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Title page for etd-0606105-230619
中間軸孔珊瑚(Acropora intermedia)的共生藻變動與白化的復原
Variations in zooxanthellae and recovery of bleached colonies in Acropora intermedia
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chlorophyll fluorescence, zooxanthellae, bleach, Acropora intermedia
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本研究監測比較台灣南部南灣核三廠入水口海域,數量豐富但曾發生白化之中間軸孔珊瑚(Acropora intermedia)未白化與白化群體的最高光效率(maximum quantum yield, Fv/Fm)、葉綠素a含量、共生藻密度與蛋白質含量。結果發現,未白化群體的Fv/Fm與單位共生藻葉綠素a含量呈顯著正相關;單位共生藻葉綠素a含量與共生藻密度在夏季最低,並分別與總日射量和溫度呈顯著負相關,顯示可能具有季節性變動,並主要受季節性變動的光照與溫度影響。白化群體在白化初期時,Fv/Fm、葉綠素a含量、單位共生藻葉綠素a含量、共生藻密度與蛋白質皆顯著低於未白化群體;而在復原時,共生藻密度、葉綠素a含量與蛋白質會顯著高於未白化群體,再下降而與未白化群體相似;Fv/Fm恢復與未白化群體相似;而單位共生藻葉綠素a含量則持續低於未白化群體,顯示珊瑚在復原的過程中,共生藻細胞數量快速增加,但單位共生藻葉綠素a含量穩定,並且不同生理參數反映的復原過程與意義不同。
The maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a concentration and protein concentration of non-bleached and bleached colonies of the reef coral Acropora intermedia were measured in inlet of The Third Nuclear Power Plant of Nanwan Bay in southern Taiwan. A significant positive correlation was found between Fv/Fm and chlorophyll a concentration per zooxanthellae of non-bleached colonies. The chlorophyll a concentration per zooxanthellae and zooxanthellae density of non-bleached colonies were lowest in summer, and were significantly negative correlated with total radiant heat and seawater temperature, respectively. This suggests that the seasonal variation exist, and they maybe regulated by seasonal fluctuation of radiation and temperature. The Fv/Fm, chlorophyll a concentration per cm-2, chlorophyll a concentration per zooxanthellae, zooxanthellae density and protein were significantly lower than those of the non-bleached colonies in the bleaching events. However, compared to the non-bleached colonies, zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a concentration per cm-2 and protein of bleached colonies were increased and significantly higher than those of non-bleached colonies, then decreased to similar level. However, Fv/Fm increased to similar level, but chlorophyll a concentration per zooxanthellae remained lower. It suggests that number of zooxanthellae rapidly increased while remained stable chlorophyll a concentration during recovery.
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參考文獻 References
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