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博碩士論文 etd-0605107-163523 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0605107-163523
Influences on the Work Quality and Life Satisfaction of the Staff in the CMA caused by the Organizational Changes
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee

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Date of Submission
Organization Transformation, the Quality of Work, Organization Transformation Awareness, the Contentment of Living.
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With respect to the combining program of ROC Military Academy, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, the ROCMA has been conducting organization transformation and personnel downsizing since 2005; however, due to the time constraint, the rashly conducting of those works mentioned above has caused sense of instability and pressures to most of the school staff and faculty members. Besides, it may also affect the work quality and living contentment of the school staff and faculty members.

This research, The Effect of Organization Transformation to the Work Quality and Living Contentment of the Organization Members, is focused on the school staff and faculty members of the ROCMA. It discusses the correlation between the organization transformation, the quality of work and the contentment of living, in order to provide the policy making element the references in making the follow up organization transformation policies avoiding the loss on the quality of work and the focus of living; therefore, the transformation policies could be implemented along with the improving of organization performance and the achieving of mission objectives. Through the focus group interview and questionnaires design, the following results are found, and they could be applied to the plan and personnel sections as references:

The research is focus on ROCMA staff and faculty members besides general officers. 400 surveys were sent out, and 362 of them are valid, so the valid survey return rate is 90.5%. The results are: 1) The variables of organization transformation and work quality are positively correlated. 2) The variables of organization transformation and the contentment of living are positively correlated. 3) The quality of work and the contentment of living are significantly correlated; in which, the quality of work is positively correlated with the contentment of living in the aspects of work autonomy, work significance and work versatility; in the aspects of work feedback and work developing, however, the correlation is not significant. The contentment of living is positively correlated with the work quality in the aspects of organization rules, group relationship, job security and work reorganization; in the aspects of work environment and welfare though, the correlation is not significant. The suggestions according to this research are as follows: the simplicity of transformation process and the management theory should be combined for the research object during the transformation period in order to increase the efficiency, minimize redundant works, and avoid lobbying for jobs so that every jobs can be took by suitable person; finally, the way to reach the perfection and increase transformation efficiency with all the organization members’ expectation is to correct exactly all the problems found during transformation period.

Key words: Organization Transformation, Organization Transformation Awareness, the Quality of Work, the Contentment of Living.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

中文摘要              i
英文摘要              ii
誌謝                iii
目錄             iv
圖目錄      vi
表目錄                     vii

第一章 緒論      1
1.1研究動機           1
1.2軍事院校面對組織變革的衝擊        2
1.3研究目的與範圍           4
1.4研究限制           4
第二章 文獻探討                   6
2.1變革現況說明         8
2.2組織變革探討         12
2.3工作品質探討      26
2.4生活幸福感探討        34
第三章 研究設計與調查問卷                50
3.1研究流程             50
3.2研究架構             52
3.3問卷內容設計            53
3.4研究假設            56
3.5研究對象              56
3.6研究工具             56
3.7資料分析            68
第四章 實證分析與研究發現    71
4.1組織成員的基本資料分析      71
4.2問卷測試受測對象對各構面認同度分析 73
4.3問卷統計各研究變項彼此關聯分析  76
4.4迴歸分析 88
第五章 結論與建議 93
5.1 結論   94
5.2 研究建議      96
參考文獻  101
附錄一 115
附錄二 122
參考文獻 References
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