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博碩士論文 etd-0606105-231609 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0606105-231609
Measurements and Three-Dimensional Modeling of Air Pollutant Dispersion in an Urban Street Canyon
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Street canyon, traffic produced turbulence, mobile source, air pollutant, Three-dimensional modeling
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本研究主要在探討三維尺度街谷中,流場與污染物濃度場之分佈特性。街谷高度為16公尺、寬20公尺、長60公尺,因此視覺比例AR = 0.8、L/W = 3,利用有限體積法建構街谷之網格區域,當風向垂直街谷時,以污染物排放係數法,應用RNG k- 紊流模式模擬街谷中的流場與濃度場,以了解在不同浮力條件、不同車行效應影響下,街谷中風速與污染物濃度之變化情形。
模擬結果顯示,三維尺度街谷指向水平軸的旋流中心,隨著與街谷出口的接近,會由街谷垂直截面中心偏向背風牆面,同時也另外觀察到指向垂直軸之水平旋流中心,這是與二維街谷很大的不同。垂直街谷風向導致污染物累積在街背風牆側,高度愈低,污染物濃度愈高,背風牆與迎風牆CO濃度之比值與風速有關,風速小於 0.7 m/sec下,比值為1.23;而在風速大於1.2 m/sec下,則比值可達2.03。而NOx與車流量規則性較小,CO將可做為移動污染源在街谷中影響程度之指標污染物。


具有浮力效應之三維尺度街谷,其璧面的溫度邊界層極薄,更多的空氣由側邊進入街谷中,當溫差 = 5 K時,背風面平均向上速度增加10%,迎風面向下速度減少28%,而街谷出口側邊平均速度增加1倍。污染物濃度以街谷中央最高,並向街谷出口遞減。比較非恆溫街谷與恆溫街谷,在溫差為5 K下,平均CO、NOx與SO2分別降低42%、12%與18%。

現場分析與模擬比對上,基本上互相呈現濃度相關性,在恆溫下,CO模擬值較實測值低11%~24%;NOx 22%~45%。當街谷內溫差為2 K時,僅計算街谷內車輛之排放量,模擬值約比量測值低29%~36%。而在溫差為5 K情況下,模擬值甚至比量測值低46%,這意謂更多的街谷外空氣進入街谷內稀釋污染物所造成的結果。另一方面,計入垂直街谷二端外道路車輛排放量時,模擬濃度值明顯較高。在恆溫街谷下,可提高污染物濃度約23%;如在街谷溫差2 K下,則可提高污染物濃度約19%。

In this study, Three-dimensional (3D) airflow and dispersion of pollutants were modeled under various excess wall temperature and traffic rate using the RNG k-ε turbulence model and Boussinesq approximation, which was solved numerically using the finite volume method. The street canyon is 60 m long (=L) and 20 m wide (=W). The height of five-story buildings on both sides of the street are about 16 m (=H). Hence, the street canyon has an aspect ratio (AR=H/W) of 0.8 and a length to width ratio of 3 (=L/W). Vehicle emissions were estimated from the measured traffic flow rates and modeled as banded line sources.
3D simulations reveal that the vortex line, joining the centers of cross-sectional vortices of the street canyon, meanders between street buildings. Notably, there is also a horizontal vortex within street canyon. Pollutant concentrations decline as the height increases, and are higher on the leeward side than on the windward side. The ratio of CO pollutants between leeward side and windward side is related to wind velocity. As wind smaller than 0.7 m/sec , the ratio is 1.23;however, the ratio is 2.03 with more wind speed above 1.2 m/sec. The CO concentration reveals that the predicted values generally follow the hourly zigzag traffic rate, indicating that CO is closely related to the traffic emissions in a street canyon.
The 3D airflow in the street canyon is dominated by both wind fields on buildings top and street exit. The 3D simulations reveal that air flux is 50% higher than 2D. Entrainment of outside air reduces pollutant concentrations, thus reducing concentrations of CO、NOx、and SO2 by about 51%、68% and 70% ,respectively.
Thermal boundary layers are very thin. Entrainment of outside air increases and pollutant concentration decreases with increasing heating condition. For T = 5 K, the upward velocity on leeward side increases by about 10%, Also, the downward velocity on windward side decreases by about 28 %. Furthermore, simulation showed that the averaged inflow speed in the lateral direction increases by about 100% as compared with T = 0 K. Hence, the pollutant concentrations with T = 5 K is ony 50% of those without heating.
Simulations are followed measurements in street canyon. The averaged simulated concentrations with no heating conditions are about 11~24% and 22~36% lower than measured for CO and NOx , respectively. For heating conditions and without outside traffic source, the averaged simulated concentrations with T = 2 K are 29~36% lower than the measurements. Even at T = 5 K , the concentrations are only about 54% of those without heating, due to the fact that pollutant dilution is enhanced by buoyancy force as to having more outside air entrained into the canyon. However, when traffic emissions outside two ends of canyon were considered, the simulated CO concentrations are 23% and 19% higher than those without outside traffic sources at T = 0 K and T = 2 K, respectively.
Traffic-produced turbulence (TPT) enhances the turbulent kinetic energy and the mixing of temperature and admixtures in the canyon. Although the simulated means with the TPT effect are in better agreement with the measured means than those without the TPT effect, the average reduction of CO concentration by the TPT is only about 5% at a given height and heating conditions. Factors affecting the variations between this work and other studies are addressed and explained.
目次 Table of Contents

