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Title page for etd-0523115-095459
Mesoscale eddies triggered particulate organic carbon flux in the Western North Pacific and the northern South China Sea
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particulate organic carbon, eddy, Western North Pacific, sediment trap, South China Sea
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在亞熱帶貧營養鹽的開放性大洋常可觀測到中尺度渦流,渦流能將次表層營養鹽富集的海水輸送至表層,進而刺激生地化循環,提升基礎生產力(primary production, PP)。由於渦流難以觀測,增加了相關研究的困難度,因此對於渦流是否能有效地將大氣中的二氧化碳轉換成有機碳後輾轉輸送至深海埋存,亦即強化生物幫浦的能力,迄今相關研究仍存在著迥異的看法。本研究於2007年5月於北太平洋西側(Western North Pacific, WNP)開放性大洋的副熱帶寡營養鹽海域透光層底部測量了顆粒態有機碳通量(particulate organic carbon flux, POCf),結果顯示暖渦(warm eddy, WE)邊緣的POCf (136–194 mg-C m−2 d−1),明顯高於WNP貧營養鹽海域的參考測站(26–35 mg-C m−2 d−1);2010年6及7月,在WNP的相似海域,亦觀察到了渦流(包含WE及CE,cold eddy,冷渦)邊緣測站較高的POCf (77–124 mg m−2 d−1)。透過掃描式電子顯微鏡影像(scanning electron microscopy)觀察,這些高POCf測站主要的顆粒組成是以較大型藻類的殘骸(如:矽藻)及浮游動物的糞粒為主,表示在WNP的渦流邊緣提供了相對成熟穩定的水團特性,使得較大型的藻類適合生長並刺激了透光層中的生地化循環而產生了較高的POCf。
2013年4和9月及2014年5月於南海(South China Sea, SCS)北部對於渦流的研究結果得知,平均而言CE (50–166 mg-C m−2 d−1)的POCf高於WE (15–25 mg-C m−2 d−1)且渦流的核心區域高於邊緣(CE的核心及邊緣:73–166及50–53 ; WE的核心及邊緣:25及15 mg-C m−2 d−1)。造成CE核心的POCf高值,在SCS北部(即巴士海峽)可能是源於CE核心較邊緣有較充沛的營養鹽輸入刺激了生地化反應;於東南亞時間序列研究SEATS (SouthEast Asian Time-series Study),CE的POCf高值應是由於該CE核心的物理現象,作用於選定測站(CE中心)相較於參考測站(CE邊緣)的時間長(~18日),因此提高了POC通量;而SEATS的WE核心的POCf高值,則可能是透過反氣旋(anticyclonic)流場的物理特性所產生的水平傳輸將邊緣較高之POCf的海水移送至渦流中心。依據水體中顆粒的初步計數及鑑別結果判斷,所觀測到在次表層葉綠素最大值深度中的矽藻數量及其碳含量與POCf顯著的正相關,表示SCS海域中由渦流所產生較高的POCf與較大型浮游植物―矽藻的數量多寡或組成比例有關(如Chaetoceras, Thalassiosira, Nitzschia, Asteromphalus, Coscinodiscus及Pleurosigma)。另外,本研究亦於SEATS測站的WE核心佈放了漂浮式的沉積物收集器深水串列(於水深150、1000、2000及3200 m處),發現POC輸出比(e ratio, POCf / I-PP,透光層中PP的儲量)由淺至深的變化差異不大(POCf分別為25、18、16及15 mg-C m−2 d−1)。由表層海水計數生物源顆粒其表面附著較多細菌群落的顆粒數比例判斷(WE核心及其它測站:32 vs. ~7 %),WE中較高的有機碳儲存效率,可能歸因於較為活躍的細菌作用產生了較多不易被分解的碳有關。除此之外,利用POCf、I-Chl a (透光層中Chl a儲量)及I-PP三者之間的比值關係,即POCf / I-Chl a與e-ratio (POCf / I-Chl a = 10.88 e-ratio + 0.517, n = 19, r2 = 0.85, P < 0.05)於WNP、SCS及其它著名的時間序列測站均呈現良好正向的線性關係,故透過上式,可用以估計較為大範圍的生物幫浦效率。
Mesoscale eddies in the subtropical oligotrophic ocean are ubiquitous and play an important role in nutrient supply and oceanic primary production (PP). However, it is still unclear whether these mesoscale eddies can efficiently transfer CO2 from the atmosphere to deep waters via biological pump because of the sampling difficulty due to their transient nature. In May, 2007, particulate organic carbon fluxes (POCf), measured below the euphotic zone at the edge of warm eddy (WE) were 136–194 mg-C m−2 d−1 which was greatly elevated over that (POC flux = 26–35 mg-C m−2 d−1) determined in the nutrient-depleted oligotrophic waters in the Western North Pacific (WNP). In June and July, 2010, higher POCf (77–124 mg-C m−2 d−1) were also observed at the boundary of both WE and cold eddy (CE) in the WNP. The enhanced POCf at the edge of eddies was mainly attributed to both large phytoplankton (e.g. diatom) broken cells and zooplankton fecal pellets based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination.
