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博碩士論文 etd-0606105-004320 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0606105-004320
Analytical Essay On the operating mode of the “One priced chain stores”-A real life case of “R” sundry goods chain store
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One price, Five forces model, SWOT analysis, Chain store
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企業競爭內涵由傳統的體力競賽,轉化為品質、創意、創新、智財權、知識與速度的競爭。為強化競爭力,連鎖產業必須不斷創新研發,強化總部之策略管理與後勤支援能力,加速體系全面升級,以提升商品及服務之附加價值。Michael Porter說:「策略要不斷的改變,產品要不斷的創新」,連鎖產業要深度耕耘,創新突破,脫離低價值之產業活動,才能永續發展。
Retailers in the US and Japan are taking the lead where as retailers in Taiwan are working its way up to follow this lead. Consumption trend in Taiwan’s society is associated with these countries. Japan launched the so-called “one priced” chain stores in 1722 and the US began operating these sorts of chain stores in 1959. Taiwan hasn’t got involved in this “one price operating strategy” till recent years. Due to the fact that businesses are operating under a rapidly changing environments as well as facing great competition, a huge amount of enterprises are working towards an internationalized and diversified multinational company. The living standards in Taiwan have been improving over the years; consumers now tend to put more emphasis on the quality and services of the product rather than on the price of the product.
Government in Taiwan loosened the importing barrier and lowered the tariff in 1987. This action encouraged foreign companies to set up firms in Taiwan which has lead to a positive growth in Taiwan’s retailer industry. The retailer industry was booming in the 1990s where the price of the product was determined by the retailer rather than the manufacturer. Therefore, retailers such as convenience stores and chain retail stores were acting as an important role in leading it to success.
In comparison, these “one priced” chain stores are making slight amounts of profit on each item and that’s where the standard and efficiency matters. It provides customers with a pleasant shopping environment and it’s seen as a kind of mini department store. The expanding and diverse strategy that the company adopts enables the company to operate more efficiently than its competitors. The risks and availability of cash flow are under sustainable circumstances. Otherwise, it might result in expanding the economics of scale but miscalculating the capacity of the market. It is suggested that evaluation of the competitive advantage is essential prior to the company becoming a multinational company. Changes in the economical, social and business environments challenge the operator’s ability in dealing with these matters.
Businesses are turning from physical-oriented into product-oriented competitors and that is where quality, innovation and creativity matters. In order to enhance its competitiveness, chain stores must grow by continuously improving and innovating of the products; enhancing its strategic management and backup support to create the value added product and services for the customers.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
誌謝詞 vi
目 錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
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