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博碩士論文 etd-0610118-110053 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0610118-110053
Numerical Study on Tracking Marine Litters in Taiwan Waters
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MEDSLIK-II, Marine Litter, Wind Drift, Drift, Taiwan Strait, Coastal
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5663 times, has been downloaded 41 times.
In most of the world’s oceans, marine litter is floating on the sea surface, and its number has also increased year by year. Due to the floating ability of plastic products and weathering, or sunshine will break into smaller pieces, there are often cases of marine organisms and seabirds eating inadvertently. Marine litter is defined as anthropogenic solid debris that has a negative impact on the marine environment and navigational safety. Because the current survey of marine or coastal waste is inefficient and costly, the rapid development of computer computing capabilities and the upgrading of data collection technology at sea in recent year, more studies have been conducted on the use of numerical models for calculation and prediction. In this study we used the MEDSLIK-II oil spill model to simulate the background area to discuss the distribution and trajectory of marine litter in the Taiwan Strait.
This study explores the case of the annual Taiwan Strait and the case of severe weather using model particles that simulate marine litter. From the case of the annual in the northeast monsoon period, most of the particles thrown out of the points of release were mainly drifting along the northeasterly wind and the flow field to the South China Sea area or stranded along the way. During the southwest monsoon period, the launch points in southern Taiwan were affected by the local topography, making most of the particles thrown at the launching point of the area stranded on the local coast, rather than the results of the transmission of most of the pellets from other launching points to the East China Sea region. At the non-monsoon period, due to the positive monsoon wind turning period, there is no trend of other monsoon periods in the Taiwan Strait internal flow field, making most particles in all regions put in a drift state. In the case of severe weather events, this study explored the phenomenon of particle trajectories in the event of a typhoon, and the comparison of the results with other literature also shows a certain degree of credibility.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論+1
1.1 研究動機+1
1.2 研究目標+2
1.3 研究流程與架構+2
第二章 文獻回顧+5
2.1 海洋垃圾定義與其問題+5
2.2 海洋垃圾之漂移現象+6
2.3 海洋垃圾之擱淺現象+8
2.4 海洋垃圾之受風現象+11
2.5 觀測海洋垃圾方法+13
2.5.1 海洋垃圾之現地實驗+13
2.5.2 海洋垃圾之數值模式+16
第三章 研究方法+23
3.1 MEDSLIK-II (Bruciaferri et al., 2015)+23
3.1.2 軌跡方程式及模式變數+24
3.1.3 對流擴散方程式+26
3.2 理想案例+27
3.2.1 理想案例設定+28
3.2.2 理想案例量化設定+29
3.2.3 理想案例結果+30
3.3 模式背景場資料蒐集+32
3.3.1 HYCOM+32
3.3.2 CFSR+34
3.3.3 OCM2+37
3.3.4 Etopo1+38
第四章 結果與討論+41
4.1 全年台灣海峽海洋垃圾分佈案例+41
4.1.2 案例設定+43
4.1.3 案例結果+47 東北季風期之台灣海峽內顆粒堆積狀況+48 西南季風期之台灣海峽內顆粒堆積狀況+50 非季風期之台灣海峽內顆粒堆積狀況+53
4.1.4 與實際擱淺垃圾比較+55
4.2 劇烈天氣事件海洋垃圾漂移堆積案例+58
4.2.1 莫拉克颱風案例+59
4.2.2 梅姬颱風案例+61
4.3 綜合討論+62
第五章 結論與建議+65
5.1 結論+65
5.2 建議+66
附錄一 2016年每月台灣海峽平均流場圖+77
附錄二 2016年每月台灣海峽平均流場圖+79
附錄三 2016年每月台灣海峽河川投放點熱點圖+81
附錄四 2016年每月台灣海峽城市投放點熱點圖+83
附錄五 2016年每月台灣海峽河川投放點濃度圖+85
附錄六 2016年每月台灣海峽城市投放點濃度圖+88
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