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博碩士論文 etd-0611101-135932 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0611101-135932
The Role of the Public Sector in the Innovation Process of the Swedish Mobile Telecommunication Industry
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
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public sector, Sweden, innovation, mobile telecommunication, Ericsson
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全球無線通訊產業蓬勃發展,瑞典產業的耀眼表現,皆為舉世有目共睹。在一探瑞典成功發展的關鍵因素後,研究發現,政府部門對於瑞典無線通訊產業之發展影響甚多,可以說瑞典手機產業之發展史,即為瑞典電信管制機構Televerket (即今日Telia) 與易利信的合作發展歷程。本研究的目的,在於探討政府對於科技創新之影響,並以動態創新系統之角度,研究政府部門如何辨別利用因新科技及高科技產品所產生的創新機會,進而提升瑞典整體之國家競爭力。本論文主要研究範圍為無線通訊之系統設備,全篇奠基於一個基本假設,若國家能將其所有之資源及精力,置於創新機會較多之高科技產業,比如無線通訊產業,與其他國家專注於創新機會比較少的產業比較起來,則這國能享有因創新機會較多,所帶來的相對國際競爭優勢,進而促成國內經濟成長。
在傳統創新理論中,對於政府在科技創新中扮演的角色,著墨不多,根據本研究整理發現,一般理論中認為,政府在科技創新的過程中,皆應扮演預應 (proactive) 的角色,擔負起更積極的責任,但是對於基進創新 (radical innovation) 產生的基本推論,理論中僅將其視為 ” 意外獲得珍寶之運氣 ” (serendipity),認為創新的產生,是技術突變的結果。然而對於這樣的理論基礎,無法解釋過去瑞典電信管制機構 ”Televerket”,對於瑞典無線通訊產業發展之影響。因此,本論文提出一個新的模式來解釋在瑞典觀察到的現象,此一模式著重政府部門對於科技創新發展之遠景,並以其技術能力發展預期性(anticipatory)的科技政策,帶領產業發展,塑造出國家獨特的產業競爭力。
論文中以北歐行動通訊(NMT)與全球行動通訊(GSM)二協定為實證案例,推得對於基進創新有利的環境,在於有遠景及技術能力之政府部門,制訂統一之技術規格,在公開競爭下利用政府科技採購為工具,創造一個有競爭力的產品生產市場,同時與國際相關產業之利害團體及國內外研發機構與計畫緊密合作,在創新的過程中扮演”創業者”(entrepreneur)、”誘發者”(catalyst)、”有能力的使用者” (competent user)等不同的角色,以利於國內創新的發展。

The purpose of this paper is to use a dynamic view of systems of innovations in order to explore the roles of a public sector in identifying innovative opportunities introduced by new technologies and new high tech products and shaping the competitive advantages of Sweden. This thesis is limited as to the field of good products in the mobile communication industry. Basing that if a country can specialize, put and allocate all of its efforts in the mobile telecommunication industry, the country could possibly enjoy better economic growth and competitive advantages comparing with other countries specialized in other less promising industries.
While deducing contemporary innovation theories, the conflicts and contradictions are notified between the proactive roles assumed by the government sector in creating innovations and traditional views concerning the appearing of radical innovations. According to those theories, the public agencies are proposed to assume more responsibilities in creating innovations, while the sources of innovations are merely considered as a result of “chance” or “serendipity”. A proactive view in articulating the roles of the government agencies is illustrated in this thesis in the respects of the intentions of technical developments.
Using NMT and GSM standard development process as empirical cases, it is concluded that circumstances are favorable for radical innovations where a competent public sector agency with visions places procurement orders based on transparent competition and open standards or technical specifications, coupled with a competitive producer market. In the meanwhile, while working closely together with international standardization institutions and taking part in R&D projects, the pubic sector plays a different role, namely, as an entrepreneur, a catalyst, and a competent user, in the innovation process of the mobile telecommunication development.

Key Words: Innovation, Sweden, Mobile Telecommunication, Public Sector, Ericsson, NMT, GSM

目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Scope and Process 4

2 Why Sweden? 10
2.1 High techology vs. High growth 12
2.2 Competitive advantages of Sweden in telecommunication. 20
2.3 Actors in the development process of the mobile systems. 27
2.4 Historical perspective of the Swedish mobile telecommunication. 29
2.5 Factors to create worldwide standards. 34
2.6 Televerket and Innovation opportunities 37

3 Public sectors in innovation system 41
3.1 Linear model of innovation and Systems approaches to innovation. 42
3.2 System approaches to innovation 45
3.3 Roots of Systems of Innovation approaches---Interactive Learning Theory, Evolutionary Theory, Institutional Perspective. 64
3.4 Views in systems approaches of innovation towards roles of public sectors. 70
3.5 Traditional views regarding the sources of innovation 74
3.6 The roles of a public sector in facilitating innovations 79
3.7 Conceptual framework 88

4 The role of the Swedish agents 89
4.1 The competences of the main Swedish actors 90
4.2 NMT development model and its relevant actors 99
4.3 GSM model and its relevant actors 107
4.4 Overview of the development for both NMT and GSM standard. 113
4.5 Industrial cluster and climate of competition in the Swedish telecommunication development model 114

5 Conclusion 119
5.1 Management and policy implications 119
5.2 Linkages to the Diamond Model 129
5.3 Research limits and Further Development 134

Appendix 135

Reference 136

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