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博碩士論文 etd-0602115-204238 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0602115-204238
The Influence of Interdependence of China and Philippines on Philippine's Stance in Scarborough Shoal Standoff in 2012
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
different stance of Philippines, theory of interdependence, sensitivity and vulnerability, Scarborough Shoal standoff, Bilateral trade between China and Philippines
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5780 times, has been downloaded 42 times.
中國與東協在 2002 年簽署了《中國-東協全面經濟合作框架協議》(Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-Operation Between ASEAN and the People's Republic of China),加上原有與各國家間雙邊貿易,開始了更為深入的貿易往來,並形成更為緊密的關係。東協各國從中國的高速經濟發展與此一框架協議獲取直接或間接的幫助,使得自身經濟有長足的發展。但另一方面東協內部份國家也有著南中國海(South China Sea)領土主權爭議,因此成員國間形成既是競爭又是合作的情形。這些國家在與中國進行領土上的爭執時,似乎無法擺脫貿易依賴所形成的桎梏,造成自身立場隨著貿易不斷依賴而軟化,也讓中國隨時能夠動用貿易制裁來處理領土爭議。

Since 2002, the framework agreement on comprehensive economic co-operation between ASEAN and the People's Republic of China been signed. The combination of original bilateral trade agreement and framework agreement, maked trade and economic relationship of all countries have become deeper, nations of the ASEAN take benefits from China directly or indirectly, enhancing in their economic growth. However, there are South China Sea territory disputes between China and some of the ASEAN countries, the situation in these ASEAN countries and China are in the relation which is cooperative, but competitive at the same time. Because the dependence of trade, these ASEAN countries are unlikely to get rid of the influence of China in the territory disputes, and finally to change their stance from time to time. Moreover, China can use trade sanction as a tool in any time.

Philippines is distinct sample among these countries. In the thesis will try to prove this assumption by observing the variating stances of Philippines, and the theory of interdependent. Many evidence shows that Philippines try to break through the current situation on territory disputes, but there's a great possibility to be in vain. On the other hand, Taiwan (R.O.C), which is facing the same dilemma, may learn a lesson fromPhilippines, and finally overcome the unbalanced relation.
目次 Table of Contents

第壹章 緒論...................................................................................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的..................................................................................1
第二節 文獻回顧...........................................................................................4
第三節 理論架構...........................................................................................8
第四節 研究方法與架構................................................................................18
第五節 研究範圍與限制................................................................................21
第六節 章節安排..........................................................................................23

第貳章 中菲南海領土衝突發展與聲索領土之主張..............................................25
第一節 南海問題重要性................................................................................25
第二節 中菲雙方聲索南海區域領土之主張......................................................41
第三節 中菲黃岩島主權爭議.........................................................................52

第參章 相互依賴理論下的中菲貿易關係...........................................................60
第一節 兩國雙邊貿易分析.............................................................................60
第二節 菲律賓與中國在雙邊貿易下的敏感度與脆弱度......................................81
第三節 相互依理論下的雙邊貿易與權力運用...................................................90

第肆章 相互依賴理論下的菲律賓立場分析........................................................93
第一節 2002 年至 2012 年菲律賓相關發言與外交行為......................................93
第二節 2012 年黃岩島事件後菲律賓相關發言與外交行為................................104
第三節 從相互依賴理論觀察菲律賓之立場.....................................................121

第伍章 結論...............................................................................................127


圖 1-1: 研究架構與流程圖..............................................................................20
圖 2-1: 南海航道主要入口示意圖....................................................................31
圖 2-2: 亞洲石油輸入航道與地區比例示意圖....................................................32
圖 2-3: 亞洲液化天然氣輸入航道與地區比例示意圖..........................................33
圖 2-4: 南海爭議發展模式..............................................................................39
圖 2-5: 南海爭議參與行為者...........................................................................40
圖 2-6: 鄭和航海圖........................................................................................44
圖 2-7: 南海諸島位置圖.................................................................................46
圖 2-8: 中國聲稱主權主要依據—南海九段線....................................................47
圖 2-9: 菲律賓聲稱主權之範圍........................................................................50
圖 2-10: 南海領土聲索模式............................................................................51
圖 3-1: 2003-2014 年菲律賓對中國進出口總額占總進出口總額之比例................65
圖 3-2: 2003-2014 年中國對菲律賓進出口總額占總進出口總額之比例................67
圖 3-3: 2003-2014 年 菲律賓出口前三大貨品...................................................71
圖 3-4: 2003-2014 年 菲律賓進口前三大貨品...................................................75
圖 3-5: 菲律賓國民水準與勞動相關指標..........................................................78
圖 3-6: 菲律賓基礎建設相關指標....................................................................79
圖 3-7: 菲律賓對於中菲貿易關係之敏感度.......................................................82
圖 3-8: 2003-2014 年菲律賓對外貿易依存度....................................................83
圖 3-9: 菲律賓對於中菲貿易關係之脆弱度.......................................................85
圖 3-10: 中國對於中菲貿易關係之敏感度........................................................86
圖 3-11: 2003-2014 年中國對外貿易依存度.....................................................88

表 3-1: 2003-2014年菲律賓出口前五大國別與佔總出口比例..............................61
表 3-2: 2003-2014年菲律賓進口前五大國別與佔總出口比例..............................62
表 3-3: 2003-2014年菲律賓年出口資料...........................................................63
表 3-4: 2003-2014年菲律賓進口資料...............................................................64
表 3-5: 2003-2014年菲律賓對中國之貿易依賴度...............................................66
表 3-6: 2003-2014年中國對外進出口貿易資料..................................................68
表 3-7: 2003-2014年菲律賓主要出口產品........................................................69
表 3-8: 2003-2014年菲律賓主要進口產品........................................................72
表 3-9: 2003-2014年菲律賓對外貿易依存度.....................................................84
表 3-10: 2003-2014年中國對外貿易依存度......................................................89
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