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博碩士論文 etd-0607100-204057 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607100-204057
Research of Neural Network Applied on Seabed Sediment Recognition
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signal Processing, Artificial Reef, Depth Sounder, Artificial Neural Network, Grain Size Analysis
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隨著人類工業化的加深,不僅對於海洋的污染日益嚴重,長久以來的濫捕濫撈,更對海洋生態造成毀滅性的破壞。為了不讓漁業資源枯竭,諸多計畫管理型漁業的概念順勢興起,其中又以海洋牧場(Ocean Ranch)最受世人矚目。要讓海洋牧場能夠成功運作,藉以復甦水中生機的關鍵在於人工魚礁的設置。其作法是先由岸上水產養殖單位孵育魚類幼苗,再施放到沿海區域,魚苗經由箱網養殖到一定大小之後,讓魚群棲息於人工魚礁,使得海洋牧場的構想不因魚群四散而失敗。當然,要設置人工魚礁,最重要的在於魚礁基礎是否穩固,因此施放地點的海床底質成分就需事先調查清楚。本研究計畫採取間接調查的方式,以主動式聲納—測深儀(Depth Sounder)發射聲波訊號,再分析由海床底質反射回來的訊號(Reflecting Signals),來瞭解人工魚礁施放地點的海床底質成分。

但是各種聲波訊號在水中的傳播過程中,受到海洋環境干擾與水中各種噪音滲入的影響,訊號本身雜亂不堪,因此在接收後必須接著進行適當的前置處理與頻譜分析,萃取出較具有代表性的特徵參數,進而分類並辨識出海床底質成分。而最後這分類與辨識的工作,本研究計畫是交由類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)來執行。類神經網路隨著電腦硬體科技、認知科學、生物科學與社會科學等相關理論的日益成熟,再加上傳統人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)技術發展遭遇瓶頸而再度獲得重視。類神經網路處理資訊的方式,跟人體大腦中的腦神經架構一樣,具有快速運算能力、高記憶容量、學習能力、容錯能力等特色,並具備歸納推廣、分散式平行處理、自我組織與自動調整的強大功能。面對數量龐大、雜亂無章的水下訊號,類神經網路算是既快速、又有效率的分析處理工具,因此已成為發展新一代人工智慧系統的重要技術。

在眾多網路運算模式中,本研究計畫決定採用目前最受廣泛使用的倒傳遞式(Backpropagation)學習演算法,作為類神經網路的主體架構。目的在於辨識出三種海床底質成分:細砂(或沈泥)(Fine Sand)、砂(Medium Sand)與岩石(Rock)。在聲波訊號的處理過程中,特徵參數的萃取是採用峰值選取的方式,將各種底質的峰值頻率參數導入類神經網路進行訓練與學習,再根據辨識結果與實際結果的偏誤關係,調整網路的權值,以達辨識成功率改進的效果,最後建構出確實可行的即時聲波訊號辨識系統。
Along with advancement of human industrialization, pollution in the ocean is getting worse. Moreover, the overfishing through the years has caused catastrophic damage to the ocean eco-system. In order to avoid exhaustion of fishery resource, many concepts of planned administrative fishery has become popular, and thereamong, ocean ranch draws the most attention. Artificial reef plays a key role in an ocean ranch, which starts with incubating brood fish in the laboratory. Often, the brood fish will grow in the cage near coast till proper size, then be released to the artificial reef. If fish groups do not disperse and multiply, the artificial reef can be considered successful. The success of the artificial reef relies on the stable foundation. Consequently, the composition of seabed sediment under the planned site should be investigated thoroughly before hand. This research introduced a remote investigation method, which an active sonar, depth sounder, was used to emit and collect acoustic signals. By using the signals reflected from the seabed, the sediment composition can be analyzed.

However, all acoustic signals are subjected to noise through propagation, and distorted somehow. Therefore, certain signal pre-processing should be applied to the received signal, and representative characteristics can be extracted from it. In this research, the recognition platform was built on artificial neural network (ANN) in this research.

Among many network algorithm modes, this research chose the widely used backpropagation learning algorithm to be the main structure in ANN. The goal of this research was to discriminate among three seabed sediments: fine sand, medium sand, and rock. During the signal processing, characteristics were extracted by using peak value selection method. Selected major frequency peaks were fed into the network to train and learn. According to partial error relation between recognition and practical result, weights of the network were adjusted for improving successful ratio. Finally, a reliable acoustic wave signal recognition system was constructed.