摘要 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅱ


目錄 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅵ




第一章 前言
1.1研究緣起.....………………………………………………… 1-1
1.2研究範圍與目的 ..…………………………………………… 1-3
1.3 研究執行程序 …..……………………………………………1-3
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1機動車輛空氣污染物排放特性 …………………………….. 2-1
2.2街谷氣流擴散與傳輸特性 ………………………………...…2-6
2.3街谷交通特性 …..…………………………………………….2-9
2.4街谷中污染物分佈評估分析 …………….…….…………… 2-10
2.4.1 實場量測 ………………………….……………………. 2-10
2.4.2 風洞模型實驗 …..……………………………………….2-14
2.4.3 模式模擬 …..…………………………………………….2-17
第三章 三維街谷流場理論
3.1流場基本假設 ……… ………………………………………. 3-1
3.2制御方程式 ….………………………………………………. 3-2
3.3 紊流模式 ….………………………………………………… 3-4
3.4 車輛擾流模式 ….…………………………………………….3-7
3.5 車輛污染物排放率 ….……………………………………….3-9
3.6 車行擾流效應與壁函數 ….………………………………… 3-10
3.7 邊界條件 ………………………………………………..……3-13
第四章 數值計算方法
4.1 數值計算概述.....……………………………...…………..4-1
4.2 數值計算與程序 ..…………………………………………….4-2
4.3 數值方法解析 ..……………………………………………….4-6
4.3.1 離散化 ...……………………………………………….…4-6
4.3.2 數值計算方法 …..…………………………………….…4-11
4.3.3 壓力速度修正 ..……………………………………….…4-11
4.4 收斂基準 ..……………………………………………………4-13
4.5 後處理程序 ..…………………………………………………4-14
4.6網格安排 ..………………………………………………….…4-14
4.7 模式初始計算值輸入. …………………………………….…4-14
4.8 模式網格測試驗證 .……………………………………….…4-15
第五章 車流量調查與空氣污染物採樣分析
5.1街谷之幾何尺寸 ………………………………………….…...5-1
5.2 監測位置之設置與管線配置 ………………………….……..5-3
5.2.3 採樣時段…………………………………….……….…. 5-6
5.3 車流量調查 .……………………………………………….….5-7
第六章 結果與討論
6.1車流量測量結果 ..…………………………..…………….….6-1
6.2 街谷中車輛排放之空氣污染物推估…………..……………..6-6
6.2.1 CO排放量推估……………………………...…………….6-7
6.2.2 NOx排放量推估……………………………...……………6-10
6.2.3 SO2排放量推估………………………...…….…………6-13
6.2.4 全天街谷中車輛排放之空氣污染物排放量推

6.3.1 空氣品質背景濃度…………………..….…………...6-18
6.3.2 風速與風向……………………….………..………...6-19
6.4 三維街谷空氣污染物監測分析結果..………………………6-22
6.4.1 風向垂直街谷,街谷中空氣污染物水平分……………6-22
6.4.2 風向垂直街谷,街谷中空氣污染物垂直...………….6-28
6.4.3 風向平行街谷時,空氣污染物濃度分…………..……6-36

6.5 三維街谷中速度流場數值模擬
6.5.1 二維街谷…………..………………..….…………….6-37
6.5.2 等溫狀態之三維街谷..………………..….………….6-40
6.5.2 非等溫狀態之三維街谷………………..….………...6-49
6.6.1 等溫狀態之三維街谷.………...………………..…..6-64
6.6.2 非等溫狀態之三維街谷.………………..….…………6-72
6.7空氣污染物實際量測值與模擬值之比較 .………………….6-79
6.7.2 假設街谷非等溫狀態..………………..….………...6-89
6.9 本研究與其他研究之比較..……………………………….6-105
第七章 結論與建議
7.2 建議………………...………………………………………7-4
附錄 B
附錄 C
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