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The effect of temperature on squamation of Cypriniformes in Taiwan
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water temperature, squamation, Balitoridae, Cyprinidae
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魚類鱗片數可以廣泛地用來作為形態上的描述,或用來作為分類的依據。鱗片數除了會受基因控制外,尚有許多外部因子如溫度、鹽度、光照、汙染,及內部因子如寄生蟲、甲狀腺素分泌量等都會影響鱗片數的變動。溫度是影響魚類鱗片數的外部因子之一,然而有關不同地區間魚類鱗片數差異的統計資料卻闕如。台灣因為地理環境獨特‚在狹小的三百公里範圍內‚密佈著許多條東西向近乎平行的河川,適合做不同水系間魚類鱗片數量差異與水溫關係的比較。本研究共選擇西部10條流域,7種鯉科(Cyprinidae)及2種爬鰍科(Balitoridae)魚類,在每一溪流中,每一種魚選取20尾標本,計算側線鱗、側線上鱗下鱗、前背鱗、圍尾柄鱗、尾鰭鱗等五部位的鱗片數,並與水溫資料作比較。統計結果發現粗首鱲(Opsariichthys pachycephalus)、長鰭鱲(O.evolans)、台灣石魚賓(Acrossocheilus paradoxus)、台灣鏟頜魚(Onychostoma barbatulum)、台灣馬口魚(Candidia barbata)、高身小鰾鮈(Microphysogobio alticorpus)、短吻小鰾鮈(M.brevirostris)、台灣間爬岩鰍(Hemimyzon formosanum)纓口台鰍(Formosania lacustre)等的側線鱗數在各流域間存在差異性(p<0.05)。除了長鰭鱲外,其他8種魚類側線鱗數與水溫間皆達顯著負相關(p<0.01)。一般而言,在適度的範圍內,溫度越高魚類的成長發育速度會較快。在水溫較高的環境中,鱗片會提前發育,鱗片發育階段時的體長較短,鱗片數因而比較少。本研究結果顯示,將側線鱗數按照各流域緯度由高至低排列,除了高身小鰾鮈、短吻小鰾鮈及石魚賓外,其餘6物種的側線鱗數在各流域間會有部分不重疊分布的情形。種內側線鱗數會在小地理範圍內即產生不連續性的差異。當要以側線鱗數作為分類特徵時,應多留意水溫變動對側線鱗數所造成的影響。
Scales are countable traits and widely used as morphological descriptions of fishes and as characteristics to distinguish different species. There is no doubt that differences of squamation can have a genetic cause. Because squamation occurs late in ontogeny, some external factors such as water temperature, salinity, industrial pollution,
illumination and internal factors such as thyroid hormones, and parasitism can contribute to the variation of squamation. Water temperature is one of the factors that may influence squamation. However, the variation of squamation between different rivers is hardly studied. Taiwan encompasses the unique geographical environment densely covered with parallel rivers within three hundred kilometers in narrow range, rendering Taiwan an ideal location to compare the relationship of squamation to temperature among different rivers in Taiwan. Seven cyprinids and two balitorids were collected from ten rivers,including their entire or major distribution range. Lateral line scales, transverse scales, predorsal scales, caudal peduncle scales, caudal fin scales of twenty specimens of each species from each river were counted. Correlation between water temperature and squamation was analysed using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient(SPSS statistics). Statistical results show that numbers of lateral line scales of Opsariichthys pachycephalus, O. evolans, Acrossocheilus paradoxus, Onychostoma barbatulum, Candidia barbata, Microphysogobio alticorpus, M.brevirostris, Hemimyzon formosanum, Formosania lacustre are significantly different among rivers(p<0.05). Except for O. evolans, numbers of laternal line scales of the other eight species are negatively correlated(p<0.01). It is hypothesized that fish scales develop faster in higher temperature and fishes start to squamate at earlier developmental stage with smaller body size. Given the same scale size, shorter body length would accommodate less scales and this would result in a negative correlation between scale number and temperature. Except for M. alticorpus, M. brevirostris and A. paradoxus, the other six species show discontinuous scale number among rivers. This implies that each of these six species may be split into more species if limited populations are examined. The present study show that laternal line scale number varies with water temperature. When lateral line scale number is used as diagnosis for new species, the interrelationship of scale number to water temperature must be taken into consideration.
Keyword: Cyprinidae, Balitoridae, squamation, water temperature
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要....................................................................................................................... iv
目錄.............................................................................................................................. viii
圖目錄........................................................................................................................... ix
表目錄........................................................................................................................... x
附錄............................................................................................................................... xi
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