目次 Table of Contents



第一章 緒論…………………….……………………………………………….1

1.1 研究背景……………………………………………………..….………....….1
1.1.1 海洋牧場的源起…………………………………………………….1
1.1.2 人工魚礁的重要性………………………………………….………4
1.2 研究動機與目的…………………..……………………………….………….8
1.2.1 直接調查…………………………………………………………….8
1.2.2 間接調查…………………………………………...…………….….9
1.2.3 海下探測儀器介紹……..………….…………..…………….…….10
1.2.4 海床底質調查方式的比較………..…………….…………………11
1.2.5 海床底質聲學性質的研究歷史………………..……..….…..……12
1.2.6 台灣四周海床底質資料的蒐集……………………….….….……13
1.3 研究方法………….……….…………….……………………..……..……...14

第二章 訊號模式識別方法………………………………….………………...15

2.1 數位訊號處理與模式識別…………………...………………….……..……15
2.2 樣本映對的抽象表示法…………...……………..…..………….……..……16
2.3 模式識別系統內部架構…………………….…………………...……..……18
2.4 常用的模式識別方法……………………………………………………..…20
2.5 模式識別方法的比較………………………..….………………………..….23
2.6 類神經模式識別方法…………………………...………………………..….24

第三章 聲波訊號處理……………………………………….……………..….26

3.1 訊號取得…….……..……….…….…...………………..…....………...…….26

3.1.1 海洋三號……..…….………………………………………..……..26
3.1.2 測深儀……………………....………………………………..…….29
3.1.3 數位錄音機…..…….…………………………………….…..…….30
3.1.4 其他工具……..…….………………….……………………..…….31
3.2 訊號前置處理…….……..……….………….....………………….…...…….34
3.3 加窗與正規化處理……………………………….….…….…...…….....…...39
3.4 頻譜分析與特徵擷取…….…….…...……………..……....………...……....41
3.5 比對辨識…….……..……….…….…...……………..……....………...…….43

第四章 類神經網路……..……….………………………..…...………....……44

4.1 類神經網路的緣起…………………..…………………………...……….…45
4.2 類神經網路理論介紹.….……………………...………….…...………....….46
4.3 類神經網路的分類…..………………………………………...………….…49
4.3.1 以網路架構來分類………………………………………………...49
4.3.2 以學習策略來分類………………………………………………...50
4.4 類神經網路的特色…………………..……………………...…………….…53
4.4.1 快速運算能力……………………...……………..………….…….53
4.4.2 高記憶容量………………………………………………….……..55
4.4.3 學習能力…………………………………………………….……..55
4.4.4 容錯能力…………………………………………………….……..55
4.5 類神經網路的應用.…………………………..…..……………………….…57
4.5.1 依問題類型分類……………………….…………………….…….57
4.5.2 依應用領域分類…………………………………………….……..58
4.6 類神經網路程式撰寫……….…….….……………………………...………59
4.7 類神經網路模式選取……………….……………………………….………60
4.8 倒傳遞類神經網路……………….………………………………………….61
4.8.1 發展過程……………………………………………...……………61
4.8.2 網路模型………..……….……….…………………...….…….…..61
4.8.3 優缺點比較與問題討論………………………....……..…..……...64

第五章 底質粒徑分析…………………………………………….…………...68

5.1 沈降管分析實驗……………………………..………………………….…..68
5.1.1 原理………………………………………………………...………68
5.1.2 使用儀器與設備…………………………...………………...….…70

5.1.3 MacRSA程式系統的簡介…………………………………………71
5.1.4 實驗步驟一:樣本前處理…………………………………………72
5.1.5 實驗步驟二:快速沈降分析RSA實驗………………..………....72
5.2 庫爾特粒徑分析實驗……………….………....……………………………75
5.2.1 庫爾特原理……………..…………….……...……………….……75
5.2.2 庫爾特原理儀器特性……………………...………………………76
5.2.3 庫爾特LS系列—雷射粒徑分析儀……………………………….76

第六章 研究結果與比較……………………….……………………………...80

6.1 實驗結果……………………………………………………….………....….80
6.1.1 實海作業…..…….……..…………...…...………………….………80
6.1.2 室內作業……………..……………………….………....…….……83
6.2 類神經網路辨識結果……………………………………………….……….88
6.2.1 細砂的辨識結果……………………………………………………..90
6.2.2 砂的辨識結果…………………………………………………….….91
6.2.3 岩石的辨識結果……………………………………………………..92
6.3 結果討論……..………………………………………..……………...……...93
6.3.1 聲波頻率…..…….……..……………..…….….……...….….………93
6.3.2 分類辨識軟體…..…..……….………………….……...…….………94
6.4 結論與展望………………………………………………………...…..….....95




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