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Title page for etd-0605117-002007
SEM observations of Taiwan gymnosperm leaf epidermis and their taxonomic implication
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Taiwan gymnosperms, leaf micromorphology, identification, SEM
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This study used scanning electron microscope to observe, record and compare 28 native gymnosperm species leaf epidermis morphology in Taiwan. Seven common cultivated alien gymnosperms, Calocedrus macrolepis, Juniperus chinensis, Pinus thunbergii, Pinus elliottii, Pinus luchuensis, Agathis dammara and Cryptomeria japonica were also included in observation and comparision as their leaves are very similar to native species. The characters observed included stomatomal distribution, stomatal line number, cuticulization degree, cell shape and arrangement, wall ornamentation, peripheral wall morphology, cuticular nails presence and silicon crystal distribution. The result showed that micromorphological characteristics of leaf epidermis are very useful in the identification of Taiwan gymnosperm family, genera and species. Two morphological similar and often confused Taiwan gymnosperm species pairs, Pinus morrisonicola and Pinus mastersiana, Pinus taiwanensis and Pinus massoniana, can be diferentiated with their very distinct leaf micromorphology.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ........................................................................... i
公開授權書 .......................................................................... ii
誌謝 .................................................................................... iii
摘要 .................................................................................... iv
Abstract ............................................................................... v
目錄 .................................................................................... vi
圖次 .................................................................................... ix
表次 .................................................................................... xi
第一章 前言 .................................................................... 1
第二章 研究材料與方法 ...................................................... 5
2.1 研究材料 ...................................................................... 5
2.2 研究方法 ...................................................................... 5
2.2.1 材料處理 ................................................................... 5
2.2.2 葉子外觀和表面微形態特徵觀察測量與比較 ............. 6
第三章 結果 ....................................................................... 7
3.1 Amentotaxaceae 穗花杉科 .......................................... 9
3.1.1 Amentotaxus formosana 台灣穗花杉 ....................... 9
3.2 Cephalotaxaceae 粗榧科 .......................................... 10
3.2.1 Cephalotaxus wilsoniana 台灣粗榧 ........................ 10
3.3 Cupressaceae 柏科 ................................................... 10
3.3.1 Calocedrus formosana 台灣肖楠 ............................ 10
3.3.2 Calocedrus macrolepis 翠柏 ................................... 11
3.3.3 Chamaecyparis formosensis 紅檜 .......................... 12
3.3.4 Chamaecyparis taiwanensis 台灣扁柏 ................... 12
3.3.5 Juniperus chinensis 清水圓柏 ................................ 13
3.3.6 Juniperus formosana 刺柏 ..................................... 14
3.3.7 Juniperus squamata 玉山圓柏(香青) ................. 14
3.3.8 Juniperus chinensis 真柏 ....................................... 15
3.4 Taxodiaceae 杉科 ..................................................... 15
3.4.1 Cunninghamia konishii 巒大杉(香杉) ................ 15
3.4.2 Taiwania cryptomerioides 台灣杉 .......................... 16
3.4.3 Cryptomeria japonica 柳杉 .................................... 16
3.5 Cycadaceae 蘇鐵科 .................................................. 17
3.5.1 Cycas taitungensis 台東蘇鐵 ................................. 17
3.6 Pinaceae 松科 .......................................................... 17
3.6.1 Abies kawakamii 台灣冷杉 .................................... 17
3.6.2 Keteleeria formosana 台灣油杉 ............................ 18
3.6.3 Picea morrisonicola 台灣雲杉 ............................... 18
3.6.4 Pinus mastersiana 台灣華山松 ............................. 18
3.6.5 Pinus morrisonicola 台灣五葉松 ........................... 19
3.6.6 Pinus massoniana 馬尾松 .................................... 19
3.6.7 Pinus taiwanensis 台灣二葉松 .............................. 20
3.6.8 Pinus fragilissima 天龍二葉松 ............................... 20
3.6.9 Pinus thunbergii 黑松 ............................................ 20
3.6.10 Pinus elliottii 濕地松 ............................................ 21
3.6.11 Pinus luchuensis 琉球松 ..................................... 21
3.6.12 Pseudotsuga wilsoniana 台灣黃杉(威氏帝杉). 21
3.6.13 Tsuga formosana 台灣鐵杉 ................................ 22
3.7 Podocarpaceae 羅漢松科 ........................................ 22
3.7.1 Nageia nagi 竹柏................................................... 22
3.7.2 Podocarpus costalis 蘭嶼羅漢松 .......................... 23
3.7.3 Podocarpus fasciculus 叢花百日青 ...................... 23
3.7.4 Podocarpus macrophyllus 大葉羅漢松 ................. 24
3.7.5 Podocarpus macrophyllus 小葉羅漢松 ................. 24
3.7.6 Podocarpus nakaii 桃實百日青 ............................. 25
3.8 Taxaceae 紅豆杉科 ................................................. 25
3.8.1 Taxus sumatrana 台灣紅豆杉 .............................. 25
3.9 Araucariaceae 南洋杉科 ......................................... 26
3.9.1 Agathis dammara 貝殼杉 ..................................... 26
第四章 討論 ................................................................... 27
4.1 柏科、屬及種的形態比較 ........................................ 27
4.2 松科、屬及種的形態比較 ........................................ 30
4.3 羅漢松科、屬及種的形態比較 ................................. 32
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