In April and September, 2013 and May, 2014, researches were conducted in the South China Sea (SCS) for POCf measuring to better understand the effect of carbon pump in eddies (i.e. CE and WE). The POCf was not only higher in the CE than WE (50–166 and 15–25 mg-C m−2 d−1, respectively) but also in cores than edges in those eddies (CE: 73–166 and 50–53; WE: 25 and 15 mg-C m−2 d−1). Raised POCf of the CE’s core in the Bashi Channel could be followed by more nutrients injection in the core rather than the edge (nitrogen, phosphate and silicate inventories within the euphotic zone were 1155、78、1445 and 395、28、536 mmol m−2, respectively). The elevated POCf found in the core of CE at the SouthEast Asian Time-series Study (SEATS) may be attributed to the core effect on the specific station and its nearby water for a longer period. As to the higher POCf in the core than the edge at the SEATS was probably due to the considerable lateral advection caused by anticyclonic mechanisms of the WE. Based on the result of preliminary particles enumeration and identification, it was that the elevated POCf in CEs was contributed by numerous larger phytoplankton (i.e. diatom: Chaetoceras, Thalassiosira, Nitzschia, Asteromphalus, Coscinodiscus and Pleurosigma) according to their significant and positive relationship between the POCf, the abundance and the carbon content. Additionally, we also deployed a deep sediment trap array (at the depth of 150, 1000, 2000 and 3200 m) at SEATS to understand particle transporting efficiency to deep water. The sinking flux of POC were 25、18、16 and 15 mg-C m−2 d−1 at SEATS suggesting that particles could be largely stored in deep water because the e ratio (POCf / I-PP) did not show significantly change. Therefore, the persistent POCf in the WE was possibly due to active microbial loop (e.g. bacteria) and kept more POC in the refractory condition based on the result of preliminary particles enumeration with more bacteria-covered particles in the surface water of the WE’s core site (WE’s core and others were 32 and 7%, respectively). Moreover, the application of POCf, I-Chl a and I-PP (integrated chlorophyll-a and PP within the euphotic zone) to estimate the quantification of biological pump in the subtropical oligotrophic ocean was reliable in accordance with a strong and positive correlation between ratios of POCf / I-Chl a and export ratio.
In conclusion, our result stand in the opposite side to the previous study that the POC flux of the eddy is not important and insignificant in the subtropical Pacific Ocean based on our field observations. The result suggests that mesoscale eddies in the oligotrophic waters, such as the subtropical WNP and SCS, can efficiently increase the oceanic carbon export flux. The edge and core of eddies in the WNP and SCS, respectively, act as a crucial conduit in carbon sequestration to deep waters.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第1章、前言 - 1 -
1.1 海洋碳循環 - 1 -
1.2 前人研究及文獻探討 - 5 -
1.2.1 貧營養鹽海域的顆粒態有機碳通量 - 5 -
1.2.2 極端天氣事件 - 6 -
1.2.3 自然偶發事件 - 7 -
1.3 研究現況 - 10 -
1.4 研究動機與目的 - 14 -
1.5 論文主要架構 - 18 -
1.6 主要研究方法 - 19 -
1.7 研究內容及立論假設 - 24 -
第2章、研究材料及方法 - 26 -
2.1 研究海域介紹 - 26 -
2.1.1 北太平洋西側開放性大洋 - 27 -
2.1.2 南海 - 28 -
2.1.3 巴士海峽 - 29 -
2.2 採樣方法 - 31 -
2.2.1 海水樣品採集 - 31 -
2.2.2 沉降顆粒收集 - 32 -
2.3 分析方法及資料處理 - 33 -
2.3.1 基本生地化參數處理 - 33 -
2.3.2 顆粒態有機碳的量測與分析 - 35 -
2.3.3 模式估算的衛星資料運用 - 35 - 基礎生產力估算 - 35 - 衛星資料運用 - 38 -
2.3.4 海水中顆粒物質的計數與分類 - 40 -
2.3.5 垂直擴散係數計算 - 40 -
2.3.6 平均動力高度計算 - 41 -
第3章、結果與討論 - 43 -
3.1 WNP海域水文及生地化參數描述 - 43 -
3.1.1 WNP開放性大洋(K區)水文參數 - 43 -
3.1.2 WNP開放性大洋(K區)生地化參數 - 45 -
3.2 WNP海域POCf輸出機制探討 - 49 -
3.2.1 K區測站垂直營養鹽輸入機制探討 - 49 -
3.2.2 K區測站營養鹽停留時間探討 - 51 -
3.3 WNP海域POCf與其它生地化現象的關係及應用 - 54 -
3.3.1 WNP的POCf與I-Chl a的關係 - 54 -
3.3.2 WNP的POCf與I-PP的關係 - 55 -
3.3.3 北太平洋西側POC通量在海洋碳循環的應用 - 57 -
3.4 NSCS渦流之水文參數及生地化參數 - 61 -
3.4.1 B1–B9測站水文參數描述 - 61 -
3.4.2 SW1–SW11及SC1–SC8測站水文參數描述 - 61 -
3.4.3 B1–B9測站生地化參數描述 - 63 -
3.4.4 SW1–SW11及SC1–SC8測站生地化參數描述 - 66 -
3.5 NSCS的POCf差異之機制探討 - 71 -
3.5.1 渦流的生命週期與生地化反應 - 71 -
3.5.2 渦流的垂直營養鹽輸入機制 - 74 -
3.5.3 浮游植物對POC通量的貢獻 - 76 -
3.6 NSCS海域POCf與其它生地化現象的關係及應用 - 82 -
3.6.1 POC在WE中的保存率 - 82 -
3.6.2 南海POC通量在海洋碳循環的應用 - 85 -
第4章、結論 - 88 -
4.1 北太平洋西側開放性大洋渦流之顆粒態有機碳通量 - 88 -
4.2 南海北部渦流之顆粒態有機碳通量 - 89 -
4.3 本論文研究工作的主要貢獻 - 91 -
4.4 未來研究工作展望 - 93 -
參考文獻 - 94 -
附錄A - 159 -
附錄B - 161 -
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