focus of urban management. Drink driving results in significant cost to society, and is a key topic for the community.Besides the social and economic background, the drunk driving is also related to circumstances of economic, society, management and policy aspects. Under the development of diversification and individualism, we see that the solution to public issues would be collaborated across multi-sectors, and would need to consider the cognition and the roles played by the people focused.The present research attempts to base on the Public Affairs Management (PAM) and the method of Interactive Management (IM) to interpret the issues of analysis individual cognition, interpersonal relationship, and group phenomenon.Through the democratic process accompanied by the IM, the persons in focus can be respected and the mutual understanding can be built. By the displaying of the powers for each person, we expect that the collective decisions can be arrived and the consensus can be shaped through the multiple rounds of conflicts. We also will find the new point of balance. By the methods of interactive management in this study, we invite thirteen interviewees which all related to the issues and management of “The Pre-prevention and Governance of Drunk Driving in Kaohsiumg Area”to join into the multiple turns of interaction.We anticipate that the concrete and effective strategies will be approached and to provide some references and suggestions to the Kaohsiung city government. Somehow the directions for how to manage and pre-prevent the drunk driving will be based.
Through the empirical study, literature review, problem explored, we induce the four phases of related issues such as policy, management, society and economic.In the workshop of interactive management, we adopt the NGT to prime, debrief, vote and pair-compare some questions sequentially in the first round. And we use the ISM to reveal the enhanced structure diagram in the second round.Finally, there are twelve strategies appeared.
1. All the licence plates owned by the drunk drivers should be labelled.
2. The amount of compulsory liability insurance for drunk drivers should be significantly increased.
3. The drunk driving offender should pay for victim’s medical and lifetime living costs.
4. When the drink driver has three incidents of endangering public safety, then the offender will be listed as high risk individual, and instead of receiving a fine they will be imprisoned.
5. Offender hospitalized from drink driving wll need to pay a significant portion of their own medical costs.
6. Offender from drink driving will be arrested, charged without delay, and sentenced to imprisonment and high rate of fine.
7. Offender should take the roles as volunteer at hospitals.
8. The compensation fee paid to the victim’s family should be aggravated.
9. To suggest that the sentence for the drunk drivers should be aggravated and act as deterrent.
10. Strengthen the acts of enforcement and to put an end to the lucky thougth. (enhance the motivations of policeman to ban the drunk driving offenders)
11. To set a sentence for 40 days of labor if the behaviors of drunk driving is repetitive especially for the drunk drivers and professional drivers.
12. Empathy focused, and common slogans establishided (ex. All the roadside pedestrians are like our family members). To prv-prevent the occurrence of post regrets based on the fundamental origins.
From the results we realize that there are huge differences among the different groups. Concerning the topics of education, the public administrators have the highest cognition, the next refer to the offenders, and the lowest are the composite-disciplinary experts.After the discussion processes of IM, the cognitions have been converged about education, law enforcement, and management. Especially in the domain of education, the huge differences have been diminished. The mean scores of each groups have been smoothed gradually.
While in the enhanced structure diagram, we see that the effectiveness will be reinforced by fine increased and labelling management. All the attendants are satisfied with the final enhanced structure diagram and they regard the method of IM will be superior than general conferences or public hearing in guiding the focuses toward the questions.Additionally, we can also testify the V-C-S form the enhanced structure diagram. Because form the fine increased and labelling management, the policies be supported(S), and can raise the abilities of enforcement of policemen(C), and to result in positive impacts for the social expectations about how to prevent the behaviors of drunk driving (V).
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 公共事務管理整合參考架構(PAM)的闡述 8
第二節 酒精影響下的個體行為變化 11
一、酒精代謝作用 11
二、酒精劑量計算 12
三、酒精對駕駛者造成的影響 12
第三節 酒後駕車的群體現象 14
第四節 策略三角V.C.S.管理模式 18
第五節 互動管理與結構 21
第六節 國內相關研究 25
第七節 國外相關資料 34
第八節 研究檢測發想 40
第三章 研究方法與設計 42
第一節 研究方法與流程 43
一、問題界定(探索)方法 43
二、互動管理方法 43
三、研究流程 44
第二節 研究參與者 44
第三節 研究工具 47
一、問題界定(探索)方法 47
二、互動管理方法 47
第四節 資料之統計整理 52
一、問題探索部分 52
二、互動管理研討會部分 52
第四章 研究實證與結果 54
第一節 問題界定(探索)與結果 54
一、問題界定(探索)與結果 54
二、提供互動管理研討會之製作白皮書 56
三、本節小結 58
第二節 互動管理(IM)研究實證-計劃階段 58
一、互動管理第一階段-計畫(準備)階段 58
二、IM書面準備資料作業流程 59
三、白皮書 60
四、問卷調查(前測) (後測)及會後感想調查 60
五、互動階段流程 60
第三節 互動管理(IM)研究實證與結果-互動階段 62
一、名義群體技術(NGT)步驟 62
二、名義群體技術(NGT)過程 63
三、2016年12月3日第1回合NGT現場流程 63
四、原始策略-全部42項策略 64
五、澄清問題--澄清整併經表決留下28項策略 68
六、票選問題 73
七、兩兩比較,使增強表決 77
八、本節小結 78
第四節 互動管理(IM)研究實證與結果-詮釋結構模式法(ISM ) 79
一、ISM流程 79
二、12項策略回顧 80
三、原始增強結構圖 80
四、12項策略說明 82
五、問卷調查統計數據 85
六、第二回合問卷調查統計數據 89
第五章 結論與建議 91
第一節 研究結論 91
第二節 研究建議 93
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 94
參考文獻 95
附錄1-1 : 公共事務管理參考架構圖 ………………………………………………101
附錄3-1:問卷調查-第一階段 102
附錄3-2:問卷調查-第二階段 105
附錄3-3:會後心得分享調查 108
附錄3-4:白皮書 109
附錄4-1:名義群體技術(NGT)應用三階段理論研究流程圖 116
附錄4-2:名義群體技術(NGT)互動階段操作步驟流程圖 117
附錄4-3:策略提出及澄題彙整表 118
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