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博碩士論文 etd-0607109-170204 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607109-170204
The Strategic Study of The Customized Electronic Products - Company A as an Example
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the customized electronic products, the strategic study
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1.具有不斷創新的思維故與與IC供應商、EMS代工廠、銀行及1st Tier NB客戶保持長期夥伴合作關係。
(1) 一直沒有擁有工廠,但因與產能大的EMS工廠合作,所以不管在資產或負債比是具有正面的效果。
(2) 業界商譽良好,不會為了搶客戶而低價競爭破壞市場機制。
(1) 善用其人力資源,定期辦理教育訓練課程。
(2) 研發人員在業者的水準之上,大多是一人兼很多不同的產品線。
(3) 人員流動力較低,可以做好經驗傳承。
(1) 技術創新跟競爭者比較不一樣的朝向多樣化的產品發展,
(2) 產品開發速度快,可將不同產品迅速商品化。
(3) 扁平化組織,彈性大決策快。
(4) 組織學習類似變形蟲方式,因為不斷在學習。

While reviewing the global economy in the year 2008, the violent vibration of the raw material cost and the subprime mortgage issue, both resulted in financial Tsunami, and the negative effects are extending gradually.

While facing the severe global financial crisis and the unpredictable economic situation in the future, many companies on one hand, reduce capital expenditure, and decrease inventory to ensure long-term business operation, on the other hand, they also look for new markets, new business model, and new business strategy to create new aspects in a global competition.

While encountering the severest financial Tsunami, the Taiwanese electronics industry worries about their future. Therefore, this thesis is trying to take company A, whose main business is customization products, as a study case; and by studying the business strategies of company A, we expect to provide a successful reference model for Taiwanese electronics industry.

The conclusions of the thesis are as below:

The competitive advantages of company A are:
1. Maintaining long-term companionship and cooperation with the 1st Tier NB customers.
2. the excellent ability of product diversification and customization.
3. Flexibility on manufacturing.
4. Continued creative way of thinking.
5. Big Customers of diversification.
6. diversification of products creates 3 growing S curves.
7. Maintaining long-term cooperation with chipset venders, EMS factories and banks.

Profiting elements of company A on successful business operation:
1. reinforcing the strategic advantage of the diversified products.
2. strategic lowering on profit.
3. Developing more customers of different fields.
4. Continue to maintain long-term cooperation with chipset companies and NB customers.

Business strategy of company A on sustained competitive business model:
1. Products and Markets:
a. strategy: developing products on diversification.
b. Aiming at the target market on diversified operation.

2. Manufacturing: strategy of outsourcing production, the outsourcing factories need to possess the advantages as below: high producing ability, high quality, convenient local service, logistics management and flexibility.
3. Marketing/Service:
a. providing the customer a “total solution”, i.e. one-stop shopping service.
b. Cooperative design, development, and customization with the customer

4. Research and Development:
Proceeding design and R&D, aiming at the future developing trend and demands of the customers and IC companies.

5. Financing the Company
a. never lose money in doing business.
b. Not investing factories.
c. Control on customer’s A/R.
d. Keep cash flow positive.
6. International Expansion:
Following the customers’ steps, aiming at development of globalization.

Key words: customization, business strategy, competitive advantage, diversification
目次 Table of Contents
致謝詞 I
論文提要 II
中文摘要 III
Abstract V
目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍 3
第四節 研究章節架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 五力分析 5
第二節 價值鏈分析 10
第三節 資源基礎論 13
第四節 策略的類型 24
第五節 SWOT分析 27
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究流程 29
第二節 次級資料研究 30
第三節 個案研究 30
第四節 研究限制 32
第四章 競爭環境分析 34
第一節 個案公司背景簡介 34
第二節 個案模組產品市場應用面分析 35
第三節 五力分析 42
第四節 產業競爭者分析 44
第五節 客戶界面分析 47
第六節 供應鏈分析 49
第七節 資源比較分析 51
第八節 策略類型分析 54
第五章 客製化電子產品經營策略 56
第一節 A公司客製化電子產品策略 56
第二節 A公司之價值鏈分析 57
第三節 A公司之資源分析 60
第四節 A公司之SWOT分析 62
第六章 結論與建議 66
第一節 研究結論 66
第二節 建議事項 67
參考文獻 68
參考文獻 References
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